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PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - Printable Version

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PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
This... was something Vayne had been thinking about a lot recently. When she was born, she was given the surname Cipher-Vantas and she kept it only because it was, well, the name she was born with. But by now, the girl felt no times to her father's family (hell, she'd never even met her father) but the Cipher name was important for her. It was a name that often brought hatred along with it and she was determined to show everyone not all Ciphers were bad like Caesar or Aphra. But there were a couple of surnames that she gained upon being adopted by Diya and Roxanne, and she wanted to finally show that she accepted her place within their family.

Just like she had made her announcement for her Division choices, Vayne made her way to the Tempest where everyone tended to usually be. "I have an announcement to make!" Vayne called out, shuffling her paws in nervousness. This wasn't something that needed to be announced, but she wanted it known and to make it official. It was important for her. "I don't want to go by Cipher-Vantas anymore. From now on, I am Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux." It was one more surname than the one she was given, but she wanted to honor both of her adoptive mothers.

She just hoped they were happy with this decision, too.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - ROXANNE R. - 03-30-2021

Clicking her claws onto her desk that morning, Roxanne decided that she was finished with paperwork for now and would head outside with a low huff leaving her maw. What she didn't expect to see was Vayne standing there in front of the Tempest where she was currently leaving. She raised a nonexistent eyebrow at the recently promoted Privateer only to twitch her ears lightly at her announcement that was enough to make a smile appear onto her maw. Folie-Roux, huh? It was enough to make a soft chuckle leave her as she would step forward to nudge the girl with a small bump of her shoulder "Looks like our last names are similar now, huh?" Except the Cipher bit, of course, she'd rather die than ever take the surname of Cipher but if Vayne wished to keep the name itself then Roxanne would simply accept her daughter "I think it's a great last name. Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux. I'm a fan," A purr would leave her.

Re: PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - Keona. - 03-30-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Names.  Keona had a long one.  At least, in the sense she had a full name.  Including a middle name... Sort of.  Really, it was a second first name.  The one her father chose, while her mother chose Keona.  A name for each of her parents' languages.

And while she certainly considered it important, she rarely introduced herself by her full name.  Most were just gonna call her Keo or Keona anyway.  Felt like a waste of breath.  Time.

Still.  The tiny dealer could support Vayne's little announcement.  Her ears perked and twitching at the sound.  Head bobbing in a light nod of understanding.  Doubted she'd ever call Vayne by her full name, but it was good to know.  And the youth was happy.  And her adoptive family was happy.  That's what made it important.  "Sounds good to me," she offered softly in encouragement.

Re: PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - daniel - 03-31-2021

”Cipher-Folie-Roux.” Danny repeated, making a little mental note. There was a lot of names to remember there, not that he had any particular reason to refer to Vayne as such, but it was still something to keep in mind. Last names were awfully important, they carried history and weight to them. Danny frowned as if he was remembering something for a moment, but it passed as quick as it came and it was soon replaced with a small smile and a nod. He didn’t have much to say that he thought would carry any significance or contribute to everything already said by either Keona or Roxanne, but he was supportive of his friend nonetheless.

// pre attack ofc

Re: PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - roan ; - 03-31-2021

Cipher-Folie-Roux. Well, it was certainly a mouthful, but it wasn't as if Roan could complain. His own name was quite the mouthful, although mainly because of his father's side of things. Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux. It was the name that he had worn proudly for most of his life, and more than likely would continue to wear until his death. While he didn't feel much of a connection to his own father – the other was too absent for the majority of his life for such a thing – he did feel one to the Ó Faoláins as a whole. They were the second half of his family, and he was genuinely happy when he met one of them. Besides, without that side of things... he wouldn't have Keona as his sister, and he didn't like to think about that. While they weren't the closest of siblings, he cared for the dealer deeply, and she helped to balance him out, in his worst moments.

Best not to dwell on himself, though. This was Vayne's moment, after all. It was because of this that Roan wore a rare casual smile on his face as he approached, his wings folded neatly against his back. His voice was still fairly flat when he spoke up, but it had a vaguely teasing edge, "You sure you don't want to add Ó Faoláin, too? I'm sure you could eventually break some sort of record." It was clear that he was just joking around, however rare that might've been. He then added on, his dark tail coming to curl around himself and rest on his paws, "Congratulations, though, Vayne. Welcome to the family." He still intended to keep his distance from her, as he did with all his younger siblings these days, but... it was still nice, to see his family grow. Plus, she was happy, and she made his two mamas happy. That was enough to leave him content, at the very least.
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Re: PRAYER FOR THE REFUGEE // announcement - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-31-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Just like with her Division announcement, there were quite a few crewmates who showed up. Vayne felt happy about this, like she was truly a Typhooner, truly a Crewmate. Not an outcast like her mother always told her and tried to convince her. Vayne had nothing else to say, but she was purring loudly and body was shaking slightly with happiness. She finally found her home, her family. Her real family.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]