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hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - Printable Version

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hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - aesior - 03-29-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
he'd seen the farm that the others had been working on, and thought it to be a good idea. good enough that it reminded him that he should make his own garden, although it was more likely just to be filled with herbs and flowers, so he could talk a bit more. the ground was dry and rough, exotic plants wouldn't grow well here. those he could manage himself, he was sure, or he could make a small greenhouse for them. shaking his head as he stretched with a yawn, the tabby tom would curl his tail up as he stood up from his own nest to get started on the day. shaking himself out as he stepped out from the warmth of his nest, shaking off grass stems, he would leave the caves with a shallow basket in his mouth, small bags of seeds within it - well, bags made of animals' bladders and skin.

padding into the early morning sun, he would search around for a while before finding a place that would get plenty of morning sun and wouldn't be baked by the afternoon heat - a patch of ground beside one of the larger rocks within the territory, close enough to a small stream that he could water it easily. getting to work he turned the ground that he intended to use, making small shallows to plant the seeds, spilling some from their respective holding bags. these were flower seeds he'd both picked up in his journeys, fallen from the flowers he'd grown himself or from trades he'd made.

standing up some hours later, he smiled at the sight of his hard work, having separated the herbs from the flowers, though it didn't make much difference to him either way - he wanted the garden to succeed. perhaps, further along, he could plant some trees within the territory, though he would have no way of encouraging them to grow without a mass assortment of things. well, he could always work on that later. there was still much to do - he had yet to get any water from the stream and a good assortment of his seeds had yet to be planted. it was simply time to take a break, that was all, what with the sun beating down on his back as he carried dug-up roots and tubers from the site.

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-01-2021

When Fragglerock had initially seen the farm being grown on The Golden Eye's territory, he had been pretty enthusiastic about it. After all, he was an herbivore, which meant that having the farm would be of great benefit to him. Of course, he had no intention of hoarding any vegetables or anything else from anyone. That would just be rude, and he was fairly sure he'd get more than his fair share anyways. After all, not everyone liked certain kinds of vegetables, or even vegetables at all. In the end, he would feel a similar amount of enthusiasm about Aesior's garden, although not for the same reasons. Obviously he had no intention of snacking on a garden of flowers and herbs, but the display certainly served to liven up the territory a good bit. Not only that, but the herbs would be useful for the future, in case they needed them for patching up wounds. Frag hoped things wouldn't come to that, but he also knew better than to assume trouble would never arise. As The Golden Eye became larger... it was possible for them to become a target.

Better not to think about things like that, though. Instead, he preferred to think about the garden that Aesior had planted, his mind already full of a vibrant garden made up of a rainbow of colors. As he hopped over, Frag greeted the other enthusiastically, "Hello Aesior! You made a garden of your own, huh?" He then began to look between the garden and the nearby stream, his fluffy tail twitching behind him. Aesior seemed tired from the work that he had already put in... maybe he could help a little? Turning his gaze back to the mute feline, Fragglerock questioned softly, "Do you need some help? I could go and get some water from the stream, to start things along." Any buckets he could use to carry the water would probably be bigger than his entire body, but he could manage. He would just have to be careful not to spill any on the way back. Probably easier said than actually done, but he didn't want Aesior to have to do all the work on his own. Personal garden or not, it was something that would benefit the entire territory, both in the beauty and usefulness department. The rabbit saw that as something to help out with, if he could.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-01-2021

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - Grimm - 04-02-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
An enigma. Rather apt a descriptor where concerned the one deemed Aesior, a point of interest as much he was grievance, false his once held belief all were open books needing little effort to understand. Aside that particular line of thought had been placed when his intrusion upon this barren land had brought contact with a sort that seemed of a different cloth, each more intriguing than the next. Yet, as though his mind had become but clockwork set on a particular schedule, always back was he drawn to that particular individual.

It seemed a habit had been made of finding the presence of the other, coincidence all it was though to stop his thoughts from turning to other reasoning a task he did not undergo, drawn almost. There was no foul intent behind it, nothing more than old habits that seemed to evade the grave given any chance. All the same annoyance sparked, a simmering heat in his chest, brief the twist of lips, a frown light beneath the crease of his brow. Internal the cause, indulged this childish whim to find understanding in a manner unconscious and unwanted, and thus it was directed.

Between the stream gently gurgled, slowed as the runoff caused by melted ice dwindled, their voices lost, mild the interest beneath his apprehension. Short the time he lingered, enough the final seeds were placed in shallow spaces dug out for each in turn, continued his study as Aesior settled, seemingly pleased with the progress made thus far. His thoughts turned to other pursuits, unnecessary his intrusion where it was surely act as a hindrance rather than aid, the notion dashed as others approached.

Fragglerock, a strange child who bore a name of similar status, pleasant enough though a point of contest Vincent could not understand. And then the one who seemed the root cause of the hostility, her words stolen though apparent the manner her visage twisted, poison laced a tongue that moved too freely. Thoughtless his movement, cool still the water though it barely rose to graze elbows and knees, stained his paws by sediment as he pulled himself up onto the opposing embankment. Time enough was there to handle that, the sparse vegetation gaining a fine layer as he stopped at irregular intervals to remove at least some of it.

Still overly apparent that which remained as he came to a stop, allowed some distance between himself and the trio. "It seems you have been quite busy." He trailed into silence, gaze moving over the patches of smoothed over earth. It was more than he could say for some, at the least, off hand his next remark. "I would be willing to assist if you need it."

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - aesior - 04-07-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Mindless his pursuits of simple pleasure and enjoyment, his days could be endlessly spent come times of harvest in the fields. Or at least, those memories belonged to a heart lost times ago. Shaking his head as a fly buzzed past his ear, tempted to catch it in childish spur of energy. Paw flashing out as it zipped by, sheathed claws itching from dirt and damp grime, pad passing it by as it escaped to live another day. Amused huff leaving cracked lips, his ears would twitch and swivel as he pinpointed Fragglerock. A smile upon his face as he turned to face the other, ear twitching violently as the fly passed him by once again. Muscles lurching as he restrained the urge to slap the pesky bug from the air, attention focusing on the child again. Offering him a proud nod as he glanced to the garden, tail waving as a proud banner.

Blinking as the other offered his aid in fetching water, he would turn his head to look for a bucket. He knew he'd seen one earlier, perhaps it was part of the reason he'd planted here. Finding it, he nodded enthusiastically. Who was he to turn away aid especially when he was so tired? Ears flicking as Cleo came to join the conversation, he looked at the newly planted garden before giving a shrug. If any rabbits or other herbivores made snackfood of his flowers and herbs, he was happy to have given them some nutrition. It was a world where if you didn't eat, you'd be eaten. Offering her a grin at her comments on his work with flowers he would give a soft nod.

Unaware had he been of his onlooker, distant as Vincent had been, he was glad to see the other. He himself was curious of the newcomer, gradually becoming a limb of the group and its members. Tender the warm smile reserved for the silent scarred soldier, curious himself of the other and the story behind his scars and being. Nodding to Fraggle's direction as the other spoke of his own assistance, he would gaze back to the garden, debating what necessities were needed. Water was certainly needed and he was more sore than he wanted to admit. Pointing a stiff paw to the bucket, he laid an ear down with an apologetic wince. He hated to ask anyone to do anything to help him but since there was an offer ... he'd accept both offers.

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-08-2021

Cleopatra. The feline's presence immediately made Fragglerock shrink back, his ears pressing down against his skull slightly. Thankfully, such an action was difficult to notice, considering his ears were usually laying down anyways. Regardless, as much as he wanted to ignore Cleo's obviously antagonistic comment, he couldn't help but feel offended. As little as she actually cared about his independence and intelligence, he was actually in control of himself. He wasn't just some feral animal, driven by instincts. So, he replied in a bit of a harsh tone, tail twitching behind him, "Yes, I'm sure. I do have the ability to control myself, unlike you and your big mouth." He then seemed to pause, blinking at the words that had just left him. He usually wasn't so harsh, but Cleo's comments had really been getting under his skin. Not making him doubt himself, just... annoying him. He supposed he had finally snapped. Still, he had no desire to see how she would lash out back at him for his harsh words.

Wanting to get away before a scene broke out, the rabbit offered a quick flash of a smile to both Aesior and Vincent. He then bounced over towards the nearby bucket, grabbing it in his jaws and pulling it towards the nearby stream. His smaller size made the action a bit of a task, but that was just fine. Maybe it would help him build up a bit more muscle. Besides, Vincent had offered to help out as well, which meant that if he really needed some assistance, the other could provide. With a bit of effort, it wasn't long until he reached the stream, pushing the bucket over slightly so that the water could slowly fill it. As he waited for the bucket to be filled, his blue gaze drifted over towards Aesior and the others, simply watching. It was mostly a precaution, in case Cleopatra decided she was truly pissed off. The boy didn't think that Vincent and Aesior would let her hurt him, but... if she moved quickly enough, she could probably get a few hits in before either were able to react. That would probably be enough to severely injure or even kill Frag, considering his small size and youth. Hopefully, though, she would just take his snide comment in stride.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - Grimm - 04-09-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Had he been informed of the shared curiosity, well educated the guess he may formulate for numerous those grown brazen and thus aloud spoken queries alike the fly that proved insistent, maybe looser his tongue. Or tighter the cage, his questions locked alongside stories embedded in flesh that left a fading map of his history written against his skin. Reserved, secretive in a fashion that incited only suspicion, further thrown at him, spat into his face when refusal met cruel digging. Unfitting such for the man before, a soul that seemed heavy beneath a burden that acted a mirror to his own, and thus opinion was shelved, softened beneath gathered knowledge.

Always seemed on hand a smile to paint along those pale lips, prepared as though pleasant the company of any, a notion difficult to accept, grating grown his for found a purpose in it. Aside put it, however, crooked the manner mouth curled, unnecessary in a presence that imparted a warmth Vincent found he wished to indulge within. Fleeting the thought, attention following shifting vision, assessed once more the work already performed. Settled upon the necessary task, rigid the extremity that rose in brief gesture, taunt grown his lips as Aesior allowed his discomfort to show.

Too far had he pushed himself, it seemed prone to this, few and rather distant the instances recalled when seen the other resting. Idle hands a distressing thing, that much Vincent may understand, this seemed all too far simply to find a way to occupy oneself. His thoughts were broken as the silence was similarly shattered, the voice familiar though the tone not, words taking a moment to register.

It seemed the child had a bit of a short fuse, or the barely concealed barbs had grown too numerous and retaliation had become the only suitable response. Still startling the manner Fraggle spoke, sharp the snort of laughter he tried to mask as a cough, paw briefly pressing against his chest. Poor the act, still his laughter continued even through the coughing, his efforts not the best as it were for he cared little for what Cleo thought of him. Thus far she seemed set on acting in a particular fashion that incited nothing but a bitter taste in the back of his mouth, acting in a cordial manner towards her was beyond him now.

Lacking any suitable addition his attention turned as Fraggle began his work, though he made no move that may be deemed as interference. The child was capable, and his offer was one that would stand for him as well though he bore no wish to foist unwelcome assistance on the lagamorph, few the steps he took towards the embankment.

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-11-2021

Re: hand in hand forever ⚘ flower garden planting (open) - aesior - 04-13-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
pleasant had been what rays of sunshine had found him, careful his pace as he carried his body to the shade of the poor tree within vicinity of the garden, watchful his gaze over fragglerock, eyes silent yet warm. the child was one he'd grown accustomed to, though the manner of tone in which he returned address to cleopatra made his eyes widen, clearing his throat with his paw raised to his mouth. a bite of the tongue to hold back the soft laughter that wanted to leave him, averted his gaze. well, that was a surprise, but in turn, he was proud of fragglerock for snapping back at cleo after all of her comments. amused though his reaction to the younger male's outlash, would his amusement turn sour as he looked back to cleo, briar sprouting around the base of tree he rested under. veiled his own contempent, blooms of tansy appearing as he would sigh. unspoken his words, merely glancing away, his feelings shown through his flowers, though extreme the one for the situation, the other he felt best fit.

flower meaning:
Tansy - "F*ck you"
Briar - "You're (being) a bitch/bastard"