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she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - Printable Version

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she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - aesior - 03-30-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
time was a fickle lover, she took and took from everyone. A face seen around camp one day could be gone the next, a child so bright and healthy could be wandering as a soul within hours. Time was not something he enjoyed but it was not something he could fend off, it was not something he could ever hope to fight. They were all subject to time and her ways, there was no way of avoiding her, not even the immortal could escape.

Standing within the boundaries of camp, his gaze on the early morning sky, his ears perked forward as he listened to the beginning cries of bird song. Closing his eyes as he took the simple joy of a morning alone to soothe the nightmares that had chased him out from his nest hours earlier. Dew beading upon whiskers and short strands of fur, settled upon a Boulder of granite, he rested to watch the sunrise, tail curled close to his side.

Eyes closed as he sat there, going through his memories as he sought the warmth from the sunlight to come. Feeling the first rays, he would open his eyes to see those who would be waking up, some were early to rise and others were slower - everyone had their own pace. For him, sleep was an obstacle, it wasn't something he was able to accomplish easily. The screams of the dead and dying often filled his head when he tried to sleep, and the lack of another body beside him and it's warmth meant hard nights for the tom. He'd given up everything because of a fickle heart - he regretted it but he wanted to know the people here, he wanted to know them, to live a life he could feel proud of.

Re: she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-01-2021

Time was a bit of an enigma, to young Fragglerock. It was difficult for the boy to have a firm grasp on time and how it passed, when he had lost so much of it. Although three months was such a short amount of time for others, it was massive for Frag. It was his entire life up to the point he had joined The Golden Eye, and it had all just... vanished. So, as the days continued on and time continued to pass, the rabbit couldn't help but feel uneasy. He was enjoying his time within his new home, and liked interacting with the people he met there, but... what if he lost it all again? What if he spent another three months within the group, only to wake up one day and find it all gone? It was an unnerving thought, and something that – much like Aesior's own troubles – kept Fraggle up at night. Today just happened to be one of those days where sleep was difficult and patchy for the boy, driving him forth from the cavern and out, into the sunny morning.

Initially he hadn't really expected to see anyone up so early, but he was glad when he saw Aesior laid out in the sun. The feline was one of the members of The Golden Eye that Frag knew he could trust, and his silent presence provided comfort. It was clear that the other had a checkered past and secrets he preferred not to talk about – as if he could – but the rabbit didn't mind that. Everyone had their own stuff to worry about, and considering Aesior had been nothing but kind to him, he didn't see a reason to avoid him. Feeling at ease, Fraggle took several long hops over to where the other was laying, making himself comfortable nearby. As he settled down, he could feel the warmth of the sun beginning to soak into his gold and auburn pelt. It was a pleasant feeling, and almost made him want to doze off to make up for the sleep he had missed. Still, it would be rude not to say hello. With a small smile on his muzzle, Fragglerock found himself greeting, "Hello, Aesior. I didn't know if anyone else would be up this early... couldn't sleep?" It would actually provide the youngling with a bit of comfort, to know he wasn't the only one with troubles at night.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - Grimm - 04-05-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Fickle. A silver shackle bore without reservation, concept made human and thus digestible. Would it bear the same weight held aloft with careless ease, befitting and all the while further unnatural for how the tongues that made it so too crafted the bearer, if they were not present. Possibly, or it may have been free without name or descriptor, a fragment of existence with purpose and no shackles to deem it understandable.

The burden made and thus beared by them, fickle the life that gave it and thus honed it until it may fit something so much grander. Of course, he too was complicit in the use, bore some understanding of time and the passage it wrought, a product of the past shaping the present as he wished it to be. Could he say he understood, truly and wholly, that they knew as time. No, he could not speak such in full faith that his truth was an absolute, yet still he may try.

A cruel and volatile mistress, hungry for that which began and drew to an end, the strings plucked with abandon. Too human this, a life it did not deserve embedded in the trickle of seconds, a passage marked for they deemed it necessary. Was it truly as they described it or something more. Fickle the answers he may ascribe, gone from his mind now, unnecessary as night waned, drowned in the heightened activity of a quickened mind roused from slumber at a time he was accustomed to.

As those who had departed prior no stranger was he to dreams, nor their brethren found in nightmares, a tool as misunderstood as time though named they both by beings such as they. He knew them as fragments of the past, events that transpired a time too long ago to recall the days, recorded now only as jumbled scenes poorly pieced together. Best this way, possibly, that he recall and the history books did not. Allow only him to carry the shame, know the cruelty time had buried. Such was not to say he handled it well, rather the contrary, exhaustion evident in the darkness that hung below barely opened eyes.

Abandoned the notion of staying, known now that sleep would not come no matter how he wished it to and best utilised his time in worthwhile pursuits. This, too, put aside as his progress was halted not too far into the golden veil of spreading illumination, vision filled with two figures, known both of within rudimentary ways. Enjoyed the presence of Aesior, heightened his opinion for his silent nature, though the matter of it not being via choice one that allowed a faint curiosity to grow. The other, a child and one often deemed prey, further intriguing. Unlike some he bore no interest in the status he held, no wrongfully given for intelligent was he, more so than some Vincent may name with ease, he did not care to baby and protect the rabbit, however. His choice to come here, to linger amongst predators that sought his blood, and thus the consequences were his to face.

Brief the moment put towards weighing his options, final decision largely arrived upon for he had been driven to this land in a bid to find company and avoiding it was counter-productive. Silent his approach, the query posed by Fragglerock barely caught but one he lingered on. "I hope I'm not interrupting." Quiet his words when finally his momentum drew to a halt, deciding it best to maintain some distance, the warmth of the thinning grass lined terrain pleasant, too little time spent in the sun for he often suffered averse effects he'd much rather avoid where possible.

Re: she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-06-2021

Re: she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - ARLO M. - 04-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
"I believe he's sunbathing."

Arlo found himself behind the group, his ears swiveling and eyes gently looking between them. He slept easily, much unlike other members of the group, and rose early- well. They were similar in that way, he presumed. Arlo's wings shifted and fluttered, and he gave a small smile to Fraggle, before looking towards Aesior. His mouth closed, gently as it was, watching the way the male's flank rose and fell, the way the sun caught his whiskers and lit his fur like soft silver.

Just as quickly as the notion rose, Arlo's head shook, red eyes falling away. He cleared his throat, gently coming to sit near Fraggle. "I'm glad to see everyone up and about." He looked towards Cleopatra, his ears twitching, before his head tilted a bit. "Does anyone have any plans for today?"


Re: she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - aesior - 04-07-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Warm the golden embrace of burning gases lifetimes upon lifetimes of a distance away, the light from such solar fury enough to give life to that within this planet. Soft the yawn that left him as he pondered many different things. Too routine the dreams and nightmares, starting so sweet and gentle to be the truth before twisting and grinding into horror his mind processed from his many years. He didn't like to think of those twisted demons, given voice by the spirits that haunted him, his worst thoughts a reality within his head whenever he dared to sleep. Such things were chased away by the light of solar guardian, ever watching the surrounds of life. How long had it remained there, a facet of God he hated? He didn't wish to remember either God, not the one he had run from or the God that they were married to.

Giving a shake of his head as he shuddered, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Sensing the presence of Fragglerock, he would stir to look at the rabbit with a gentle smile. Huffing a soft breath, he would stretch and yawn, paws gripping the stone he rested upon. Nodding in return of the greeting, comfortably kneading at the stone he rested upon, dew evaporating with the sunlight's kiss. Nodding his head upon his question on if he couldn't sleep. It was a bit more complicated in that he couldn't, but there was no reasonable explanation to give to terrify the youth of the spirits that haunted this land and those that gathered the dead.

Head turning at soft announcement of presence from vincent, he would give a smile, bowing his head to him in greeting as well, shaking his head. He wasn't interrupting, in fact his presence was welcomed there. Short was the peace before along came a third face he was not the most ... at peace with. Usually, he got along with everyone or he could act to get along with fairly flawlessly, and he knew there were some who despised him for being mute and what else. Offering Cleopatra a smile and wave of a paw, he would wait until she had come over before his head swiveled at a voice.

Tender the soft quick gaze he gave to Arlo, a friend he had slowly begun to make, or so he was convinced of. A soft puff would leave him as he nodded to confirm the vanguard's words, he was sunbathing as he supposed the others were. Shaking his head when the draconic feline asked if there were plans that the others had, he caught the sunlight on the other's pelt and scales, his gaze quickly turning away. What was he doing, ogling the vanguard? Well, he couldn't deny that he was stunningly handsome in the early sunlight. Tail flicking as he curled it along himself, lungs expanding and exhaling as he made the motion of purring in contentment though no sound could leave the tom, paws continuing the slow sheathed knead at the stone under his body. He couldn't keep his eyes off Arlo, though should the other look his way, his gaze would dart elsewhere or slide to half-lid as he enjoyed the sun.

just realized instead of purrs they just get to hear drawn puffs of breath that coincide with his sides rising and falling lmao //

Re: she's a fiery way with words ⚘ bonding & sunbathing(open) - Grimm - 04-09-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Once there had been a time, when upon him still was a childhood at least somewhat given to moments or naive curiosity satiated without any due thought to consequences, he had longed to be something more. Numerous the books in which read stories of those that ascended their mortal status, held within them a well of power that may be utilised in numerous fashions, always most intriguing those that may pry into the very mind. Mayhaps it best he lacked such averse effects common enough without, to know the thoughts of another a weight he would break beneath.

Or it may be a soothing balm to know, though hardly a blip upon his own radar as he was upon hers, the little impression Cleopatra bore of him was negative.

Lax had grown his posture as the seconds trickled past, chin raised as lavender depths diminished, slow the closure of lids. Fleeting the sigh that traced his lips, the warmth of the growing light at such a point worry was far from his mind. Always must an end be expected, no matter how she conducted herself almost instantaneous the change, sour grown the moment that seemed near enough perfect he may readily describe it as such. Narrowed the fine slither revealed between barely parted lids, her query one rather idiotic. Simple the answer she sought, one readily apparent should she engage her mind, though it seemed largely reserved for vitriol undeserved.

Unnecessary any answer he must give, the chance taken as another approached, voice smooth and lacking a bite he sorely wished it may hold. Of course it might not, the opinion of the vanguard one made apparent by the title Cleopatra bore, though he held no qualms with deeming her undeserving when her peer performed at a leave she did not. Unnecessary further time wasted upon her and about his vision turned, once more off guard caught. Surely by now he would have grown accustomed to the easy smile that often adorned Aesior's countenance, yet each only further addition to a curiosity he buried.

A stranger to kindness, to a manner gentle and endlessly sweet, touched by the cruelty life gives with too much fervour and yet maintained. Chin fell in a nod, preferred this wordless greeting, all the same brightened lavender by something he might not give a name as dismissed his worry. Short the life it was given, however, beneath confusion swallowed, quick the follow up that brought a stifled chuckle forth. Well he knew the first touches of attraction, not to a point affection may bloom within the fertile ground between. Not unkind was he and thus he would not speak in the manner Aesior grew blatant, unknowing in how his audience may well easily identify his behaviour, rather answered the previous query.

"Hunting, most likely, it has been too long since I had eggs and now is a good time for them." Matter of fact his tone, eyes turning away and once more his lids fell shut. There was the issue of locating a place that may prove suitable, he knew of some birds that nested in such terrain, though such a roadblock he would come to when it was time, the day new and the prospect tantalising enough to try.