Beasts of Beyond

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He was hurting her crewmates and it was beginning to piss her the fuck off. So, the draconic feline decided that she would find the poor son of a bitch and remind him of why he shouldn't mess with the people of the Typhoon, her people. He would learn the hard way of why it was not wise for anyone to irk Roxanne Roux and continue to jab at her buttons, a soft hum leaving the draconic captain as she tried to figure out where that jackass had gone to. It was a game of cat and mouse basically but Roxanne would find that yellow mouse soon enough, the thought was enough to make a shit eating grin appear onto her maw. Ah, there he is. She thought as she picked up onto his scent but she remained quiet as she climbed into the trees that were within the jungle, of course, he'd hide here or perhaps was hunting. Regardless, the hunter was going to become the hunted. She let her pretty pink claws sink into the bark underneath her feeling her grin becoming crooked and her eyes shining with a lust for blood.

Once she was above him would the captain say with a low purr "Well, well, well. If it isn't Lemon Tart the first." She laid on top of the branch with her tail lashing to the sides as her arm hung lazily from where she was, her mismatched gaze locked onto him as she continued with a soft hum "You have been causing issues for my crewmates as of late and I don't appreciate it much. In fact, you're starting to fucking piss me off!" Roxie would drag her claws against the bark harshly before landing onto a slab of rock that was beneath the branch but would give her the high ground over Caesar. Her pupils narrowing into dangerous slits as she continued to hum quietly to herself. Oh, there was so many things that she could do to him. Rip him in half, cut him up like some god damn fish, or just a swift jab of her dagger into his throat. The captain appeared thoughtful the entire time unable to hold a fit of giggles.

"Wanna know what happened to the last man that pissed me off?" Claws would click against the smooth rock as forked tongue swiped across her sharp teeth, mismatched gaze fixated onto the man that stood before her. "I mauled him alive, torn into him completely, and he was still kicking did I begin to pick his teeth off one by one. Now, he's butchered meat and his teeth made a lovely rattle for my children when they were little~," She purred smoothly feeling a fit of giggles begin to escape her. This was part of her, a side that she normally hid away from everyone else... But she needn't hide it from people like Caesar. No, no, no. She could smell the fear wafting off of him and it was...



[glow=black,1,400]I WANT SACRED, I WANT FINAL !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne Roux, Captain of The Typhoon.

Caesar should have expected no less, considering Roxanne had always been there when her crewmates were injured and was ready to kick the perpetrator's ass. She was aggressive and proactive, which meant that it was only a matter of time before the munchkin went hunting for him. Caesar had never liked her even when he was apart of The Typhoon as she was always there with some sort of smart remark or sass - but he eventually grew to fear her. Her power and her ability to fight would have been admirable if he wasn't afraid of losing a life. How ironic.

The sound of rustling alerted Caesar to Roxanne's presence before her words did. The savannah growled to alert whomever was around, though when Roxanne started to speak, he flattened his ears and hissed. Her claws harshly dug into the tree she was perched on, tail swinging, before she hopped down onto a stone. Caesar took a step back, narrowing his eye for a moment. "A shame I won't stop, isn't it?" He hadn't been planning on attacking Roxanne today, of all people, but he supposed this would do. Maybe if he could beat up the Captain, he could take over and make The Typhoon his, once and for all. Maybe it would get rid of this ridiculous fear he held for her.

With this in mind, Caesar launched himself at ROXANNE, attempting to rake his claws across her side or chest in the process.[glow=black,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]