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wonderful vices - winterhymns - Printable Version

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wonderful vices - winterhymns - WYVERNKIT - 03-25-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
She had slowly been working at her.. well. Problems. She had been learning to make the poultice on her own, so that Win wouldn't have to keep applying it- but it was hard craning her neck and applying it with the wounds literally torn open on the skin she moved so. But, Wyvernkit was proud of herself, applying it and wrapping herself back up on her own. And, on this day, it was becoming clear beneath her bandages her pelt was changing.

There was a lightening of her darkest hues, shifting her pelt around, spots forming and a different look altogether emerging. She hadn't truly noticed, but since she had been resting, it had been a few days since anyone truly looked at her. Since she was feeling better today, Wyvernkit managed to step out of her room and head downstairs, looking around for her brothers. But, since it was midday, it appeared the thick of them were outside, probably tumbling around and playing with eachother.

Wyvernkit exhaled, breathing through her nose. She rummaged in the kitchen, after snacks.

[member=17723]WINTERHYMNS P.[/member]


Re: wonderful vices - winterhymns - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-28-2021

A deep breath left Winterhymns as he finished up work within his garden, he blinked his eyes for a moment looking out to the ocean before his gaze shifted over to the boys who were tumbling around and playing within the sand. A tired smile formed on his maw deciding that he would go back inside of his home and get some tea for himself, half closed eyes glancing at the head behind him only to lash his tail behind him carefully.  "Home is where the heart is," He would hum to himself quietly hopping onto the porch before nudging the door open with his nose, the house might have been large but thankfully the presence of his children was enough to make it full and not feel empty. Although, a soft thought of them all leaving at some point to get their own homes and dens lingered in the back of his mind. And the thought of waking up within an empty house with several rooms only to be by himself was rather intimidating to say the least yet he was aware that all birds left the nest at some point. Winnie shoved this thought away not wanting to dampen his mood at the given moment only to hear rummaging houses coming from the kitchen did he perk up.

Winterhymns stepped into the kitchen to find that it was Wyvernkit looking for a snack, a soft chuckle leaving him as his ears twitched ever so slightly "Are you hungry, my dear?" He inquired with a purr escaping him, the legate would take some steps forward heading to the cupboard that held most of his small tea bags. He plucked one of them out only to add wearing a warm smile on his somewhat exhausted features "Would you like me to prepare you something, love?" He took notice to the way that she had changed her bandages did he begin to feel pride filling him, his gaze lighting up only to comment with a small nod "Well, look at you. You did a wonderful job at bandaging yourself up... But never be shy to ask for my help if you need any, Wyvy." It really wasn't a big issue, after all, he had been the medic before becoming leader even if it had been rather short lived did he still practice medical procedures. Upon noticing the bandages did he also realize that Wyvernkit was gaining some of his markings and it was a good sight really, he was never too big on his appearance but he believed that his markings were the best part of his entire look.

Re: wonderful vices - winterhymns - WYVERNKIT - 04-01-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Her father's soft chuckling caused her head to whip around. She relaxed when she realized it was just her father, a gentle huff leaving her muzzle. Had it been one of her brother's she may have died on the spot. She was halfway in and out of the cupboard, and tried to wiggle her way out before flopping backwards, sitting on her haunches with a gentle 'oof'. She looked towards her father again, giving a tiny nod.

"Want some lunch." She mumbled, rubbing at her face. She was a bit disappointed she couldn't find something for her lunch on her own. She slowly stood up, and as her Mapa noticed the bandages around her center, she flushed a bit. She picked her paw up, rubbing at her cheek again. "Um.. yeah. Thanks. I noticed you were.. getting really busy with leading n' everything." It went unsaid that she wanted to take some of the weight off of her father's shoulders.

Ever since he had been leader, and without Da around.. she shook her head. There was something disheartening about her Da disappearing- and it was truly shellshocking. Her brothers played on, but being stuck with these.. these burdens on her back, she had plenty of time sitting around to just think about it. Her eyes dulled a bit as she looked down at her paws, ears lowered.
