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TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - Printable Version

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TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 03-28-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Everything was a mess, wasn't it? Fortunately Astraea had survived the mudslide that had recently plagued the Coalition, even if she was a bit traumatized by it. After all, she was only a child, of course something that caused mass destruction and possible death scared her; it was only natural.

Astraea tried not to let the recent events dampen her mood though. The young liliger was making her way through the Coalition's temporary camp with a squirrel in her mouth. Not that she caught it, it was just something from the fresh-kill pile, she was just carrying it to a place to relax and eat. She didn't want to bother the adults and anger them with her questions and so, the girl laid down and started to eat.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - FALLENSUN - 03-29-2021

The mudslide had scared Katsuki too, though the young liliger and sibling of Astraea would not admit it. He was stubborn, and refused to show any form of weakness because he learned early on that it got him nowhere in life to be so vulnerable to just anyone. Even if it was a clan mate, he still found it hard to trust anyone. He trusted individuals, like his father, but not groups.

He slowly made his way to the fresh kill pile and picked out something small to snack on, going over to sit in front of his sister. He was protective of her, especially with everything that happened while their mom had been around. He didn’t trust her, and Astraea had a soft heart that didn’t deserve to be broken. He learned much for being only a few moons old at the time. Whether that was a good or a bad thing depended upon how others saw it, but he had no opinion on the matter.

He observed their surroundings for a while before digging in, forgetting how hungry he was and scarfed down his meal. Katsuki looked over to the other liliger and finally offered a nod to her.

You doin’ okay, Astraea?

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - angelembrace - 03-29-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── More siblings, huh? Around his age too, which was...interesting. Perhaps if he wanted to give Aphra the benefit of the doubt, he could, her and his father’s relationship was as casual as it could get, so casual in fact that he didn’t think they even spoke more than a few words to each other here and there after she’d given birth. Which was fine, he guessed, it wasn’t constant fighting and he had nothing to compare it to, so it didn’t stand out as too strange. Not yet anyway.

Like the other cubs who had beaten him to it, Angel was just trying to find something to eat that wouldn’t be too much at once. He needed to eat more, objectively so, to catch up with his brothers and try and gain whatever pounds he lacked, as well as crawl up gradually to a healthy state. He was just behind, that’s all. However, eating too much made him feel sick, and he didn’t want to risk that possibility right now. Didn’t know if everything was safe and stable just yet. Easily distracted from his goal because of that fact, Angelembrace blinked inquisitively at Astraea and Katsuki, running through his memories and recollections to see if he had crossed paths with either at any point, and came to the conclusion that he had not. Then again, he’d missed the chance to really meet most everyone. Wouldn’t hurt to get to know some more people, would it?

He waved a spotted paw at the liligers, end of his tail curling into a little spiral. Didn’t want to interrupt.

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 03-31-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, her brother. As Katsuki came to join her, Astraea offered him a smile. "Yea, I'm doin' okay, I think." She replied in a low rumble. "Just... scared that something is going to happen again." Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Angelembrace in the background and perked up her ears. "Hi there. You can join us, if you want." She offered, waving a paw at her half-brother (though not knowing this just yet).[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - Cosmic - 04-02-2021

He was thankful that his cubs were doing just fine, not injured physically and were finally freed of their abusive mother. He didn’t like Aphra, but she was the mother of his children, and the very least he could do was allow her to wean them off so he could take full care and custody. He hoped to repair any psychological damage that may have been done to them in the time spent with Aphra, understanding what pain and trauma was and not wanting his children to go through the same torture.

He was glad to see them talking amongst themselves, and making friends. Socialization at a young age was important, and he admittedly was excited to see them thriving. He watched from around the corner as they grabbed their lunch and sat down to eat with another cub, likely one of Aphra’s as well. If that child needed a positive parental figure, he would take them under his wing, too.

He decided that now was a good time to come out of the shadows to sit with his family for a meal, grabbing a snack for himself and laying down next to them with a smile beneath his mask.

Hello, Astraea and Katsuki.” Devraj gave a nod of his head and turned to look in the direction of Angelembrace. “You may join us if you wish. The more the merrier.” Not that the cub should need an invitation, but he would give them one anyways.

I trust that you are doing well?

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - angelembrace - 04-04-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Well, looks like he was permitted to interact with the other kids. And he did just that, bouncing closer to Astraea and company, telling himself to be polite still. There wasn’t much he could offer in terms of consolation, he wasn’t even sure if safety was going to be promised by Mother Nature from here on out just because the mudslide was over. Angel figured that if something else would take place, it would have happened already, but he was never too sure.

”Maybe if something does happen again....we’ll be ready for it this time! And no one will get hurt.” And the Kingpin wouldn’t get her soul launched out of her body. It was all he had, and even to him it sounded like pretty useless for comforting the worried cub. He’d have to take notes on how to help someone emotionally. ”I don’t think we’ve ever actually talked, actually.” He laughed sheepishly, finding himself a little bit nervous about reaching out first, technically. ”I’m Angel.” Full names felt too formal, nicknames would do just fine.

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - trojan g. - 04-04-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Up until this point, Ruven had thought that he and Angel were the only children around the Coalition's camp, but upon seeing that there were others there too - all related, though he wouldn't know that yet - he quickly made his way over. He hadn't been around when the mudslide had happened in the Coalition and had simply thought that the mid that was there now had always been there. He was sure that there were some that didn't like the mud but so far it had seemed - to him at least - that there were many who had decided to embrace the mud in the place they lived, which was an odd choice to the lion cub but it was something he couldn't judge much considering his last home had quite literally been a bush.

Coming to a stop beside his newly claimed best friend, Ruven would look over at Angel for a moment before looking back to the other children around them, offering a small smile. "Hi." The lion would speak for a moment, thoughts moving through his head as he tried to think of the words he was going to use. "My name's Ruven, um, what are we talking about?" Something about others getting hurt and it not happening again.

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - FALLENSUN - 04-04-2021

He gave a tiny dip of his head in response to Astraea, and turned to watch as his father approached. The liliger gave a noticeable scowl as he saw two other children gather with them as well, and even his father was encouraging them to. Ugh, more extras.

He lashed his tail, ears pinned to the back of his skull as he turned his attention to Astraea, doing his best to ignore the other two. “I won’t let anything happen to you, understand? I don’t think dad will, either. We’ll be okay.” Katsuki was doing his best to calm her nerves while also trying his best to keep himself from lashing out at anyone else, but the more they spoke, the more it annoyed him.

Finally, he spoke, though it was curt and to the point.

Katsuki.” Another tail lash, and this time he left temporarily to go get another piece from the fresh kill pile, returning quickly to keep his place with his sister.

This time however, he wanted to try something. In his anger, he felt a strange energy forming in and around his paws, and a need to release such build-up feeding into this sensation. An angry huff was audible, and then a light booming sound followed shortly after.

The smell of burning hair was what caught his attention, and Katsuki looked down to see that his piece of food had been cooked, with some tiny parts of it still in flames. The cub dropped the now-roasted meat on the ground, looking at his paws. He was startled, but then a devilish grin became plastered to his features.  Flames were coming from his paws, and it wasn’t hurting him in the slightest. How... convenient.

Hey extras,” He motioned to the two other cubs, still wearing that same scary grin, “take a look at this.

Re: TAKE ME HIGH AND I'LL SING // introduction - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
"I'm doing okay. Just worried about another mudslide happening," Astraea admitted to her father with a small frown before Angelembrace did end up joining, followed quickly by Ruven. "Astraea's my name. It's nice to meet you both." Weird, they all seemed to be around the same age - but she didn't really have time to bring that up as Katsuki started his speech. She smiled as he promised that he wouldn't let anything happen to the both of them, though as Katsuki's paws were surrounded by flames, she let out a squeak of surprise and shuffled backwards a bit.

If she wasn't in shock, perhaps she would have commented on Katsuki calling Ruven and Angelembrace 'extras', but she was far too focused on the flames that were on her brother's paws. "D-does that hurt?"[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]