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OH ANA OH ANA // new body - Printable Version

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OH ANA OH ANA // new body - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-28-2021

everything's just come together at last !
It wasn't hard to speak telepathically, but it could be exhausting whenever her clanmates didn't want to open up their mind enough to allow her to speak. Not very many closed off their minds, and in a way, Atbash understood why some kept their minds closed off, but she didn't want to keep prodding into her clanmates' minds. There was one ability that Atbash knew she had that was similar to shapeshifting - possession. She could temporarily abandon the savannah body she was in and find another to take over until her body healed. With an animal in mind, Atbash closed her eyes and laid down in her makeshift nest, focusing on the territory around her to find the species she was looking for.


Opening her eyes, Atbash found herself outside of her home but still within camp. She stood in the body she possessed for a moment, blinking as if trying to make sure she was in another body and not just imagining things. Ha, it worked! The Shaderunner thought to herself, her tail wagging as she looked at the body she took over - a coyote. Shaking her fur out, Atbash started walked and went towards her home, hopping onto the porch and beginning to open the door to her home, completely unaware of how it was likely that her clanmates might not know she was in this body.

Although given the fact that the coyote's body had black markings that mimicked the markings on her main body, maybe it would be that hard to guess.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - rhosmari - 03-31-2021

Changing bodies had been a horrific experience for her. It had destroyed everything she had built up in Tanglewood. The fire had cooked and burned her alive in her own home as if sending a message or just to hurt her. She had died that night and came back as something different. Everything had felt different after that night and she knew she didn't want to experience something like that again. Her house had been burned to cinders and ash and this was how she had moved in with her girlfriend. How they had grown closer after everything that had happened. Especially when it came to her daughter. Still it was harder said than down when it came to the woman trusting such magical gifts. When she noticed the coyote walking through town the lioness sat up.

She watched with a keen stare and she took note of the markings. They were familiar. Curious she rose from where she had been laying and she made her way over to the home that she knew belonged to Atbash. "Is she Atbash? She looks different now... Ah, it didn't hurt, did it?"

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-31-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Atbash turned to Elsweyr when she came over, a soft smile on her face that did falter at the mention of her new body hurting. "Yes, it is me." She mused. "But it didn't hurt, no. Used up some energy from me, but I can earn that back pretty quickly." There was a small pause for a moment while Atbash pondered the question that Elsweyr asked. "Has it hurt when you've done it?" There was a difference between shapeshifting and possession, after all
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - arrow - 03-31-2021

”Yeah, did it hurt when you did the thing?” Arrow teased, following behind Elsweyr with a raise of her brow and a shit eating grin on her face. The memory of Els taking on the firey lioness form was not something she’d ever forget, and that was saying something considering she couldn’t remember what she had for breakfast that morning. But she could still picture the scene of ash and ember following the raging house fire. Gave her a cold chill down her spine just remembering. She didn’t want to talk about it. Although, she did have that fire to partly thank for getting her a new girlfriend, it was gonna be hard to top a story like that.

”Coyote, I’m guessin’? That means I can call you a sly dog now and mean it?” Ooooh, she really wanted to. She was stupid, sure, but not stupid enough to not see the shift in the way the Cipher looked at Merlin. Now, she could throw glances at the lady with both eyes. ”No more blindside?”
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Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-01-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Atbash stuck her tongue out in response to Arrow's little comment about calling her a 'sly dog'. "Please don't." She replied with a laugh. "But no more blindside!" Her tail was wagging, her words coming in an excited bark. "It... feels great to be able to see fully again."
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - Seven - 04-02-2021

The blind tiger moved very slowly to the three, with no point of reference but strange white outlines. It was scary, but at least she could technically see. And, judging by the outline of Atbash, the woman had changed forms. As well as what the dream demoness said, anyway. "Different.." She rumbled, moreso to herself than Atbash. There was a lot that was different. 
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-03-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Atbash's relationship with Seven was complicated to say the least. She had been the one to discover Seven's body when she had died, despite not knowing her. Seven had returned fairly quickly after that, in a body of a blind tiger. "Yes, I'm different now." She replied, looking at the tigress now. "I am usually in a savannah cat body, but I'm in a coyote one for right now while I let my birth body heal."
female coyote | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - rhosmari - 04-03-2021

Well, she could say it wasn't one of the most pleasant of experiences. It had been horrific if she had to be honest with herself on the night that it had happened. But she found herself not regretting the situation. It had led to her becoming so much more than she had ever thought she could be. And maybe she had found herself here after all but she just had hesitations about how to go about leading. And on how others looked at her. She was a wild thing, taught by war and aggressive means to keep alive. But she didn't falter as she a small smile when the question was asked. When Arrow came forth she merely chuckled sweetly. Relaxing a bit before she shook herself. "She can remember it not being a very pleasant experience. She kind of burned her house down." Atbash hadn't been here for that if she remembered correctly. Her home going up in flames. Her screams. It had been something else. But she was glad to see Atbash having her sight back as well as being okay.

Re: OH ANA OH ANA // new body - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-04-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
"Oh." Atbash could understand why Elsweyr was so worried now, even if she knew that wasn't exactly a possibility with her. Controlling flames wasn't something she could do, and fortunately her new body didn't have any sort of flames on it, like Elsweyr's lioness body did. "No, no, I just kind of. Swapped my soul with someone else's, I guess is the best way to explain it?" It was the only explanation Atbash could provide at the very least. "The worst it does is wear me out a little."
female coyote | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi