Beasts of Beyond
PLEASE GROW FOR ME ♡ INTRO - Printable Version

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ROSS H. HYACINTH - male - domestic feline - tanglewood
Oh right, I forgot to mention when you get there. I'll be gone! It's just usual business, buddy. Take care of the place and try not to wreck anything you party animal. Wink

Sincerely, Stark Ferro.

Frustration bubbled within his chest when he found that note hanging on the door he had arrived to that very same day, he was expecting that the two of them would live together within the house but he supposed it was for the best that hadn't been the case considering Stark's living habits. Ross dragged his suitcase a bit closer to himself as he pushed the door open with one of his paws only to wince at the sight of a moth fluttering out and dust, lots of it. "God dammit." The least that mangy mutt could've done was clean up the place knowing that Ross was going to arrive but at that rate, he was probably expecting too much from the older man. Now, he had to play house maid just to get this house up to his living standards though Ross was not high maintenance, he preferred a clean working and living space unlike Stark.

He supposed that depression often unmotivated a man like Stark Ferro and frankly, Ross never knew if there had been someone else before that hit... Had Stark been different? "Who cares? I need to tidy this place up, I'm sure that he's fine now..." He mumbled to himself setting his suitcase to the side carefully beginning to rummage around for anything to use for cleaning and he found a broom that he gripped without much hesitance, he used said broom to sweep all the dust from the home with a frown present on his maw the entire time and eventually used it to grab at the cobwebs that were in higher places that he could hardly reach. He sighed quietly to himself glancing over at his work only to feel quite satisfied of it all did he nod slowly "Right. Now to put out some of my belongings and make it feel a bit more like home."

Popping open the case, Ross began to put out a few of his things that consisted of a small sleeping bag, a lava lamp, and a picture frame with someone's picture within it. He carefully set the picture on a cabinet near the window that's where he decided to place the small sleeping bag... That was until he found a mattress or whatnot for himself but he was unsure of how long he would stay there to begin with. "Well... Fayina... It isn't too shabby and seems to be the right size for myself. I am unsure of how that old fool could ever live here comfortably... Given his... Claustrophobia." He said quietly to himself though his eyes were concentrated on that picture, it had been years since he had seen his beloved Fayina and he was beginning to lose hope at this rate.

Hell, he could even remember Stark trying to set Ross up on blind dates a year ago before the canine decided that it wasnt working out the way he intended it to and that relationships were a bunch of bologna. Even if the mutt had said that, Ross could see a faint sadness in those brown eyes of his colleague yet he never pried deciding to simply humor the old man and jokingly agree with a chuckle. Ross did not believe that having a romantic relationship or commitment to someone was bologna nor would he mind it. Unfortunately, his heart still desired the set hound within the picture frame. His radiant princess he had called her lovingly once upon a time. Now... Well now, she was gone.

Fayina was gone, Rox was gone, and the group he was supposed to lead one day... He left them behind in search for his sister and lover.  It was a shot in the dark but frankly, he thought he was a bit happier than he was now. The thought of being tied down with responsibilities of a group sounded stressful and he had been capable, he was not open to it during that time... Especially when those closest to him suddenly disappeared without much of a word. He blinked his eyes a few times not realizing that he had been staring at the picture of Fayina the entire time, his small frown turning into a sad smile. "Wherever you are, I hope you know that I love you dearly." There was a pause before he added with a light dip of his cranium "My radiant princess."

Ross noticed that there was a coffee machine and decided that he would prepare a bit of coffee for himself, his short tail wiggling in a bit of excitement. He made sure that it still had some power only to add some water before turning it on, he sat back leaning against his suitcase. "Maybe I should close my eyes for a moment then... then introduce myself to the neighbors..." He mused to himself as he pulled the glasses off from his face and rubbed at his eyes that were beginning to droop with exhaustion, he closed them only to find himself dozing off with the door completely open. The sound of the coffee machine churning making him even sleepier. Just a quick nap after that long journey, Ross thought humming quietly to himself.


everything's just come together at last !
Atbash had been a bit busy whenever Ross had first arrived to join Tanglewood, but the woman told herself to welcome him at some point. Before she headed off on one of her walks, the coyote saw Ross head into one of the homes in town, noting which one was his. One of her duties as a Shaderunner was to welcome the newcomers but with Merlin being captured, the coyote wanted to be there for her crush when she returned. She felt so bad that she hadn't been there when Merlin got attacked and she wanted to make up for it.

Atbash eventually finished up her little run and made her way towards her home to prepare a little welcoming gift for Roan. It wasn't much, just a little cup of hot chocolate; Merlin liking it made her want to offer it to newcomers whenever she could. It was one of the things she missed from Snowbound, honestly. "Hello?" Atbash called out as she reached Ross's home, knocking on his door. She, ah... admittedly didn't know Ross's name, or else she would have called out for him specifically. But oh well, hopefully someone would come and answer her knock soon.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: PLEASE GROW FOR ME ♡ INTRO - rhosmari - 03-31-2021

The Luminary knew love for the first time in her life and it was bliss. It was wonderful and everything that had to do with Arrow was wonderful. She wanted to be there for her, she wanted to help shoulder her burdens and talk away her fears. When she was around the other the lioness felt almost breathless and she didn't want that feeling to go away. The fact that she had someone and that someone cared about the Luminary in turn was a wonderful feeling. It helped her cope with a lot of things that were happening in Tanglewood. At least that was what she felt like but there were days that the lioness was hiding how she truly felt. The anxiety creeping in and so many thoughts rushing through her head at once. She needed to protect Tanglewood. But she couldn't help but look around and feel that she was making all the wrong choices.

Stepping from her home she breathed in the air for a moment and welcomed the day, taking a moment to just take in the sunlight. Her mane flared to life in a sudden blaze before settling and she put on a smile. As she left the porch she made her way through town when she spotted Atbash knocking in someone's door. New person? She hadn't really seem anyone there before and so she veered off that path and instead walked over to where the other was. "Hey, Atbash. Is someone new staying here? Hmm, she didn't bring any gifts for the occasion." Well, she could always bring something later. But right now she could say hello.


everything's just come together at last !
Atbash looked over at Elsweyr whenever she came over and asked whether there was a person staying here. "I believe so, yes." Or she was going to look like a fool, completely idiotic. "This hot chocolate can be from both of us, if you'd like. It's not much, but it's at least something."
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi