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whats happening // thaw patrol - Printable Version

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whats happening // thaw patrol - Atticus Roux - 03-26-2021

The news of the thaw was an unwelcome one. For a dry desert and a strangely placed jungle in the middle of it, the idea of snow was a wild one. Atticus never presumed why. Instead he got to work on Gael's order. A patrol was needed. Seeing that no one else offered to lead, he chose to step up and take the rest around the area. With a swish of his tail and a displeased expression of his tail, the canine set out from their makeshift meeting. Paws traversed from the temple, eventually reaching the Ashen City's edge with the rest. He stopped at the edge of the city, observing it's fallen pieces, only to continue forward.

As he walked further north, the land beneath his feet began to grow mushy. Dips in the land were now home to small freshwater sources. The water was blackened and milky with the ashes of The Pitt's old homes and whatever bodies remained, causing his nose to scrunch up in disgust. His golden eyes peered up from the ground. The rest of the remaining city remained full of mold, algae, and mildew as a result. For what little stone and wood remained, it was drenched. The canine held no ties to The Pitt's old home, but he couldn't help growling underneath his breath in displeasure. 

His head turned back. Yellow hues narrowed at the group that follows, only to offer a frown. The former city seemed to be a lost cause, but the contaminated freshwater was a prominent issue.  "I think we're shit out of luck here," he grumbled. There was only two options now: move along or restore the area. After all this time though, he doubted the second option would happen.

Re: whats happening // thaw patrol - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Unlike Atticus, Dante did hold some ties of The Pitt's old home, though he didn't have a lot of memories of it. It was a place he had been with Yes Man and that was all. He missed the Founder, if he were honest, but he hoped that Yes Man was satisfied with whatever afterlife he found himself in, if any. But in regards to the patrol, the reason Dante didn't offer to lead one was because he was assuming Gael was, though fortunately someone stepped up to the plate in the end, even if it was Atticus.

Dante held little respect for the wolf, mostly due to his duel alliance with Tanglewood. He had no idea that Atticus was there for family, nor would he particularly care if he did know. What use was family ties? Just as the hybrid promised though, he would join the patrol, silent as he followed Atticus for a while. Dante's eyes did light up at the sight of some freshwater though.. maybe this could be his own little hideout, since he didn't like others bothering him whenever he was out in the jungle swimming in the ponds there. Hardly anyone came to the Ashen City... Ooh, what if he made his home here somewhere?

"I think we should restore it." Dante stated, getting closer to the murky water and sniffing it, recoiling back and sneezing when some of it got up his nose. "Maybe 'ave it as, like. A little oasis." That was going to be his and nobody else's. Totally.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: whats happening // thaw patrol - j a c k . - 03-30-2021


Jack's awakening was recent enough that he felt the need to patrol. Unlike Atticus, the kodkod preferred to patrol alone himself. He wasn't one for company when his mind was busy. Playing catchup as he was with the events, his own demotion and the like. It wasn't the right mood for conversation. Only until the spotted figures of the patrol along the ashen city- so close where the creature had taken to make his den of makeshift ice did he join them. A silent tail to the group that was met with silence if noticed or remarked on.

Both Dante and Atticus had a seniority to him in the claims of this place, but the ashen city held more claim to him then either of them for the sole purpose that his den still resided in it. He was a possessive fellow, as evident enough that he joined the patrol as it passed through his own den's space. Either it was a aspect of that or his own passing boredom, quiet company was seldom found, and it was better t be alone in the presence of others rather than have nothing but the silence and the slurry that ran between his paws as his only company.

It would be a project to restore it, either the river that used to run here or the surrounding city that was burned. Jack was interested in the prospect if only to see some of the older clanmates perk up at the sight of their old home back to rights. "[glow=#687C97,2,300]It would be remiss to get rid of the history of this place[/glow]", it was a reminder, that the Pitt should only stand for itself and nothing more. For it's people- the loyalty should hold to each other and nothing else. Call Jack old fashioned if you like, but there was something about the ashen city and the surrounding ruin that Jack preferred.

"[glow=#687C97,2,300]There is still no need to leave this land so filthy. I could freeze it over, but it would be a temporarily fix.[/glow]" Jack's powers where back under a modern amount of limitability without the present of the blizzard hanging over his head. "[glow=#687C97,2,300]Something to bring up next meeting, I'm sure.[/glow]" Or before, if he spotted the wayward fox that led them