Beasts of Beyond
Make your life so sweet | Sherbet - Printable Version

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Make your life so sweet | Sherbet - Onyxdreams - 03-28-2021

~ ☼ With a look of pride stretched across her face for everyone to see, Onyx watched as her three little fuzz balls waddled around through the nice grassy patch she had found for them. Not too far away from home, just at the edge of the camp itself, but it wasn't like she needed to take them any further either way. Since they had all dried up a bit and were no longer just wet, weird little things, they had become cute, oh so, so very cute, with the way they gave off little peeps and tripped all over themselves when they ran too fast. Oh, she definitely had no issues with having a few more of them around, in fact she was already planning on hatching a few more once these ones reached full size and laid a few eggs. It'd be a bit more work, she hadn't actually cared for the eggs herself the first time, just gotten lucky and found them just about to hatch, but hey, it couldn't be that hard!

"Alright, gather up!" she called out, giving a tap of her paw to the ground to get her little fluffy creat-chickens, her chickens gathered up. There was another reason that she had brought them out here after all, it was a special day today, she had decided that today was going to be her monthly candy day! She had a lot of various sweets and treats stashed away, but she didn't usually bring out her big stash, except...on days like today. "Now, you'll all stay quiet about this right? Don't show anyone, got it?" she stated seriously, though the chirps she received in response had her lighting up into a bright grin. Stepping over to a nearby, fairly inconspicuous patch of sand, she began digging, using her paws and wings to quickly excavate sand, until eventually, she met something that was definitely not sand, but fabric. Wiggling and pulling at the bag she had buried, it only took her a few moments to finally yank it free of the sand, setting the massive travel bag down by her side. "Yes, behold children, this, is my stash!" The lack of responses from her pets, aside from the usual peeps, was a little bit anticlimactic, but who cared, she had a lot of candy to get through, and no one to tell her how much she could or couldn't have!