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LIFE TASTED SWEET WHEN I WAS THE BAD TWIN → joiner - Printable Version

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LIFE TASTED SWEET WHEN I WAS THE BAD TWIN → joiner - Grimm - 03-30-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Beneath the gentle strokes, those intermongingly hues of orange and cherry blossom that spin and weave a delicate veil among the fine threads of illumination, there is only silence. Too well known the break, the edge where brief the embrace night and day share, outward stretching the victor before the realisation may sour the moment. Few the flimsy wisps of cloud that obscure, little specks painted against the backdrop that holds them, futile such as on they must contintinue. Prolonged his study, muscle taunt and left aching for it, too long held a stance that cranes his neck, beauty drank in for none was found where he tread.

For only so long may he look, however, the cradle of the horizon allowing the sun to ascend, away falling as widened that once slim edge of golden light. Away eyes skirted, too grand even this for one too sensitive, closing in a squint. Hast in the downward pull, fabric once bound about the forehead, settled most comfortably at the mere base of lost ears, obscuring lavender depths. He knew too well that hidden, wide and open the land blanketed in poor growth, frostbitten remains slowly taken over as new growth roots in cracks. There is no beauty here, though he bore no need for it, satisfied with that above, a display he knew to continue at a glacial pace.

No choice was left to him as to which direction must be taken, that before, the winding unknown that worked into the river split valley of towering mountains the lulling hum of a siren. No, not quite. His desire simple, as all else was, a wish only for rest. Long ago the blood washed away, the battlefield abandoned, alone his path until the solitude choked him. Company what he wished for no matter the length of time it was offered, the disposition that may greet him secondary, voices that did not belong to the dead wished for.

Thus he must continue forth here where the lead way to the jutting peaks of a mountain pass seemed to dictate where the world ended, a solemn and silent guard over that edge. Childish the notion, such thought entertained only for the amusement of it and the ponderance of what may come next, a notion strange, perplexing further as it offered an odd comfort.

Difficult the supposedly simple task of keeping track of the time spent in motion, the distance never dwindling, unchanged the landscape viewed from beneath his covering. Wrong his decision, the chase of a hare beyond his reach, futile in all ways. The possilities too endless, a wide span of ideas for what may linger here, too grand the supposed prize to give in. Agony settled in old muscle, there a simmering heat that traced jagged paths of flame across the inner seam of his skin, laboured each breath. Death awaited him, that seemed a certainty now. To it he would go as though it were an old friend, former delivery boy as he was, too many given over in a pursuit he no longer recalled.

Postponed such meeting, however, his motion drawing to a halt, confusion arising across the scarred expanse of his visage. Remarkably fresh the hint he caught, pale nose twitching with each inhale. No delusion was this, proven true as a few steps drew him closer. A scent maker. It seemed it was not alone though the new near drowned out the old, his assumption proven correct. Breathless the laughter that bubbled forth, fell from the crooked twist of his lips. Still was there danger, a chance an encounter may conclude in his blood staining the stone, the thought did not enter his mind in that moment, instead fanned the spark of hope.

Understood the expected policies and so, with a few steps back to distance himself, Vincent settled upon his haunches. A terrible sight would he be for the hapless fool to first find him, scraggly and thin, broken his white coat by scar tissue that seemed more abundant than unmarred flesh. Comfortable was the rest of a sheath, and the dagger with which to fill it, against his side, rigid his posture. From this place he would not move, seemingly stone himself though the wind played through the strands of his coat, back and forth tail tip flicking, awaited an arrival of something uncaring of how he may be taken.

Re: LIFE TASTED SWEET WHEN I WAS THE BAD TWIN → joiner - Casphian - 03-31-2021

The sound of soft steps echoed through the area around the king cheetah as he padded along through the territory. His head was ducked slightly, the soft jingle of the chains on his neck filling his ears and comforting him slightly. His heart still ached as he thought about what was held within the moon on his neck but that was to be expected. Loosing his only love would be a pain he would never forget, sure it had gotten easier to manage over the years but it was still something that hurt whenever he thought about the other.

Mercury visibly shook his head, clearing his mind of the thoughts that had begun to plague him. This wasn't the time to be remembering pains from long ago, he needed to focus on his task at hand. Er well if he knew what that task was at least. He knew he needed to learn the layout of the group's territory and so he had left earlier to start exploring and getting a feel for things but then he had ended up just drifting off into his thoughts and growing rather bored of just walking around alone. The feline allowed himself to come to a stop, settling back onto his haunches and lifting up a paw to groom the fur that rested on top as he debated on his next course of actions. It was then the small mute feline crossed his mind and he decided right then and there that he was going to go find Aesi just so he could pester the smaller feline.

And so the cheetah pushed himself back up to stand, stretching his chest towards the ground before picking up his pace once more. During his search Mercury had drawn closer to the border and an unfamiliar scent drifted through his nose. Curiosity got the best of him and the male made his way towards where the scent lead, taking him to where Vincent resided by the border. Upon first glance Mercury was quite upset over the other's appearance but he didn't let this emotion show to the other. Appearance was everything to Mercury and so when he saw another who didn't even care for their own it honestly quite irritated the feline. "Hello there," he called out in greeting as he drew closer to the other. He puffed his chest out slightly, his steps becoming softer with each one he took. "I suppose I should ask but what business do you have with being on the this land?" he hummed out the question.

Re: LIFE TASTED SWEET WHEN I WAS THE BAD TWIN → joiner - aesior - 03-31-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Short would the long wait be cut, lengthy legs of prime predator reaching stickier legs of smaller predator, a second smaller body not near to the others, a fair distance across and away. Gathered upon his limbs, sniffing his way amongst tall grasses and brittle brush, would the gray-tan coat of ticked tabby mute blend in. Searching the roots for sweet herbs he would gather for his own uses, being stowed within slight pouch upon his hip. Within laid various objects, bags made of bladder and skin to store within seeds and roots, foraging for the makings of a small garden. Upon his ears would brush the sound of far away laughter and words he could not make out.

Rolling his shoulders as curiousity filled him, small blooms if daffodils appearing amongst sparse greenery against his fur, meaningless small speckles of white and baby blue petals much like a bleak sky filling empty patches upon greenery. Stretched the limbs of the grim as he stood up and made his way across the terrain to the duo upon the border. Tipping his head at the sight of the angular face and scars covering flesh, he bowed his head in a wordless greeting. Before him was a warrior, a man who had seen enough battle to no longer know if he was the one to make use battle or if battle was the one to make use of him. Coming closer, he kept distance between the one who had earlier sought him, his eyes curiously glancing over the albino before him as the sun played with the sky, the foreign lover as it was. He could not speak to the tom but he was curious and he had unspoken questions. He could make use of a garbled sign language, one that few knew, or he could utilize his notebook nestled with his pouch.

As he looked between the two, small sprigs of tarragon would come into fruition, the scent of the herb subtle against the flowery hint of daffodil. shielding his eyes against the sun as it grew and brought with it it's fiery light, warmth so lacking for early hours. strange was he within himself for the plants that lived and died within his shoulders fur, most connected to his emotions of strong import. Gaze switching to Mercury as he spoke words of asking the other's business, his own gray eyed gaze would find the sheathed dagger at comfortable rest against Vincent's side, his ears perking up. He was no proper blacksmith but he knew when to appreciate a gilded work even worm with age and time. They all had stories to tell, the strong and the weak, the lonely and the accompanied - his was a story he had interest to begin to learn.

daffodil - I have questions
tarragon - curiosity/of interest

Re: LIFE TASTED SWEET WHEN I WAS THE BAD TWIN → joiner - Grimm - 04-15-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7.5pt; max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]All too well known, in some measure understood, the immediate response when he was caught in the vision of the unassuming, their thoughts buried much of the time, a faux politeness employed. There were always those who deemed themselves beyond reproach, aloud offered remarks as though he were ignorant of his own reflection. Too well did he know it, unneeded the aid of vision. No aid may wipe away each scar, the thickened ridges of flesh not badges as they had once been to his naive mind, a reminder now.

Given the chance, even upon the basis of the fictitious notion of an imagined scenario that allowed him anything beyond reality, he would not give any up. There was no pride in it, nothing akin to that terrible concoction of sneering swagger and the wrongfully held belief his reputation may be improved with such a show he had been drunk upon, an idiot too young to understand. The lesson learnt, burned into his memory, necessary though not the sole cause of his rejection.

There was no such thought threaded across the threshold of his mind in that moment, one drawn out in the dense weight of unbroken silence, more simple it, a quiet ponderance of what may come next. Answer seemed to arrive in the frame of interruption, narrowed lavender depths slow in their study of the figure that cast a dark silhouette against the flat expanse it traversed. Slow the assembly of details, the lax countenance, no shift apparent even as he was, in turn, seemingly studied. Questions rose, barbed against his tongue, a want there to pry. What was it this stranger thought of him with only a shallow pool of information to work with, had his intrusion invited contest, was already the other working over the best course.

Dismissed each in turn as voice rose, a greeting spoken in a tone light, soft the edges laced in a musical note. No combatant this, the thought of confrontation acting as conclusion cast aside, the wake occupied by growing curiosity. Another, slight and precise, steps producing no sound though attributed may that be to the fine strands of grass upon which he tread, approach made without realisation. A rather particular sight, the manner blooms thrived among the strands over shoulders not aligned with any memory he bore, few as they had become, note made of his silence.

"I would ask for sanctuary if you would have me." Brusque his quickly spoken words, imparted as much as he deemed was necessary. The combined presence of a scent line, and the traces of it that he caught on the breeze that seemed to originate from the pair, enough to make evident a wider population was indeed present.

Re: LIFE TASTED SWEET WHEN I WAS THE BAD TWIN → joiner - aesior - 04-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Faint and curious would rest the gaze that fell upon lavender eyes, quick to gaze over his body. He was checking from a distance for any visible injuries, opening his maw to draw his scent in. Unique were the stories that every scar told on every person, the set of three across his own throat bearing the story of his vocal loss. Blinking his eyes as he nodded, lifting a paw as if to wave him over, to follow them.

He couldn't speak to imply that he would be given sanctuary, but he hoped that the other could read his body language. Turning about, he would flick his tail a few times in the direction he was going to head, looking back at Vincent with a nod before turning back around. He would walk a few paces forward before waiting, ready to beckon if necessary. When the other would catch up, he would lead the way quietly back to camp, the containers in his satchel clinking together.