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A spot of tea, perhaps? / Joining - Printable Version

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A spot of tea, perhaps? / Joining - blackbird - 03-23-2021


Amos sang under his breath.

"Ohh what a beautiful day in the neighborhood, what a beautiful day in the neighborhood-" he cocked his head, hummed, "What is a neighborhood, anyways?" before shrugging, and starting up again, "OHHH what a beautiful day in the neighborhood, what a beautiful day in the neighborhood," repeating the verse over and over again as he danced along as well as a rickety old wolf can dance.

Can you blame him? He had nothing else to do. His mates were passed on, and the last of his pups had taken a mate of their own. His pups pups had set off on their own, too, but they were all enjoying either batchelerhood, bachelorettehood, or enjoying their matehoods before having pups, and so he didn't have much to do. Their den was too quiet and lonely without pups yipping at his heels or nipping at his ears and tail (all of which were quite shredded, really, from decades of pups chewing away at them), so he'd set out on his own, looking for adventure!

"Adventure is out there!" after all. And he used to be an adventurer when it was just he and Mary, before they'd met Marlon. Back before they'd been brought to the island, luckily together, and before they'd had a litter. When he could just wander off and see what there was to see, eat what there was to eat, see how far his own four paws could take him before he had to stop and rest for days.

"Ohh what a beautiful day in the neighborhood, what a beautiful day in the neighborhood, what a beautiful day in the neighborhood," did he knew any other lines? probably not.

So he danced along, sniffing at the territory lines of the Palm Glades. Well, hello neighbor! Could he call them a Neighbor? Well, he supposed so! He was a lone wolf now, and so wherever he went was his home, "Home is where the rump rests," after all, so that made everyone his neighbor! And when he'd had mates and pups and grandpups and so on, he'd always invited his neighbors in for a bone or two, so shouldn't they extend the same courtesy? Well, if not, he could... probably dig one up. Maybe. He could go find one? There was surely a rabbit or two on his half of the boundary. Actually, the entire WORLD was his half of the boundary, thinking of it, excepting the other territories of course, so he definitely had a bone somewhere!

"Hellooo neighbor!" he called, "Fancy a bone or two?"

'Cause I know the smallest voices,
they can make it major

Re: A spot of tea, perhaps? / Joining - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !。+゚.[/glow]
How could anyone ignore someone being so loud? Drayden didn't mind that the visitor was making himself known (how else was someone going to find them at the border), but did he have to be so loud? "Uh, I'll pass." The snow leopard cub responded, trying to give the wolf a friendly smile as he approached. "My name's Drayden Cipher, I'm a Gladiator of The Palm Glades. What brings you here?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A spot of tea, perhaps? / Joining - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-24-2021

The sound of someone humming to a melody and the voice of Drayden was enough for the legate to make his way over with both of his ears twitching lightly, his lavender kissed gaze resting onto the lupine that stood there only to hold in his breath knowing that there was only one other wolf within the group but he had not seen him for quite a bit. That was fine. Winterhymns would not begin a fruitless search, no, he had an entire group to lead and children to raise. The thought itself was enough to make a frown form itself onto his maw but the Pendragon managed to offer the stranger a smile. The wolf seemed like a nice fellow and Winnie should return the gesture, it would be rude of him if he didn't after all. So without much hesitance, the legate stood beside the snow leopard that was already there only to nod slowly in the direction of Amos "Why hello there, neighbor."

Drayden already had covered where they were so he figured that he may as well introduce himself after the bone offer, the polite smile still present on his maw as he spoke "What a kind offer of you. Although, I'll have to pass. Thank you." He would sit down curling his tail neatly over his forepaws as he continued with q slow nod of his cranium "I am Winterhymns Pendragon. I'm the legate or so leader of Palm Glades."

Re: A spot of tea, perhaps? / Joining - blackbird - 03-26-2021


Amos' face split into a wide grin at the sight of the pup - cub? that's what baby cats are called, right? - and he called, "Hello cub!" as he plopped down to start scratching behind his ear, "'m Amos! I'm a Lone Wolf now, so I suppose that makes me your neighbor! Home is where your rump rests, right? Can't say I know what a Gladiator is, I'm afraid." was that a newfangled rank? Or just some made up cub game word? Whatever it was, sounded fancy!

His gaze met Winterhymn's, and he offered him a smile, too, "Well hello! A leader, I'm honored! Hope you don't mind a visit, just thought I'd have a walk around, you know? All the pups are off on their own, have their own pups now, some of them have cubs! Kits and pupkits, and my pups' pups' have pups! so I thought I'd see what there was to see and meet who there was to meet and do what there was to do now that everyone's off on their own and making their own families. And now," he nodded quite seriously, "I can say I've met Mr. Drayden and Mr. Winterhymns and seen some of the Palm Glades!" and he seemed quite happy about that.

'Cause I know the smallest voices,
they can make it major

Re: A spot of tea, perhaps? / Joining - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !。+゚.[/glow]
The way that Aros rambled on made Drayden uncomfortable. Or, well... maybe not uncomfortable, just antsy and he zoned out for half of the wolf's speech. "Uh. It's a rank, I'm a semi-high position here." Drayden decided to explain what a 'Gladiator' was, seeing as that was really the only thing he could really talk about. "I help Winterhymns out with things, like just... Making sure everything is okay in the group."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]