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FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny attacked - Printable Version

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FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny attacked - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-25-2021

[glow=black,1,400]I WANT SACRED, I WANT FINAL !。+゚.[/glow]
It was quite normal for Caesar to be angry; the whole reason he even started attacking The Typhoon again (and Atbash in Tanglewood) was because of his anger, but now he was furious. Furious at Roan specifically, but he wasn't that much of an idiot to seek the guy out. He'd probably just get his ass kicked again, more likely than not. But there was another way to get to Roan and that was by attacking his Crewmates, to make his job harder for him. Of course, the former Officer had no idea that Goldenluxury was also a medic and that Roan had a bunch of crewmates that was able to help him.

So Caesar was once again back in The Typhoon's territory, prowling close by the beach, the fur on his shoulders twitching. Considering his previous attacks were in the jungle, it was probably safe to assume that Roxanne (or Roan) had set up patrols to search there more often, but unfortunately this meant that Caesar was more exposed than he would be in the jungle. Not that hiding with a bright neon-colored coat was easy in the first place, because it definitely wasn't.[glow=black,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny - daniel - 03-26-2021

Three times, three times he had been a witness to the aftermath of injury and learned later that each attack had one thing in common, their attacker. Not old enough to know much about the infamous Caesar Cipher, the weight added onto the existing severity of several Typhoon pirates getting terribly injured was lost on him. The negative connotation of the surname itself even earned no reaction from him, he at least had the benefit of only associating the Cipher name to Vayne and Lumia, both of which were far removed from the infamy that haunted the coast.

On one hand, it was too dangerous to be walking around with no one else to come to his aid, just because the jungle was the stage for each attack didn't mean the threat wouldn't shift places for an unexpected fourth target. On the other hand, though, Danny could not stay in the safety of the camp for too long, the constant conversation and presence of everyone made his anxiety worse, and locking himself inside was unhealthy. He could have been more cautious if he was going to be outside, he knew that, but one thing that managed to do the impossible and jump over his fears like a damn hurdle was the thought of hunting down a new shell for Vayne. He hadn't seen the eye that Roan had pulled out, having no reason to visit the temple that day, but heard through others that she got a less-than-nice history lesson about her grandfather from the Soothsayer himself. Between that, and getting kicked around by her own emerging power giving her hell, he just wanted to do something nice to compensate for his lack of verbal comfort.

He thought he might have found one, shimmering in the sun with an almost rainbow reflection, when he suddenly stopped. Something was wrong, he felt it, sensed it. One, there was something that stood out among the usual scent of the beach, ocean waves and salty breezes. Breathing felt a little more difficult as panic set in, immediately running headfirst into the idea that he was in danger. He was, but he had no proof just yet. Danny looked over his shoulder on impulse, taking a slow step back like he was about to bail.


[glow=black,1,400]I WANT SACRED, I WANT FINAL !。+゚.[/glow]
It was almost funny (in a dark way) that Caesar was targeting kids or younger adults; it was almost like he knew they wouldn't fight back - or if they could, it wouldn't be extreme injuries like the one Roan gave him. Although granted, this particular target was still bigger than him; savannah cats could only get so tall, and being the height of a young wolf wasn't something they could match.

It was a shame that Danny found himself out of camp at this moment because of Caesar lurking around - but who could blame him wanting to get a seashell for his friend? Unfortunately this meant this was going to be a quick and easy target... Maybe. Caesar had his experiences with those having anxiety, and ironically it had been one of his daughters. She was able to slip away from him unnoticed but he gave up looking on her. She wasn't that important to him. More like a disgrace to his family.

Picking up speed, Caesar would try to take down DANNY by launching himself at the newly promoted Privateer. If successful, the demon would try to sink his teeth into Danny's throat. This was going to be easy, just like it had been with Atbash. He assumed, anyway.[glow=black,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny - daniel - 03-27-2021

God damn it.

Had he run even a moment earlier, he might have been able to avoid the strike, but why he didn’t was going to remain unknown. Maybe he thought he had more time than he did, or he was locked in place, or even that he briefly subconsciously thought he could handle the threat. Not that any of that mattered, he was beyond fucked anyway. Danny couldn’t really say he’d experienced any major injuries, the worst coming down to the deep scrapes along his side from the tree he had to push away, but that was tolerable after a few days. What wasn’t was the feeling of teeth breaking skin.

The savannah certainly hit his mark, Danny writhing soon enough to at the very least avoid the sharp fangs puncturing his trachea, back slamming against the rough sand. Still, just because he had managed to protect one structure of importance didn’t mean he was able to avoid all of them, and the side of his neck was promptly sliced open by those ivory colored little weapons.

Somewhere deep in his subconscious a flip was switched, and in his fear he lost all semblance of coherent thought minus the vague feeling of survival and getting the hell out of there. Growling loudly in feral fear and loathing after a quick sharp whine in obvious pain, [i]Danny aimed to kick Caesar directly in the gut with both back legs. Regardless if he could even get the older demon off of him, it was a little too late, considering the savannah had his jugular between his jaws. Didn’t mean he had to go out like a punk.


[glow=black,1,400]I WANT SACRED, I WANT FINAL !。+゚.[/glow]
There was a grin on Caesar's maw as he felt his teeth sink into Danny's flesh, though that grin swiftly disappeared when the wolf pup kicked him in the stomach. It knocked the air out of him, nausea briefly washing over his body before he tried to tighten his grip on DANNY's throat, snarling in the process of his attempt. If he was able to, the savannah tried to pull his head back sharply as an attempt to cut open the throat of little writhing Privateer beneath him.

He was... probably going to throw up after this, but for now, Caesar tried fighting back that urge.[glow=black,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny - daniel - 03-27-2021

He would have been glad that his kick had done some damage if he hadn’t been introduced to the concept of dying. There was a moment where the grip on his throat got stronger before the pressure releasing, along with a disgusting spurt of blood from the severed blood vessel.

”Son of a bitch- Danny hissed through gritted teeth, twitching as his entire body threatened to shut down rather quickly, nervous system giving the emergency distress signal that something was very, very wrong. Under no other circumstances would he even think of spitting out anything remotely profane, and in all honesty he probably picked up the word itself from Roxanne. He wasn’t really sure what to do, holding a less than effective hold over the injury as the the sand started turning from white to red.

One more time. He could do it, he could still get out. Even though his energy and strength was quickly going with his blood. [i]Danny aimed to try and push Caesar off again, trying to bite down on the Cipher’s front leg at the same time. Not because he was a tough guy, he wasn’t even close. He was just freaking out, afraid enough and panicky enough to do anything his instincts told him to do, either fueled by his panic or anxiety ridden feral agitation. Even while bleeding out.


[glow=black,1,400]I WANT SACRED, I WANT FINAL !。+゚.[/glow]
With the movement of pulling back coupled by Danny pushing him, Caesar was knocked off of the pup, with him biting down on Caesar's leg in the process. Caesar let out another snarl, though said no words, knowing it was only a matter of time before Danny blacked out from the bloodloss (or he was hoping, more or less). Using his free arm, Caesar tried to lash out and rake his claws across DANNY's face.[glow=black,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny - daniel - 03-28-2021

Bingo, he finally accomplished something useful. The claws against his face normally would have dragged out some sort of wounded reaction from him, but he barely felt it. Just a little distant stinging as if it wasn't his own skin, rolling over and pulling himself forward with whatever meager muscle strength he had left. The Privateer's ears locked against his skull, not an uncommon look but nearly if not harrowing paired with widened brown eyes and the stomach churning injury.

Granted, blood loss was a bitch and it didn't take long at all for him to go down and out, his body landing on the beach with a soft thunk, displacing sand with the weight. Danny sort of gave up on holding his throat closed as his body went limp, blacking out with a final little choked noise while he still had the coherency to do so. Was he going to die? That sucked, this all sucked. He just got a nice good luck streak for once, too.


[glow=black,1,400]I WANT SACRED, I WANT FINAL !。+゚.[/glow]
Bingo. Caesar echoed Danny's exclamation, even if he didn't really hear the pup's thoughts on his little 'accomplishment'. Watching as Danny collapsed, Caesar straightened up and grinned, his tail lashing for a few moments as he waited to make sure that the Privateer was unconscious. Stalking closer once more, Caesar kept his claws unsheathed as he dug them into DANNY's skin, moving his paw to form a small eye-shaped brand on the wolf's shoulder.

The sound of an NPC startled the savannah though, his ears pricking and his head sharply turning towards the direction of The Typhoon's camp. Shit. Well, it was time for him to go. Focusing on his den in the neutral lands, the demon eventually mustered up enough energy to teleport himself away.

//Opening thread, Caesar is gone! + permission to powerplay here[glow=black,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEAR POUNDING IN YOUR HEAD // Danny attacked - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Danny had come to The Typhoon under rather... special circumstances and Vayne being the naïve child she used to be, didn't entirely understand why Danny had been so upset when they first met. Of course, that was mostly because she couldn't relate to wanting to be around her mother, but as she got older, she soon learned how to empathize with Danny. When Danny found the body of his mother, Vayne had been there for him. She always tried to be there for him. He was one of the closest friends she had here in The Typhoon and he meant a lot to her.

So when she didn't see him around camp, it was logical that Vayne started to get worried. She tried calling Danny's name as she searched for him, and started to get even more panicky and worried whenever NPCs told her that they hadn't seen him for at least a couple of hours. Vayne tried pushing away her fears though, continuing her search until she was eventually able to locate Danny's scent trail. Hope flaring in her chest, Vayne started to run off and followed where the trail led her. That is, until she saw the figure of Danny laying in the sand, bleeding out.

"DANNY!" Vayne screeched, her words filled with fear, worry, sadness. "Danny, Danny, no, please wake up!" Her cries were futile for the moment of course, and she tried to press her paws against DANNY's wound, trying to stop the bloodflow as much as she could without choking him in the process. "Danny, PLEASE, come on!" The girl was crying and she was aware of the hot tears streaking down her face, her tail lashing and flinging sand around in the process. In her panic, she didn't even think about calling for Roan as she usually would, all she could think about was trying to keep Danny from bleeding out however she could right now.

"Please, please, please," Vayne's words came in mumbles now, her throat tightening. Her body was trembling by now but she didn't care, she just wanted to make the blood stop flowing outside of Danny's body, she wanted to save him somehow.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]