Beasts of Beyond
BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Printable Version

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BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - angelembrace - 03-31-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Too many things happened recently, far too many things. The mudslide hit and dismantled the stability that Angel didn't even have the chance to enjoy, and in the fallout of that ( and Sojourn going poof ), his family was totally shattered in half. Jormungand was exiled for dragging the woman of Tanglewood all the way over and causing absolute mayhem, which the cub could have understood given some time, but Hydrostatic and Asmodeus had elected to follow behind, perhaps because of Aphra's incredible lack of motherly instinct. He got that too, but Angel refused to leave. He wasn't sure why, he just felt too nervous about up and leaving so soon, and had a heavy feeling in his gut that a child who struggled enough as it was to do the simplest of adolescent things, like cause minor trouble and whatnot, would not make that trip.

There were other reasons as well, for sure, Angelembrace had no interest in uprooting what little bit of connection he had to this place and those in it, and as much as he loved his father, his brothers, he could not follow the man who'd caused damage and bloodshed in good conscious. And he would not allow Aphra to be given the chance to revel in her victory of getting rid of all three boys, his spite was quickly forming within his little baby heart.

Whatever the reason, it did not prevent the overwhelming stress and subsequent reaction that was far too great for someone like him, and the jaguar cub could be found stumbling outside mumbling incoherently to himself as if he had hit his head or caught a fever, right before collapsing and successfully blacking the fuck out, light colored eyes rolling up into the back of his skull almost, a sight that would have fascinated him had it happened to literally anyone else but himself.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Byriath - 03-31-2021

It was a very rocky time after the mudslide. Not knowing if Sojourn was going to wake up or not, having to set up temporary camp, having to make sure everyone was okay, Jor fucking up his stay and being exiled, two of his three kids leaving. There was... a lot, even for the Guru. It was hard for him to keep an eye on everyone and, well, how else would this had happened.

He was entering camp when he saw AngelEmbrace fall. The Xeno gasped, trotting over to him. "AngelEmbrace? BOy, are you okay?" He touched his nose gently to the boy's forehead, trying to see if he was running a fever. He then tried to nudge his shoulder, trying to wake him up or something. "Come on, boy.. Don't drop on me now."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-01-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Aphra was glad to see two of her three Jormungand kids gone. She was a little disappointed to see that Angelembrace stayed here in the Coalition, but she supposed it was his decision and not his father's, after all. It wasn't like she was going to raise Angel, she was done with him ever since he weaned and was able to actual eat food rather than beg for milk.

Hell, the fact that Jormungand even came here in the first place had irritated Aphra. She didn't want him here and was instead just gonna leave his kids at the border of The Pitt once they weaned, but alas he wanted to come to the Coalition. But it was a massive mistake, seeing as the guy got exiled from the group. A group he hadn't even officially joined. That was funny.

"What's happening now?" Aphra's tone was flat as she approached Byriath looking over her son laying on the ground. She had seen her son collapse and honestly, wasn't entirely surprised given how the bastard had been born. Weak, feeble. Of course he wouldn't be able to survive out here long, especially after such a traumatic event. She didn't touch or prod Angelembrace, mostly because she was sure that Byriath would try to bite her paw off or something.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - trojan g. - 04-01-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Ruven hadn't been around for any of the stuff that the majority of the Coalition was worried about, nor had he asked. He saw that there were many around that seemed on edge, but he hadn't figured out if that was normal yet or not, and he noticed that there were many places that were just dirty, covered in dried up mud and leaving bits of the territory unexplorable. He thought it was just something they liked to have for whatever reason, but was a little bit grossed out about the fact that so many seemed to just accept it. He would have thought that in a group that there would be at least one that wanted things clean and kept things so, so the child didn't understand how things had gotten this way and been kept as such.

It didn't much matter, considering he'd decided to stay anyway. His new caretaker was here after all, and he didn't want to leave her alone in this place, just in case the one that had killed his parents came back for revenge. He had to protect Sojourn. The sight of another child in the camp of the Coalition caused Ruven to begin to make his way over, a smile on his maw as he was about to introduce himself. "Hi!" He began, soon getting cut off as she fell over and his eyes went wide. What the hell was wrong with this place? Ears flattened to his head as he ran up to the two others that were there, looking over at Byraith for a moment before looking back at Angelembrace, "Will he be okay? I wanted to say hi..." He didn't want the one other kid he had seen to just die the second he got there, then he wouldn't have a friend.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - angelembrace - 04-01-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── When he opened his eyes again, the sights and sounds that had manifested before him were much too intense for the first few seconds. Angel squinted, rubbing his head with a paw and frowning when he thought he felt a headache coming on. Byriath was there, unsurprisingly, as well as Aphra and the boy from before, trotting behind Sojourn. Well this wasn’t a pretty first impression.

”Ow.” Was the first thing out of his mouth as his brain processed that he’d fallen over and thunked his head, which would partially explain the headache. He rolled onto his paws, making an attempt to sit up, though his legs still felt weak and like they’d come out from under him again. ”I’m sorry, I think I missed something. What happened?” Angel asked, mostly towards Byriath but would take an answer from anyone who had it. He blinked a few times, trying to readjust. How embarrassing.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - trojan g. - 04-01-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]It seemed as though before Ruven would get his answer from Byraith, he'd get an answer - sort of - from Angelembrance himself. A sigh of relief left the five month old's maw as he looked down at the younger male, listening to his words. "You fell over," He would state, "And it was like you were asleep!" Passed out, unconscious, the words didn't come to him, simply asleep. It was sort of true after all.

He looked between those there for a moment before finally sitting down in front of Angel, eyes seeking the other male's for a moment, staring, before he finally spoke. "You're okay now I think," He would state, unsure of himself for just a moment. Angel was awake now and didn't look to be hurt, he wasn't bleeding or anything so that was fine right? "Since you're awake now I can finally let you know that I'm Ruven, and I wanna be your friend." He offered the other a smile as soon as the words were said, waiting for an answer. He wanted a friend his age, and Angel seemed to fit that criteria.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Byriath - 04-01-2021

Byriath felt his fur prickle at Aphra's arrival. She had quite the audacity to walk to the three and ask what was happening. He knew she didn't care and it made him angry. But when Angel woke up the Guru let go a breath he didn't know he was keeping. Relief washed over him for a moment and then he looked at Ruven. He nodded. "Indeed. You gave me a scare, boy. How do you feel?" He blinked, looking Angel over to see if anything was off. 

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - angelembrace - 04-01-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Angel listened to the gaps filled in by Ruven, nodding his head intermittently as the other boy spoke. He knew he hadn’t fallen asleep, but he woke up, leaving the only remaining explanation of perhaps blacking out, if his assumptions were correct. He closed his eyes once more for a few moments, expecting a snarky comment from Aphra that he hoped wouldn’t come, and she would mind her tongue in front of Byriath at the very least. A small exhale left his nostrils as if he would have kicked himself for allowing his body to do something like that in front of his forever disappointed mother. Not that he had the choice, but all the same, she had witnessed it and that was quite frustrating when he was doing his best to try and convince her somewhat that he was no weakling.

On the bright side, however, Ruven’s offer of friendship seemed to lift his spirits, a subtle change in the way he held his shoulders and a brighter look in his eyes. ”Angel. I’ll gladly be friends with you.” He returned the smile, brushing all pessimistic thoughts to the back of his mind.

”My head hurts a little bit, but I think I’m okay?” The jaguar responded to Byriath, covering his mouth with a paw apologetically. He hadn’t meant to scare anyone, stupid thing he was. ”I’m sorry, Byriath.”

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - rhosmari - 04-02-2021

These last few days had been glazed over with erratic thoughts for the woman. She hadn't been here to support the group, she had lost. Something that troubled her and ate at her being. She should never lose to anything, not even nature. But she had to heal and get used to this body she had now taken for herself. She could still hear the whispering thoughts of what used to live in here and she had to figure out how to get rid of them. She didn't need distractions in her head. As she ventured forth from the temporary camping ground she saw the child fell. Though she didn't come over immediately the only reason she did was because her son was there. Ruven who had managed to worm his way into her cracked and broken heart.

The leopardess made her approach, noting that Byr was already on the scene. He seemed to be making sure that everything was alright. But the Kingpin could still make her own assumptions and give advice. After all these times had been trying on them all. "Maybe you should be resting, Angel. There isn't much of a need to be doing anything right now anyway." Just rest and let normalcy fall back into place.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Cosmic - 04-03-2021

Sojourn is right. Resting isn’t a bad idea. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He felt a kind of protectiveness over Angel since he first met the cub, and he seemed to have gotten along well with his own children Katsuki and Astraea. In addition, the poor kid didn’t seem to have any parental figures involved much in his life, and if nothing else, Devraj wanted to do what he could to help the cub. Being left to Aphra was a recipe for disaster.

I’m sure Astraea and Katsuki would appreciate your company, if you wanted to rest up with friends.” Perhaps an odd statement, but he couldn’t quite form the words necessary to express what he was trying to say. But maybe he had said what he needed to? Either way, he was glad Angel was safe, and grateful for Sojourn and Byriath’s presence to keep him calm around Aphra. That woman did not deserve the title of ‘mother.’

Do you need help walking? I could carry you if you need it.” Devraj’s tone was softer than usual, but fatherly. He just wanted the kid to be safe.