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THE WAVES | meeting 3/26 - Printable Version

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THE WAVES | meeting 3/26 - gael - 03-26-2021

With political business settled and the weather warming, the vulpine felt it was time to gather everyone once more.  His thoughts in careful order, the Ardent trotted up the steps to the 'throne', hazel gaze drifting below.  There was plenty of work to do, thanks to the thaw -- work to return to after.

"Pittians, gather!" The faerie raised in his voice in the familiar call, standing patiently above.

"First and foremost; we have a number of new faces -- new, returning and visiting. [member=18075]Aquila[/member] [member=18060]LOVEBITE[/member] [member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member] [member=10503]MERCEDE[/member] and [member=267]Kian.[/member]"  It felt strange to be housing guests, but with his interest in encouraging trade and more neutral dealings with their neighbors, the happenstance was not entirely unwelcome.  "Understand that our hospitality only remains so long as you are willing to pull some weight." Cold and blunt, but the vulpine did not tolerate lazybodies -- however, between the primary guests he noticed, Kian and Lovebite, he doubted there would be an issue.

"To those who have completed their blooding during the freeze," one of whom currently away due to family, if he understood correctly, "well done.  We welcome you as fully blooded Pittians.  A feast will be held in your honor, as well as in celebration of the spring -- I plan on offering an invite to the Palm Glades, to repay them for their own hospitality in inviting us to their ice skating gathering."

"Treat them as guests.  They have done nothing but the same for us." Respect paid with respect.  "As for Tanglewood, our neutrality stands as this -- unless of dire straights there will be no Pittian on their lands, nor Tangler on ours.  I hope that is understood."  His eyes glinted icily.  "The only exceptions are Atticus and Sweeny, as agreed on by myself and Elsweyr."

"Furthermore, [member=1391]DANTE NORTHWEST.[/member]," the Ardent inclined his head.  "Consider your punishment over."  Tanglewood had been satisfied after all, and the vulpine felt enough time had passed.

With a breath, Gael continued, less than pleased by the next matter at hand but it was necessary.  "[member=7407]JACK .[/member] you are demoted.  An Imperator must be present to lead, but we have seen nothing of you in moons."

"Finally, a reminder to be cautious during the thaw.  As I said before, I want everyone to be wary of the blood nile, and to keep an eye on where you are walking."  Aine had already gotten herself stuck in the mud once, he did not wish to have too many repeats of the occasion.  "Stay vigilant, and assist with patrols when you can."

"If there are no questions, this meeting is dismissed."

// tl;dr
— Warm welcome (or welcome back) to everyone!
— A spring feast will be planned in celebration for the winter bloodings and for the coming of spring!  Gael plans on inviting the Palm Glades to attend
— Tanglewood and Pitt have a non-contact neutrality agreement, with Atticus and Sweeny as exceptions
— Dante Northwest's punishment for breaking the Tanglewood truce is now over! He may share food with his clanmates and receive medical aid once again
— Jack is demoted from Imperator
— A thaw is finally settling in with the change of seasons; the jungle may be flooded and muddy and the blood nile is listed as extremely dangerous from raising water levels so Gael is reminding everyone to be cautious!
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: THE WAVES | meeting 3/26 - Atticus Roux - 03-26-2021

The recent plight of The Pitt was all because of one member. Atticus' distaste for the situation was in no way unknown, but he was glad things had begin to settle, especially on the political spectrum. He couldn't help but feel his curiosity peak at Gael's call though. With a huff and his haunches rising up from the floor, the canine sauntered towards the temple and settled near the back. Golden hues watched his movements. With patience, time passed and the ardent spoke. Ears perked in interest and listened carefully.

At the first mention of his name, the wolf's head firmly nodded in acknowledgement. The next subject unnerved him, although he doubted it would bother the rest, as his time in Tanglewood was overrun by The Palm Glades enslaving them. An quiet scoff left the wolf. The Coalition of the Condemned were not the only ones guilty. Needless to say, he made a mental note to take that night off and stray far from the event if any Palm Glades member showed their face. Atticus slightly wondered if he could just ditch the party and do something with Sweeney instead. He kept that to himself though. Sometimes his introverted ass needed to get out.

Now for the dreaded politics though. With Tanglewood dealt with and his name mentioned a second time, he seemed pleased. A smile didn't don his maw, but instead another dip of his head came from Atticus. "Thank you," came his low rumble. As for Dante's punishment, he didn't consider it to be over. The hybrid would not get off too easy with Atticus, especially since he jeopardized his and his family's livelihoods.

With nothing else to add, his gaze surveyed the crowd. Atticus was satisfied.

Re: THE WAVES | meeting 3/26 - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-27-2021


Re: THE WAVES | meeting 3/26 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
It was about time for a meeting, wasn't it? Dante thought it had been getting a bit clammy here, hence why he even went out searching for some dude to fuck around with - quite literally, in Lovebite's case. Dante's ears flicked at the announcement regarding neutrality with Tanglewood, clearly not too happy about this, but the hybrid said nothing. He was glad that Gael decided he was able to be treated as a normal Pittian again, though by now the sharkcat had no injuries to deal with. Sharing food with his clanmates though... that was missed, even if he wouldn't admit that out loud.

Jack's demotion wasn't a surprise, though Dante was a little disappointed to hear that there weren't any promotions. Though, did anyone deserve one? He obviously wasn't quite sure; it wasn't his job to keep track of these things, after all.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]