Beasts of Beyond
Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - Printable Version

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Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - Casphian - 03-25-2021

Large paws thundered against the ground, carrying a bulkier body across the land while it's owner was deep inside his own mind. Thoughts raced through the drifting mind, a few of what the feline was to do next but most of a past he wished to forget. He hated the constant reminder, of a failed life, he got every time he looked at his reflection. It's not as if he had wanted another group to come in a tear down his pack and force him to be split from his brother but he still felt as if there was more he could've done. Sure he had only been a cub at the time but there should've been something that the feline could do but that was in the past now and there is no going back and righting what was wronged so he would just have to deal with it for now.

It wasn't much of a surprise that the lumbering tiger had wandered his way into another group's territory. Honestly anyone could take one look at the male and tell that he was deep into his thoughts. Jupiter finally came to a halt, his gaze lifting as he finally registered that he had stepped into someone else's territory but a lack of care drifted across his expression. Maybe he could seek out shelter here for a few days and then slip out without notice. He was always moving, always on a search hunting for what had been taken from him, who had been taken from him. The white tiger padded along the border, finally finding a place to sit and relax his body, wings shuffling across his back as they itched to be spread. A yawn slipped past his muzzle, his jaws ripping apart before closing his elongated canines resting against his bottom jaw. 

Re: Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-26-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
The group that Damion and Horizon found themselves in was Warbound, the devil knew that much, but he also knew that being aggressive towards visitors could also end up badly. Then again, Horizon recalled how disappointed he had been whenever Sav had shown up to his joining; he had been expecting someone more... stern, and not a nervous wreck at the mere sight of a stranger. Horizon hopped down to stand beside Damion, though he said nothing and simply stared up at Jupiter, awaiting a response.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - Casphian - 03-26-2021

The feline looked up upon hearing the sounds of feet thudding against the ground, the sound drawing nearer to him. He was unsurprised by the hostility he received, at this point he was honestly used to it. Most of the time he was chassed from the lands he crossed and so it didn't bother him much when the other spoke so harshly. "I'm Jupiter and I come seeking shelter," he mused to the question. His gaze drifted from the hound and to the other creature that appeared beside the hound. He drew in Horizon's scent, trying to place the species of the animal before him but his mind seemed to draw a blank. The tiger was curious about Horizon but did not act on his curiosity and instead turned his attention back to the hound in front of him, shuffling his wings slightly as he awaited to see how the creature would respond to him.

Re: Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-26-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Jupiter was here for the same reason Horizon had been, apparently. Although to be fair, he had actually been looking for a group to join rather than just 'shelter', but... same thing, right? "Do you even know where you are?" He barked, though he tried to make it seem like he was joking around. "You're allowed to stay regardless, but surely you'd like to know exactly where you are, wouldn't you?" At least, Horizon knew he would. "My name's Horizon Cipher, by the way." Might as well introduce himself as well.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - Casphian - 03-26-2021

//You're fine mistakes happen! Can just pretend it never even happened ^^

Jupiter huffed and turned his head from Horizon, his gaze rolling slightly. "It would be one hell of a surprise if I did know where I was," the feline mused. The tiger pushed himself up to stand and shifted his body around to face the other, shaking his neck slightly to shake out his fur. "It would be rather nice to know who's land I am trespassing on," he mused. He dipped his head in greeting when Horizon introduced himself, it was nice to finally put a name to the face he was speaking too. "It's much appreciated being allowed to stay, the journey has been long and harsh," he said, a soft chuckle slipping past his muzzle.

Re: Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-26-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
"The Frostblown." Horizon responded, though the fact that Jupiter seemed rather... uninterested in things made the devil's fur fluff out. He didn't appreciate seemingly being ignore but fortunately, the tiger did eventually acknowledge his greeting. "Yea, yeah. I'm sure it's not a big deal. I can take ya to camp if you want."
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: Every step I take leads me farther from you ~ open, joiner - Casphian - 03-26-2021

Jupiter mused of the suggestion for a moment, deciding what he should do next. “That would be nice,” he finally spoke up, deciding to take the other up on their offer. Jupiter wasn’t a feline of many emotions so it would be no surprise to him if he came off as rude or disinterested it was just the way the he was and probably would be. He padded over to the devil, his tail flicking lightly behind him causing the necklace wrapped around it to jingle softly. “Lead the way Horizon,” he hummed.