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kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - Printable Version

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kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - teef - 04-01-2021

He'd been absent for some time, having left the group for a while in a vain attempt to feed the hunger burning inside of him, a hunger he couldn't sustain on the normal foods of the group. He needed something else, a prey animal that wasn't so much prey but predator. He'd heard complaints as he returned, complaints about the lack of security on their borders. There was a new face but he had met them already, there were always new faces and it usually meant a time of strength and growth for The Frostblown.

Grinding his teeth together as he walked towards the Fire-Kissed Stones, his paws aching to get back into his forge, to get the fire going and the bellows blowing. He missed the simple work, he knew what he was doing there - his work was incomparable, his work was well-proven. A lifetime ago in a land so different and twisted from this land - he had been a renowned blacksmith, his works had been vied and fought over, so many had spilt blood in order to own one of his blades.

Now times were different but he didn't quite mind. He had memories to keep himself entertained, to keep his mind on different things from the hunger cursing him. Today was a different thing - he was answering questions today and he was going to teach his group a new skill that they might not know. Shouldering open the wooden door to his forge, he would light the fire within it, letting it warm the boulder of lava it had been hewn from long ago, his door propped open. Standing in the door way with his gaze on the sky, as if waiting for snow that would not come, he would give an easy breath, the lingering chill frosting his breath in the air.

Clearing his throat, he would open his jaws and roar a summons, "COME AND LEARN HOW TO FASHION YOUR OWN WEAPONS!" he thundered, a shudder ringing through him as he heard his voice glancing off the flanks of The Five Sisters, echo fading out into the trees. They would come eventually, and for those who had interest, he would teach them to forge their own weapons should they be brave enough, or to make use of their surrounds and what nature provided them.

Re: kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-03-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
Horizon wasn't really concerned about the group's security, though that may be because the devil didn't entirely feel unsafe. He was far away from Caesar (he assumed at least) and as such, for Horizon, there wasn't much to really feel worried or scared of. But that didn't mean he wasn't interested in making his own weapon, though. With an excited smile on his face, Horizon came over to where Auberon was and took a seat. "Hell yeah, let's get started!" He barked.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - teef - 04-06-2021

chuckling as he was rewarded by the sight of the devil, he gave a grin to him, "good day to you too, horizon.", he would rumble as he turned to fully look at the devil. no point in waiting for others - if they had interest, they would come along with time. a sound akin to a purr rumbled from him, content that someone had shown interest in this plan. clearing his throat as he turned back to the insides of the forge, "let's start with what you want to make. what kind of weapon are you looking at creating for yourself? i specialize in blade work though i've tangled in other crafts so i can aid you.", he would speak.

picking up an empty basket, he would return with it, "first, we're going to need some natural materials. if you're looking for a blade work such as a dagger or longer blade like a sword, it would be best to use either an antler or wood for the handle. if we're making a spear or staff, we can make a metal rod or we can find a thin enough sapling to use for the wood. a bow would be made primarily of wood.", he would inform the other, not sure if he knew such things or not, "we already have the ores and chunks of metal necessary in my forge, we just need the rest of the things to go with it."

Re: kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-06-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
Horizon didn't know a lot about foraging his own weapon but it was something that interested him, hence why he was so quick to come over at Auberon's call. The devil listened to the Sage's words, his tiny ears flicking in thought. "I'd probably just want a small dagger for right now." Something he could keep on him easily. Oooh, He added to himself. Maybe I can make a sheath for it too.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - teef - 04-09-2021

A dagger hm? Easy enough to craft, then. As time progressed, the other could always create another weapon to keep himself entertained and his needs met. Ear flicking as he hummed, blinking as he thought, "alright. I believe that I have some materials within my forge, come inside. I'm going to need your help in crafting this, if you don't mind, horizon", came the deep rumble from the sage, his ears pricking upwards. Entering his forge, he would begin to rummage through the piles of materials he had within upon hewn shelves.

Rough the cough that erupted from his lungs, snorting as dust tickled his throat, his paws finding the niche he had been searching for. Withdrawing woven basket he brought it to the oak table within the forge, setting it down so Horizon could pick through the selections of wood chunks and pieces of antlers, strong and sturdy bases to the weapon that would be made shortly. Looking around himself, he would add more to the fire, grinning at it as it flared slightly, hungrily accepting the new offerings of charcoal and wood.

Re: kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-10-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
"Sure, no problem." Horizon quickly barked in response, following after the Sage to their forge in silence. Horizon's ears pricked at Auberon's cough, mostly out of concern, but fortunately he seemed to recover from the little coughing fit just fine. Not that Horizon thought Auberon was old, or anything. Horizon dug through the materials that Auberon placed, picking up one of the antlers that he really liked. "Would this one work?"
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: kissed a stranger in a white dress ❂ weapon making less(o)ns - teef - 04-11-2021

Upon his selection of the antler, the Sage would step closer to inspect it. Sewing few blemishes or fractures within the antler, he would bow his head, "It is well. It should do just fine for it's use, a good choice.", he would rumble softly. "A dagger made for use by one.", he would hum in thought, slipping around the smaller male easily.

Though his coughing fit had subsided, he could feel the tickling deep within his own throat, throwing him off balance internally. A bit annoying, not truly of concern to him what with the season. Bringing down another basket filled with an assortment of ores and raw chunks of stone, he would bring it to the same workspace as the first basket. "Ores will not look the same, but within them lies the necessary metals. Alas, we can craft a dagger from stone, though such creations are decorative and serve little purpose in battle or strategic use."