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my turn now // o, sacrifice - Printable Version

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my turn now // o, sacrifice - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-01-2021


he hadn't accepted cleopatra's offer of prey. it was drilled into him to hunt, alone, murmur a prayer before feasting. hunting would be tricky here, he didn't know what kind of food the territory boasted. as long as there were cows, chicken, sheep or goats. and the fish that lorelei gathered with her rotting fresh. those were all halal.
lo and behold, a low grunt to his right caught his attention, turning his head and parting his jaws to track the scent. it was something he wanted- something he was allowed to eat. thank Elohim his religion allowed him to be a carnivore. the kill was clean, smooth. the animal didn't feel any pain and the hellhound dipped his head, almost lying prostrate in front of the kill. "bismillahi wa 'ala baraka-tillah" was murmured, a small chanting song, all thoughts clearing from his mind and only focusing on slicing up the prey in front of him. perfect size to feed a hungry man, he mused with a small grin before dipping his head and tearing into the food.
tasted nice. he stood up, blood dripping from his maw. "Alhamdulillah il-lathi at'amana wasaqana waja'alana Muslimeen." another prayer as he shut his eyes, resting on his haunches.



Re: my turn now // o, sacrifice - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-05-2021

Fragglerock was an herbivore, through and through. He had never thought about killing another creature, and whenever someone mentioned eating one, he found himself recoiling. It wasn't that he had anything against carnivores, or omnivores. He simply didn't have the tools for eating meat, nor did he really have hunting skills. He supposed he was perfectly capable of hunting very small things, if he needed to, but... he didn't. Perhaps he would try at some point if prey was scarce, but seeing as everyone else around The Golden Eye seemed to be quite the capable hunter, and most of them hunted for themselves, he felt that it wasn't really needed.

Additionally, Fraggle wasn't really religious, either. Once again, he had nothing against religion, he just hadn't really found anything that resonated with him, yet. Perhaps his family had believed in something, but... there was really no way for him to know, at this point. As a result of this, the young rabbit found himself vaguely confused when he came across Damion that day. It wasn't a surprise that the other had hunted and was eating something, but the words he was saying sounded foreign and odd to Frag's young, feathered ears. After a moment of hesitation – unsure if he wanted to interrupt the other's meal or not – the boy eventually hopped over. Coming to a stop nearby, he questioned lightly, "Hello, Damion... what was that thing you were saying a minute ago? It didn't sound like any language I know." The concept of prayer was still an unknown to the youngling. Technically Cleo had prayed to her own god when she had done her sacrifice, but he hadn't exactly been in the state of mind to realize what she was doing. Instead, he had just been horrified.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: my turn now // o, sacrifice - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-05-2021


he was feeling pretty full after the meal and contend after the prayer, so had his lids half-shut and was dozing off slightly, his nostrils flaring slightly to taste the air. the fur on his neck fanned out quickly as he noticed someone approaching steadily albeit hesitantly. fragglerock. the bunny he had no opinion to yet but this interaction would tell. did he want to turn this ugly? everything depended on the other.
a greeting, that's nice, at least. a simple hello that trailed off but he didn't care. he let his optics fall shut slightly, take a deep breath. the herbivore asked him what he was doing, what the language was, and he opened his eyes in surprise, lobes swiveling alongside his head to face the child. "i doubt you'll understand arabic, fragglerock. it's quite a difficult language  to
learn but I was born with it."
a small chuckle, friendly, left the hellhound. but he was fine, content. the food was good, the prayer successful. "i was praying..." he trailed off in thought. how was one supposed to explain religion to someone? so he didn't say anything else because the bunny didn't ask anything else, save a gentle, "you need something from me, fraggle?"



Re: my turn now // o, sacrifice - ARLO M. - 04-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
It seemed sacrifices were quite common within the group already. The scent of blood thick in the ear, the low murmur of prayer. Arlo was taking a day off from flying about- he felt a bit under the weather. With a sniffle and a slow walk over, Arlo wasn't surprised to see Damion. However, he was very surprised to see the young rabbit. With his ears perking, Arlo picked up his step gently.

Arlo looked at the animal for a moment, before back towards the two of them. He wasn't surprised in the least to see the gore, after all, the hellhound had quite the set of teeth on him. "Quite interesting to see religion in practice. I haven't really practiced myself." Arlo noted, his tail swaying behind him.


Re: my turn now // o, sacrifice - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-07-2021


the vanguard approached curiously, something dark in his gaze that caused the hellhound to knead his paws into the ground in concern, but forced a smile on his maw due to the young child next to them. "hey arlo." came the quiet greeting from the beast as he noticed a surprised glimmer flicker in the others' eyes. presumably at fragglerock.
arlo mentioned it was interesting seeing religious practises, and that caused damion to frown. he was doing what he did every day ever since he was born, not intentionally setting up a performance so everyone can gawk at him. his prayers were supposed to be private. well, private enough that he could pray and eat without somebody coming up to say "to see it in practise".



Re: my turn now // o, sacrifice - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-08-2021

Arabic. Fraggle couldn't remember hearing of such a language before, but that wasn't particularly surprising. At the moment, the only language he knew was English, and he still felt as though he was learning new things about it every day. He certainly felt interested in learning a second language someday, but for now he was merely focused on learning to read, first. He wanted to be able to communicate with Aesior more easily, and reading and writing seemed to be the way to do that. Although Frag didn't understand Arabic – and had no intentions of learning it anytime soon – it certainly did seem to be an interesting language. Not to mention a rather beautiful one to listen to. So, with his ears twitching slightly, the rabbit replied cheerfully, "Oh, Arabic? I've never heard of that before, but... I haven't learned about many languages yet, honestly. It sounds very pretty, though." The prayers did, at least. He couldn't really say much about the language as a whole just yet.

Just as the youngling was about to explain that he had come over because of curiosity, rather than any kind of need, Arlo ended up coming over. The vanguard's presence both put Fragglerock at ease and caused him to clam up, not wanting to interrupt anything he had to say. However, he couldn't help but feel as though his presence – and Arlo's as well – wasn't completely appreciated by Damion. While the other wasn't being outright rude, it was clear that he had been looking forward to a meal, and some privacy. Wanting to respect that, Frag simply waved a paw at both Damion and Arlo, tail twitching as he spoke once more, "Uh... no, I don't think I had anything I needed! I was actually just about to head on my way! Bye Damion, bye Arlo!" The young rabbit then turned and hopped off, figuring Damion would be glad to have some peace. Hopefully Arlo would get the message as well, since Fraggle would hate for a fight to break out.

( out unless stopped !! )
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]