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Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - Printable Version

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Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - blackbird - 03-21-2021

A fleck of black against sea-green. That was all Echolalia was.

But wasn't that what she always was? Just a fleck of black? After all, she was just an itsy bitsy raven, and everyone else was so much bigger! And that was why she flew, after all - another cache of her beautiful-beautiful-beautiful shiny-shiny-shiny things lost to a bigger beastie, a fluffy one with sharp-sharp teeth! And she knew better than to challenge those sharp-sharp teeth, and though she hated to she'd abandoned her things; there was, after all, always more things, and only one her!

So she flew-flew-flew, as far as she could, away from the sharp-sharp teeth and the fluffy beastie, not quite wanting to eat. But her wings grew tired, and the pretty-pretty water was coming to an end, she saw, to an island she thought it was called, with a wooden thing she didn't know the name of, which was fine because she didn't know the name of many things, but maybe this island wouldn't have fluffy things with sharp-sharp teeth? and she could have a cache here! a safe one with all her things! all new things, too, and she could bring them over from the mainland! so she swooped down and alighted on the pier, ruffling her feathers and sighing as she stretched her weary-weary wings.

Re: Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - roan ; - 03-22-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

The pier wasn't somewhere that Roan often found himself needed. For the most part, the pier was relatively peaceful, which meant that they didn't usually need a medic to patch their wounds. However, accidents did occasionally happen, and that was why the soothsayer had been summoned to the pier that day. One of the animals working on the pier had slipped and fallen, managing to smack their head on one of the wooden rods holding the entire thing up. Roan had been vaguely annoyed about being called out for something so trivial, but he supposed it made sense. After all, the worker could end up having some sort of concussion, and he would need treatment in that case. So, the siamese had headed out anyways, carrying his supplies along with him as he eventually made his way over to the pier.

When he arrived, his actual medical duties were quite simple and quick, considering the worker hadn't ended up having a concussion. His work wasn't what ended up holding his attention at the pier, though. Rather, he found his gaze drifting over to the raven that had landed nearby, especially curious as the thing seemed to sigh. Was she not just a piece of prey, then? Curiosity getting the best of him, Roan turned and headed over to where Echolalia had landed, coming to a seat nearby to her. With his head tilting to one side, the soothsayer questioned lightly, "Hello there... miss? Are you able to understand me? If you can... may I ask if you're alright? You seem tired..." He'd certainly feel silly if Echolalia wasn't able to understand him. Then he'd just look like a crazy fool, talking to a bird. Although, it was doubtful anyone would call him on it, considering most already knew about the medic's sharp tongue and grumpy attitude.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - Keona. - 03-22-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The pier was a fairly common place to find the tiny dealer.  Checking on those who worked there.  Listening to the latest news... Checking in on the weather too, as those who worked close to the water often kept their eyes on the sky.

The commotion that brought Roan over had her attention for a moment.  Patiently listening to it resolve safely.  Soothsayer stamp of health.  All good.  And she'd been about to return to her own business when she caught the same sigh as her half-brother.  Curious.

Keona padded over to settle besides Roan, ears perked in polite attentiveness.  Sightless hues flickering.  The immediate question had been posed.  She would wait for the answer before pressing more conversation.  Especially on someone who seemed weary.

Re: Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - blackbird - 03-23-2021

[div style="width: auto; height: auto; padding: 0px; color: white; text-align: center; font-size: 15pt; font-family: times new roman; border-bottom: 1px silver solid; padding-bottom: 10px;"]NAME HERE
She wouldn't have, it seemed, more than a moment or so to rest, as a kitty - oh no, oh dear, sharp-sharp-sharp and pointy-pointy-pointy! - came sitting near her but oh, a sit? Well maybe they weren't mean-mean-mean then? After all, it wasn't like she had any shiny-pretty things to steal!

Other than her feathers, but after such a long flight they were rather filthy-dusty-salty!

And joy-joy-joy! The kitty wasn't alone. The little teeny-weeny coming up to sit and weren't they just too cute? Oh if she could she would have stashed them to keep for herself but she'd learned very young you couldn't cache living things, it tended to make them upset, yes sir it did, so she had to satisfy herself with just enjoying a look and sometimes a laugh which, for reasons she didn't understand, sometimes made them mad-mad-mad!

"Hello hello hello!" the raven, well, crowed, ruffling her feathers as she set her wings back into place, beak cracking into what passed for a yawn. "I'm fine-fine-fine although, yes, very very very tired. I've flown a long-long way you see, from the mainland," she twitched her head back as though Roan might now know where the mainland was, "and her wings aren't very big-big-big!" she laughed, ruffled her feathers, and then said, "and they're rather sore-sore-sore." seeming rather put-out.

Re: Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The docks were a popular place, although not nearly as much as the Temple or Tavern, but it was still a place where others were and of course, being the outgoing person herself, Vayne would be there. She was a chatty person, a heavy contrast to her mother, and enjoyed being around others (now that Aphra wasn't trying to hold her back). The ruckus that was being made, made Vayne turn her head to see Roan and Keona looked at... a bird? Curious, Vayne excused herself from the NPC she had been talking to and trotted over.

The apprentice's ears pricked as she came closer, hearing the raven started speaking. This wasn't an average raven, clearly, since it would understand Roan and was responding in a way that she could understand - even if they spoke a bit odd. It seemed like they almost had tics like Marianas had. "Oh, are you okay? I'm sure Roan will be able to help you if you're too sore." Vayne asked, nodding at the Siamese cat. "I'm sure Captain Roxanne wouldn't mind if you stayed a night or two to rest, either." Although admittedly, she didn't know for sure. But hey, at least Roxie wouldn't yell at her for assuming, right?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Echo! Echo! {Joiner} - roan ; - 03-25-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Well, Echo was already proving herself to be... interesting. Quite frankly, though, Roan didn't care much about the other's strange pattern of speech. Rather, he was just glad that the raven actually could speak, and he wasn't just a crazy person talking to a piece of prey. Although, even if he had been, at least Keona would also look a bit ridiculous for coming over, even if she was blind and had more of an excuse than he. Either way, the medic's attention had immediately focused in on the situation at hand, tail flicking back and forth as he listened to what Echolalia had to say. She had come a long way, huh? It didn't seem like it would be a big deal for her to stay, especially considering she would have a minimal drain on their resources. So, with a casual flick of his paw, the soothsayer found himself muttering, "Ah... well, you can stay here for a while, if you want. Not exactly like we don't have room for you..." Although, it would be pretty funny to see a tiny raven claim an entire room in the tavern.

Glancing over as Vayne approached, Roan flicked an ear as he listened to what she had to say, eventually nodding. He could certainly help with the pain, even if he was running a little low on poppy seeds as of late. It didn't help that everyone was getting injured one after another, it seemed. Poking around in the satchel that hung at his side, the siamese eventually produced a few poppy seeds, placing them in front of Echo. He spoke softly as he did so, expression still neutral, "Here's some poppy seeds. They should help with the soreness in your wings." His head then tilted to one side, blue gaze gleaming with curiosity as he questioned, "...Have you got some kind of name? Mine is Roan. Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux. My mama's the captain, and I'm sure she won't mind you sticking around, like Vayne said." Roxie never really seemed to sweat the small stuff. And Echo certainly fit into that small stuff category.[/td][/tr][/table]