Beasts of Beyond
build me up then tear me down + joiner/intro - Printable Version

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build me up then tear me down + joiner/intro - Casphian - 03-29-2021

The snow leopard padded through the area, on the hunt for what he wasn't sure. It didn't take much more traveling for the feline to finally stop in his tracks and take in the scents around him. Saturn scented a nearby border, many scents flickering around it indicating to the home of a group up ahead. It had been quite some time since Saturn had last seen a group much less stayed in one and because of this his attention and curiosity had been drawn towards the border. Saturn cautiously made his way over, scenting out the land before taking a hesitant step into the territory that laid before him. His ears flicked as he sought out the sound of anyone approaching but for now heard none.

He wasn't too keen on finding another group if he was to be honest, not after the last one he was in. Yet he knew for the sake of survival he would need to find somewhere to settle down in and soon, regardless of how he would be treated in it. He just hoped that they would take him in despite his lack of sight. Finally the snow leopard chose to settle down close to the border, sitting on the inside to make his presence known but close enough that he could easily escape if he needed too but let's hope that it wouldn't come down to that.

Re: build me up then tear me down + joiner/intro - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-29-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
The sight of a snow leopard made Aphra's lips peel back in a snarl. Although Saturn likely had no idea who Drayden was, they unfortunately reminded Aphra of her disabled son. Was Drayden even still alive in The Typhoon or had he died? Eh, it didn't really matter to her either way. Eventually Aphra forced herself to relax, forcing that snarl to disappear as she approached Saturn. "You're on the border of the Coalition, what brings you here?" She asked, kinked tail flicking.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: build me up then tear me down + joiner/intro - Casphian - 03-30-2021

Ears flicked towards the sound of someone approaching, head still turned as Aphra approached. "I came here in hopes of finding a place to settle down in," the snow leopard spoke, turning his head towards the sound of the voice. His foggy gaze settled on where he assumed the other was, tail swaying lightly behind him. "I bring no intentions of harming I'm just a lost soul who wishes to finally rest somewhere," he hummed. The feline pushed himself up to stand, his head dipping towards the ground slightly.

Re: build me up then tear me down + joiner/intro - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-31-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra let out a hum in response. "I see. Well, you're welcome to stay in the Coalition if you'd like." She mewed. "My name is Aphra Cipher." She wasn't going to apologize for the mess that the mudslide left, after all, she had no control over it. Nor did she offer a tour; she was a high position, sure, but her rank was one that wasn't supposed to be known to the public. And as such, Aphra believed she held no responsibilities.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: build me up then tear me down + joiner/intro - Casphian - 03-31-2021

Saturn lifted his head at the welcome and padded closer to where Aphra was, lead by the sound of her voice. "It's nice to put a name to a voice now," he hummed, glad he gain a name. The feline would've liked to be offered a tour around the territory or at least the main camp but he got the feeling that the other wasn't going to offer that and so the feline would just have to rely on himself to do it. He turned his foggy gaze from the other and off towards where he assumed the direction was to camp, a soft sigh slipping past his lips as he debated on if he should say anything else to Aphra or if he should just start making his way towards the where other's resided.