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Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - Printable Version

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Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - SirDio - 03-30-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt;"]
///Mention of gore in the 2nd paragraph, this will be italicized and bolded!////

The voodoo fox yawned, finding herself at the edge of the river. It appeared to have slowed for the time being, long enough for her to do some serious TLC on her legs. They had made a severe discoloration on her bandages for a while and she just wanted to make sure they weren't falling apart faster than they already were.

As she sat by the river's edge she begun to take the bandages off. As they fell to the ground, the rotting flesh and small bits of bone showing were much more than obvious. She pawed at a piece of flesh and fur that was at the bandaged area only for it to fall away seamlessly. She sighed. She began to dip her rotting legs into the water, watching the water around her legs turn a strange blackish-red. Slivers of flesh flicked away in the current and she watched. How long had it been? Since he did this to her? Had to had been some time ago, for even she couldn't remember much of the event. Just the desperation and anger she felt that night.


Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - aesior - 03-31-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Curious would soon come the other, wandering along the waters edge before the familiar scent of rot lured him in. He knew the scent behind it - it belonged to Lorelei. Approaching from among frost-brittle reeds, Tom's head would appear with a soft sneeze at the scent. He hadn't tangled with the dead and rotting in so long. Closing his eyes for a moment as he fought off another sneeze, paw raised mid air as if to make an apology for the startling sound as a second and third sneeze rapidly made their presence known. Ears flicking in embarrassment, rubbing his nose on his paw, stepping closer as tarragon sprigs appeared within his fur. He was curious to know what she was doing,  and his only thought was that he hoped it wouldn't chase away viable fish.

Pausing in his wordless thoughts, he would snort, well, the rotting that had fallen within the water was well and all - it provided nutrients as strange as it may be. That and a strange source of bait for the hungry spawning fish. Head turned back to Lorelei, he would make quick work of pulling out his notebook and tapping the written section where tarragon had been placed, the description itself reading his interest in what she was doing, he was curious to a fault.

Tarragon - curiosity/of interest

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-01-2021

Fragglerock had yet to meet Lorelei just yet, and it was probably for the best that he hadn't met her on his own. If he had, he probably would've jumped out of his skin in surprise and terror. It wasn't exactly as if the boy had ever encountered anyone zombified before. Lorelei was the first, and if Aesior hadn't been present, the rabbit probably would've been darting around in a panic, looking for help. For himself, or for Lorelei? Well... he wasn't quite sure on that one, but it seemed he wouldn't need to worry. Aesior wasn't freaking out, and since he trusted the other's judgement... he would try not to panic either.

Several short hops brought the tiny rabbit over to Aesior's side, and he found himself hesitating. He wasn't sure what to say first, his blue gaze lingering on the rot that was washing down the river. As his gaze moved up to the fox's legs, he found himself questioning, "M... Miss, are you okay? Is that... normal?" Normal for her, that is. It was certainly pretty far from normal for him. Realizing that just questioning her about her appearance would be pretty rude, he quickly added on, "Ah... sorry! I just realized I didn't even introduce myself. My name's Fragglerock... I joined just recently." He found himself wondering, in the back of his mind, if Lorelei hadn't been around because she had been getting treatment for her legs. Although... if she was taking off the bandages now, it didn't seem like she would seek out treatment.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-01-2021


damion followed behind fraggle, looking at lorelei with muted interest. she seemed to rot, something like he did, but it wasn't usually that he went into waters for a dip. he glanced down, however, at the fish that were lurking in the waters, and a small grin grew on his face. "lorelei... mind if we catch some fish? or at least the ones who can stand without going under?" he ignored fraggle should the bunny decide to protest. if he did, damion would just turn his gaze towards him hungrily and run a forked tongue over his lips.



Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-01-2021

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - Grimm - 04-02-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Sparse, and far between those fleeting instances, the instances their paths converged, this enough to impart some semblance of curiosity over the use of such covering. Enough sense did he bear not to be forward with his queries, known the sting of unwelcome questioning that led into dissuaded topics, thus from his mind pushed. Satiated would be his desire, though being blind to the truth may well have been better.

There was no fitting mask for such a smell, the sickenly sweet tang that bore an undertone one almost may deem meaty, the undercurrent of something foul dissuading any of the mind a feasible means of sustenance would be found at the source. Expected, death a companion that relished the strife and difficulty harsh conditions permitted to flourish, beneath the snow many taken. Exposed a hapless fool. Such his thought as his trajectory shifted, mind slow in working over the steps of disposal. Useful even foul meat though so too it a lure, the chance another may find it appetizing too grand to be left unattended.

Severed the threads of his thoughts as vision touched upon the scene unfolding by the river side, slowed as the frost was surely well on the way to concluding its melt. It seemed there was a great deal to be gleaned from Lorelei, a figure most tantalising in the secrets she bore. The chance for questioning was not present, however, and thus placed aside his curiosity, lax the neutral set of his visage broken only as brow rose. In some fashion understood the response to one such as Fragglerock, an oddity the notion that among them swelled a creature often meant as nutrients rather than comrade. This too far, the manner Cleopatra spoke one unbefitting the status the lagamorph bore.

"I don't imagine anyone would wish for a brute to be floundering about as they wash themselves," steady and rather empty his voice as Vincent stepped closer, studied the water and the strange hue it had changed. "And do, pray tell, how does one protect his innocence when this is in the open where any may see it. I think it best you keep to your own business and those of us who are not wild beasts who wish to eat each other will assist should he need it." Possibly too far his comments, he was well beyond caring, however, reproachful the manner the child was handled.

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - SirDio - 04-02-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt;"] A breath heaved from her, mainly from Fraggle and his words. Damion added on and then Cleo spoke, so after she dipped her head to Aesior she whipped it back to Cleopatra, legs being pulled out of the water. [color=gold]"Cleo, I like you and you're a cool individual with cool practices, but do refrain from having that tone with Fragglerock here, please?" Had she been younger there was a chance She would have been louder, meaner.

She turned her direction to Vincent. "If Damion wants to fish he can fish. And how can anyone protect innocence on this island? This place is forever cursed with decay, unfortunately, and all children need to know that." she reached a paw to a set of unused bandages. [color=gold]"To answer your question, Fragglerock, yes, it's unfortunately normal for me. It'll do this until there's nothing but bone under the bandages."

She started to wrap the bandages around one leg, leaving no gaps in the bandage. She wasn't meant to be someone of innocence. Never would be. Nothing was pure about the vixen.

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-04-2021

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - aesior - 04-07-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Flick of ears upward, onward cast gaze as he listened and studied, a silent presence easy to miss. Lift of paw, noting the presence of Fraggle directed to his side. Soft the hidden smile as he felt a faint ray of warmth in his chest. Circumstantial the trust placed in him by the smaller male, though it caused a strained sense of happiness within his breast. He had abandoned his own children a long time ago for their safety at the time, now he must be hated by them for his inability to protect those fragile lives and bodies. Perhaps he could try again, to protect another so small. Listening as others joined, ears laying back as they spoke of Fraggle. He had no say, he wasn't the guardian but he sat there by the rabbit should he need comfort of a friendly presence. Innocence wasn't exactly the question though it was a matter of discussion.

Normal was the rot for the half dead and the dying, that he knew though grim the past he didn't share. Shaking his head faintly as they spoke, sighing softly himself. A child would learn eventually, and this conversation itself felt loaded. Looking to Fraggle as he crouched down, looking at the water. It was a cycle of life, one that predators were too used to, sustaining themselves on the lives of others, strange though it would be to see a herbivore devour meat to fit in. Nose twitching as he fended off another sneeze, standing up as the sneeze hurtled from him. Damn. Was he allergic or something now?

Re: Remains of the day! - Open, river bath - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-08-2021

Contrary to what Cleo may have thought, Frag wasn't actually disgusted by Lorelei's appearance. Rather, he was simply worried for her health. It was reassuring – or at the very least a relief – to know that this was the usual for her, and she hadn't been gravely injured in some way. Unfortunately, others were speaking up before him, both leaping to his defense and going against those doing so. He didn't want a fight to break out, so he quickly spoke up once more, shaking his head from side to side, "It doesn't disgust me. I just wanted to make sure that she was okay. If she had been hurt recently, then I'm sure Aesior would've been able to help." Perhaps he even could've played the role of assistant. He didn't have much experience with medicine, but he could follow directions fairly well, at least in his own opinion. However, it didn't seem as though Lorelei needed such help.

The talk of innocence was a bit above the boy's level, but he could tell it wasn't exactly a positive subject. Knowing that he often felt comforted by Aesior's presence, the rabbit moved slightly closer to the other, shooting a small smile up at the feline before turning back to the others. He shot similarly grateful smiles to Vincent and Lorelei, as well. Even if he didn't approve of fighting, it was nice that they were willing to defend him. He then addressed Lorelei in particular, speaking in a soft and sympathetic tone, "I hope it doesn't hurt too much, having to walk on those. If it does end up hurting at some point, I could find some poppy seeds for you? If you want, I mean." Poppy seeds were one of the few medical supplies he already had knowledge of, considering they were the most basic pain killer in the book. It wasn't a good idea to take too many, but... a few to relieve possible leg pain wouldn't be too bad, right?
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]