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only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) (GE) - Printable Version

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only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) (GE) - aesior - 03-29-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
he wasn't the most secure about his work - his work with metals and ores was good enough to create repairs but he hoped that with enough time, he'd be able to progress his handiwork, that he'd be able to provide armor or proper weapons should his groupmates desire such things. as it was, he was good with repairs or making jewelry, not that it was a bad thing, it was just a niche market. exhaling, he listed off what he would need in his mind. he wasn't in the proper state to construct an anvil or a bellows - he could make do with any large flat pieces of metal he'd made previous, or some flat stone though it wasn't as sturdy or comfortable as a huge lump of steel and could mess with his work - he would need to attempt to create one down the road. the bellows could be solved by hollow reeds and such - though he would need to be working on small projects or have someone around to help him if he didn't have a proper bellows.

shaking his head as he went along, the tom carried a basket filled with his many heavy tools - he knew it was easier to smith in his grim body but ah .... it didn't feel safe to him to reveal that yet - and he didn't know if he had the ability to change to it just yet. the caves were a good place to stay, he didn't mind them, but his forge shouldn't be close to camp for it was a noise concern and he didn't feel like being scolded for it. padding from camp, he sought out a place that was not too sheltered from the wind yet in a place where there was very little if any foliage. down by the water would be good but there was too much greenery there - he could make do. finally settling on a location, the tom would set his basket down, debating what he would need to do. first and foremost was the creation of the pit or place where his forge would go, where the flames would sit. that was going to be the hardest part, finding stones large enough to contain a flame hot enough to melt metal.

slowly, he would begin the construction, lost in his thoughts as he retrieved and pushed as many big stones as he could find, oft making the trip to the site of the farming fields to retrieve the rocks pulled up there - he could make use of them. paying less attention to the sun that was setting, he could feel the straining in his body, the aching and complaining of his muscles and bones. closing his eyes for a moment as he took a break to wet his parched throat, he looked to the beginnings of his forge with a proud look. everything else could come later - there were plenty enough stones around that he could find a flat one when he began his first work. the hardest part was done - he just needed burning materials and metals to melt. gaze cutting to his basket and the chunks of ores sitting there, he grinned tiredly. he could begin soon enough and surprise the group if they had any need of his services. he could make farming tools for them - though he would surely need more ores. maybe in this patrol that had been spoken of, he might find some.

getting back to his paws once more, the tabby tom would go about the darkening territory to find some matter of burnable material, bringing it back to his forge to place into the structure made into a burrow in the dirt. there were walls of stone and mud bracing it together, a "flat" surface on which the material would rest to burn and create flames he could use. he could make use of charcoal, it burnt well and it burnt hot, which was what he needed. well, tonight, he didn't have any plans of making anything other than enjoying the first fire within it. setting the materials within, he would pull out his fire striker from his basket, setting it aside once he had lit the sparks within the materials, settling back a distance to watch the fire slowly build and smoke, his eyes sliding to half lid, wondering if he should find any of his groupmates to share his small celebration with.

Re: only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) - ARLO M. - 04-01-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
He wouldn't have to look far for clanmates.

Arlo had been doing his normal rounds above. His wings ached from a day's worth of searching for potential threats. Ever since he had stepped up as leader, there seemed to be more then a couple people slowly joining in with the rest of the group. More people dotting the territory- and, inevitably with that, there came enemies that would soon appear. His mind constantly worried about defense, but having a different set of people around and nearby, it seemed it might need a problem.

As it turned dark, Arlo started to notice the glow of a fire down by the water's edge. His eyes shifted down towards the ground, red optics searching for nearby forms- where the was fire here, there was bound to be a groupmate nearby. And he spotted Aesior, working at making that fire come to life. The surrounding structure was curious, at the least, and Arlo descended. He stretched his wings as he landed, flapping gently, before tugging them back into his sides with a wince. They ached, for sure.

Arlo padded closer. "Hey, Aes. What are you workin' on?" He prompted, hopefully not scaring the mute due to his quick approach.


Re: only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) - Grimm - 04-02-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
How may it feel to create rather than sow destruction, find pride,  earned and accompanied by the tell-tale signs of work well done, once all was completed. There was a time when the notion seemed tangible, needed only the courage to reach forth and act upon the gently tended desire, a flickering flame allowed to die. He knew now no accident was the dismissal, snuffed that want beneath cold steel, but a child was he than, innocent and stupid for it.

Long past those days, dormant the fine fragments retained, snippets of a life that seemed a silken mirage befitting another. His were they no matter his reluctance to accept, at odds the once child, alight with a brilliance and joy that craved knowledge as though never enough could he have, and the man he now was. Better this way, separation allowed the severing to be conducted all the easier, or, at the least, such the frame he put about it.

Slight the frown that curled his lips, stark the difference present between the thin column of dissipating smoke and the dark backdrop of the sky. Too fine it to hint at a flame out of control, sparse that he had seen on the various instances he had done as he was now, clearing his head with only his thoughts for company, frost bitten much of it. Controlled this, made by another. Slow the ignition of his curiosity, a simmering heat that contested with his simple wish to continue reminiscing though well did he know to be counter-productive.

Understood one day the disregard of better judgement to obtain satisfaction may well invite his downfall, though lessened such when beckoned closer a conclusion he knew to be inevitable.

Rather short the distance between his prior location that and that which had been deemed suitable, still his muscles ached in protest he had grown accustomed to, too long mistreated a body that wished for a reprieve he would not allow it. Brief the confusion that arose, painted his ivory features before it dissolved, afixed once more a lax disinterest, between the pair his vision turning. Strangers both, though a fault largely his own as neither were sought to change the status to anything more akin to acquaintanceship, the cause by no means tied to a lack of interest.

No words bypassed his tightly pressed lips, adorned in a crooked curl of a smile, closer stepping until he was enveloped in the warm light. Quiet the sigh that slipped by without his notice, pleasant the heat after the chill of the night, his silence allowed to last a moment longer. "This is no ordinary firepit." Unnecessary the observation yet allowed it to hang in the air, his gaze finally lifting and regarded Aesior.

Re: only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) - aesior - 04-07-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
A quiet start would claim the pale colored tom, silent the descent of the vanguard as he approached, his words making his presence known. Fur ruffling along his spine for a mere moment as his head twisted around, jaws parted to drink in the scent that belonged to Arlo, eyes narrowed to suits as his body remained tense before relaxing. It was Arlo, not a threat. He doubted that the other would attack him, thought nighttime was a good time to attack someone. Greeting Arlo with a yawn as his fur flattened and muscles loosened, eyes returning to half lid as he pushed himself to his paws to retrieve his notebook. He didn't have an easy way to explain exactly what he was doing with flowers, though allium bristled across his pelt, a semblance of the fear he'd felt. He knew Arlo likely hadn't meant to startle him but that couldn't mend that he had been too careless and easily startled as a result.

Settling the notebook down as he crouched close to the warmth, adding more branches to the fire, he would turn his head as another voice joined the mix. Vincent, a newer face, though one he was seeing around a fair amount. Now that he'd been startled, he was more alert to his surrounds, though his muscles did tremble within his body. He'd made use of his re-awakening power to communicate with earth and greenery in moving the hardest rocks, and the small use on top of the day's work had made him weary and tired. He was aware of the mud and dust coating his fur, though he couldn't exactly complain as it had been something he wanted to do. Sitting up as he glanced back to his fire, he nodded to the other man's words. It certainly wasn't an ordinary firepit- he'd made it himself for crying out loud! He wasn't that confident, he just liked to humor himself sometimes - he would never claim it to be different for only being a work he had completed himself though the pride sat warm within his chest. Smiling at Vincent, he would wave him closer as he returned to his notebook and flipped through until he found an open space before sprawling within it. Forge. Make metal tools and things with it. I'm a meal. Metalsmith, I work with metals to make things others want. Jewl. Jewelry?

Re: only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) - Grimm - 04-17-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]There was some measure of truth behind the unspoken thought of the velvet darkness acting as suitable cover, had it been presented dismissal would have occurred, however. Low such tactics reserved for those of a foul and cowardly temperament, beyond a man once revered, one who polished a hollow honour. Hypocrite made, disgust wound about a strained acceptance, known such course of action for bystander had he been to it many times. His inclusion never permitted, though did that make him any greater or was he simply wrapped in an illusion he wished to maintain for his own peace of mind.

Gentle the perfume of sudden growth that occurred in the span of moments prior to his own advancement, a sight grown familiar though no less perplexing. Far from the threshold of his mind the notion of communication being the purpose, personalised and thus more difficult to grasp as it was, the exact cause one he cared little to think upon. In time, a possibility entertained if only for it was a simple goal he may regard and allow to anchor himself against, understanding may be sought. This night did not offer that, disregarded the buds once his brief study of them had concluded.

The manner in which Aesior held himself would not allow for easy ignorance. Such not to dissuade attempt, back always drawn, mild note made of the taunt hold, muscle, at irregular intervals, shifting as the pressure exceeded limits and it twitched with a noticeable movement of the skin laid atop it. Cause for this bore an easy identifier, alone they three here in the flickering illumination cast across the cool stone, unexpected intrusion prompting immediate response. Understandable it, excuse building upon his tongue snuffed out only as vision settled once more on the countenance of other, a smile present there. Momentary the existence of surprise that drew a shallow downward curl across his own lips, falling away as he was bid to come closer.

Still the notion of departure was there, pushed down as movement was tracked, his own unsure as he did as he was instructed. No, that felt too constricting, an invitation this to prolong a visitation he had not thought through, his guide only a vein notion acceptance may be found. Even as Vincent shifted position he would not allow himself to grow comfortable, exceeding a welcome he felt sure had been forced, not something he wished for when still was he the odd one out, new among these people. Left with only the option to observe the other allowed his eyes to follow, travelling along the extension of extremity, the retrieve of an item he bore a basic idea of.

Unsure the manner writing utensil moving along the page, at times halted and jerky back and forth was conducted, a rudimentary erasing. Finally about was it turned, legible words taking a moment to register. Too long had been allowed to transpire since last he had needed to parse the written word, short the few hastily written messages that had allowed him to maintain the skill, the bridge of his nose scrunching up as he read. Smoothed out his visage when the meaning was gathered, curiosity prompted by the readily given information.

A metalsmith. Known blacksmiths, though cruder their work compared to that which Aesior deemed himself capable of, weaponry not needing the fine eye and steady hand such fiddly work might. "You must have led quite an interesting life to have such unique talents." Smooth his voice, the threat of break suppressed as he regarded the forge once more. To request such seemed too much, still the words gathered on his tongue, held there until he spoke once more, much lower his volume as though he grew fearful another may hear. But he wished for it to be heard, any answer better than the weight of guilt laid atop his chest. "Can you make rings."

Re: only this seems clear ⚘ forge building (open) - aesior - 04-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Settled became his body, comfortable with the two others presences so close to his own. Tail flicking as he rested, eyes returning quickly to half lid to show his comfort. The matter of being startled had been his own, too absorbed in his enjoyment of his creation to have noticed Arlo earlier, though enhancement of senses had given some forewarning of Vincent's approach. Easy the shuffle of body to allow him in closer, ears twitching as the other read silently.

Was it perhaps too messy to read? Could the other make sense of it? Refraining from tapping his paws in worry, instead his paws faintly kneading at the stone and dirt under his body. He was anxious until the other spoke, the return of his smile even wider. Nodding gently- he had lived a very interesting life, and he was sure it would only continue. Rings? He could make them. Raising a paw to his left ear, gently brushing the twin ring piercings there. He'd made them himself. Rings were easy enough to create. His face would turn serious as he nodded again, indicating he could.