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EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - Printable Version

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EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - roan ; - 03-20-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

( tw: talk of a severed eyeball. nothing particularly gory but that's the subject of the entire thread so fair warning + continuation of this thread! )

Rage. It wasn't en emotion that Roan felt very often. Sure, he was generally a pretty grumpy and standoffish person, but he didn't often become genuinely furious at someone unless they had done something horrible. In this particular case, that someone was Caesar Cipher. The other had been an absolute menace throughout The Typhoon in recent days, with him injuring not only Goldie and Deldrach, but Marianas as well. A fucking child. That had certainly been enough to push the soothsayer over the edge, into boiling, vicious hatred. And thus, when Caesar had decided to return to The Typhoon's territory once again to try and cause more trouble, Roan had had enough. He had offered little in the way of conversation or mercy as he had thrown himself at Caesar, with every intention of killing the other and ending his bullshit, even if only temporarily. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to finished the job, considering the head Cipher had bolted like a coward after the siamese began ripping him to shreds.

Fortunately, Roan had managed to injure the other pretty badly, and he even had a small prize from the whole ordeal – Caesar's eye. In his rage, the draconic feline had decided that the perfect vengeance for Deldrach would to be rip Caesar's eye from its socket, so that he would fully realize what he had done. Roan had managed to succeed, and now he held Caesar's eye in one paw, a vaguely disgusted expression on his face as he walked back towards the temple. His paws and front were stained with the other's black blood, and half of him wanted to just dig his claws into Caesar's eye and destroy it. However, a larger part of him wanted to keep it, just as his mama had decided to keep Stryker's head – as a warning. Both to Caesar and anyone else that would potentially seek to harm The Typhoon. It would send a message that even though Roan was very much a medic, he had no qualms about spilling blood if it meant that it would keep his home and family safe. It was because of this that he didn't destroy the eye, bringing it all the way back to the temple.

Once he reached the temple, Roan rested the eye carefully on one of the nearby stone slabs, searching around until he was able to find a jar. A few minutes later, he was able to find what else he was looking for – formaldehyde. He always kept various scavenged human chemicals within the temple, in case of some unforseen emergency, although none of them were exactly in huge supply. That being said, he didn't feel too bad about pouring some of the formaldehyde into the jar, before plopping Caesar's eye inside. It sunk down a bit before remaining still, gazing sightlessly ahead of it. Shaking his head from side to side, the soothsayer then stashed the formaldehyde back away, grabbing the jar and heading to sit outside of the temple.

Letting the jar sit nearby as he sat right outside of the temple entrance, Roan found himself tapping at the top of it thoughtfully. He found himself wondering where to put it. Probably in his quarters, considering he wanted to keep it within the temple, but also didn't want it disturbing patients. Not to mention Goldie and Seabound, since he didn't think either of them would fully appreciate it either. After a long moment of thought, the medic remembered the black blood staining the front of his coat, glaring down at it with a sharp frown. He muttered softly, shaking his head a bit before he spoke, "This damn stuff better come out with a bit of water..." He seemed nonplussed by the entire scenario, and the eyeball in a jar sitting beside him. Frankly, though, he was glad the entire thing had happened. Caesar had hardly managed to scratch him, and Roan felt as though he had gotten some pretty fitting revenge for all the other had done. Hopefully the entire event would make Caesar think twice before returning to The Typhoon once more.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Anger wasn't something Vayne felt often, if she has felt true rage in her nine months of life. Sure, she felt frustration for herself and in response to things others has done, or maybe frustration at Aphra, but the orange spotted she-cat wasn't sure if she had felt true anger. She understood why people got angry though, in particularly when it came to how Aphra treated her, but she couldn't bring herself to feel angry at her mother.

Usually, the Beta didn't visit the jungle. Although it was pretty and she liked the sounds of the different birds that often called, the jungle itself reminded her of the poisonous plants that her mother took care of. It wasn't a fear per say, but it did make her uneasy. Unfortunately, there was a splinter in her paw and she knew that Roan's medic-temple was down this way and that's where she was heading, hoping to catch the Soothslayer here. "Roan..?" Vayne called out and she quickly went on as she saw the black-and-green colored wings that showed that he was, in fact, here. "I, uh, got a thorn stuck in my paw, and..." Her gaze fell towards the jar that Roan had put down, her voice trailing off, a look of concern and disgust forming on her face as she stared at the eye that was inside it.

Finding her voice again, somewhat, the Beta stammered out, "Wh-where did that come from?" Maybe she would recognize the black-colored iris of Caesar, but she (fortunately) hadn't met her grandfather at all and wouldn't know that this was his.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - roan ; - 03-22-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Vayne's approach caused Roan's blue gaze the raise, eyes temporarily narrowing before he realized who it was. She had come because she had a... thorn in her paw? Well, at least it wouldn't be all that hard to treat. With his focus somehow not trained on the jarred eye sitting beside him, the soothsayer gestured with a paw, muttering, "A thorn...? Alright, let me see your paw. I'll get it out and then bandage it." He had very much noticed her words dying in her throat, but he said nothing about that just yet. Instead, he just reached inside the temple to grab his satchel, a look of concentration on his face as he searched it for bandages.

When he turned back to Vayne, he paused for a moment, thinking of how to reply. Ultimately, he decided to use his usual blunt tone – dodging around the subject would do very little, after all. A soft hum left him before he explained, "It came from Caesar Cipher. I believe he's your... grandfather? He's also the one that attacked Goldie, Deldrach, and... and Marianas." He felt a particular sense of rage fill him as he mentioned Caesar's last victim, although he managed to swallow it back before long. He then continued, smoothly pulling some bandages out of his bag, "He tried to come back to cause more trouble... so I attacked him. And it only seem fitting that I take his eye, considering the fact that he took Deldrach's." He then tapped his free paw casually against the top of the jar, a look of satisfaction flitting across his face.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-23-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
In Vayne's defense, her fur was fluffy and she couldn't get the thorn out without pulling out bits of fluff between her toes. It was an excuse to see Roan mostly, though. She liked him, even if he really hated her mother; she had no hard feelings for how he was almost ready to murder Aphra, though she didn't want to see her harmed. and ironically, she held the same feelings towards Caesar. "... Don't you think that'll only make him want to come back?" She asked, worry lacing her voice as she spoke.

By this time, she had come closer and lifted her paw for Roan to take a look at it. "I just don't want him to hurt anyone else," She admitted. Being related to him sucked, even if she didn't know him personally. "I feel like everyone just starts hating me again when he does something." Or Aphra did something, though to be fair, she hadn't really done much to terrorize The Typhoon yet.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - Keona. - 03-24-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Caesar.  Few other names enticed the same rage.  Frustration.  Or... Sometimes...  Pride in spite of him.  After all, look who was exiled, and who was a dealer.  A prominent member of the crew.

Of course, she had little doubt he still wouldn't take her seriously.  All because of her eyes.  Well.  His mistake.  Let him underestimate her.  It only further proved his arrogance and foolishness.  As did believing he could step on Typhoon territory again without consequence.  Especially after Deldrach and Marianas.

The tiny wildcat visited the jungle temple only on occasion.  Usually just by happenstance while traveling around, making her rounds.  When her ears caught the mention of Caesar, her sightless hues narrowed briefly.  Curious and wary, she trotted over... Only for a sudden glow of pride to unfurl as she understood the situation.  Roan took his eye?  Well done.

Let him come back, she mused harshly, teeth catching her tongue.  Didn't want to upset Vayne but... Seas.  She hated Caesar Cipher.  So I'll have a turn to drown him.

"Anyone who hates you for your birth family is a fool," the dealer remarked, her soft voice intensely matter-of-fact.  Vayne didn't deserve any of that.  And if Keona caught any of it going around, she wouldn't hesitate to set it straight.  "If they can't see past bloodlines, that's their own problem."

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - roan ; - 03-25-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

It was fair for Vayne to worry that Caesar would return, considering how stubborn the male had been in the past. However, Roan just found himself shaking his head from side to side, his tone vaguely amused as he muttered, "Let him come back. If he does, then I'll make sure to take his other eye as well. Only seems right to have the set." Normally the soothsayer wouldn't be quite so blasé about such violence. Caesar just seemed to have a unique way of bringing out the hatred in others, however. The male then continued, pausing temporarily before he leaned to carefully pluck the thorn from Vayne's paw, "I will admit... at one time, I hated the entire Cioher family. Because of the actions of your mother, and Caesar, and even that Tanglewood leader, seeing as I had believed he put Goldie in danger. That isn't even mentioning... other things that motivated me to hate the Cipher family name." The siamese spoke quite rarely about his past life, or any of the memories that he could actually remember clearly from it. However, memories of anyone associated with the name Cipher had never seemed to turn out positive.

He swallowed back those old feelings, though, for Vayne's sake. Shaking his head, the male then just explained, "Over time, though... I learned that not everyone from the Cipher family was bad, nor should they be judged for who they were related to. Anyone who does feel that way is a fool. No one should be held accountable for the actions of their family that they can't control, and don't endorse." He then reached forward, carefully wrapping up Vayne's paw with a small bundle of bandages. As he began to put away his supplies, he nodded towards Keona, head bowing in agreement. He added on, tail twitching behind him, "Keona is right. No one blames you for Caesar's actions, nor does anyone hate you for what he has done. Anyone who does doesn't matter, and I'm sure of that." He had once thought that he would hate all of Aphra's children, all because of where they had come from. Vayne had obviously changed that, though.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - Grimm - 03-25-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11.5px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]To exist, or, more aptly, live was to experience a wide breadth of emotion. So simple within the beginning, a curiosity untamed and abundant, satisfaction bringing with it the next, sorrow and anger in tears, delight in the pleasing melody of laughter. Always more, a learnt behaviour almost, responses born of the external stimuli that dictate their need. Understood and known of the negative, those fitting a darker connotation, though unearned in many ways, if suppressed. For only so long may it be held within gilded cage, paraded the opposite, false as it was and proven evident in the taunt masks bore to play it out, never locked, more awaiting the nudge to open the door.

Few, and far the distance between, the instances it had arisen. He knew it only in a basic sense, knew the hollow weight, how it gathered and churned in the pit of his stomach, tongue loosened even as pressure built. Toward himself always turned, once thought deserved, never outwardly expressed for who best deserved it than the fool who crafted it. Learned the lesson, how deserving others of the ire they arose, a heat he had grown terrified of all the same, few those in the firing line.

Different the case where it pertained to Caesar Cipher, lesser than the worms present in the soil he tread for they held a purpose of use while none may ascribe the same to the Cipher patriarch.

No cause drew Harland to where the temple was situated, in truth he was lost in thoughts rather heavily tied to the man that painted his hands in blood. Once little more than a mild threat to make note of should he grow bold, never within his mind to confront the issue. That had been a time only a few short days prior, the notion discarded when cries had proven he was hellbent on continuing this path that seemed only to terminate in his utter destruction. Maybe unconscious his movement, a gentle tug towards where Marianas was being kept, guilt festering in his chest. Too well did the bombay know his timing could offer little, his assistance possibly worsening what had occurred, no soldier was he, little the relief offered by the thought.

Voices rose in quiet conversation, distance taking the words and offering only fragmented ghosts, confusion light, a rather fertile bed for the curiosity that rose soon after. Closer he stepped, his intent difficult to decipher as he pondered over the reasoning he may offer, nerves quelled in part when recognised the temple. Few the times Harland had been within, simple his reasoning and always brief those visits, the sight one giving life to mixed emotions. These, too, were suppressed when his attention turned, dark the moisture surely grown tacky, the manner it stained at odds with the hue. Too well he knew how blood soaked into fur, stuck even as the excess fell away in heavy droplets, his mind refused to accept the reality of it, however.

No words rose to his lips, distance was instead closed and paw rose, hoped his approach noticed for it was moved in a shallow arc Roan caught entirely in it. Upwards eyes flicked, again drawn down to the clinging substance, the eye a brief afterthought as of yet unseen. None seemed to fret as he did over it, centerpiece the trophy claimed by one rather unassuming, difficult to believe a healer of his calibre would cause such harm. Of course unknown Roan, though not his family, lip caught and chewed as his attention turned away. No, this he could expect from them, knew too well the manner Pincher had conducted himself and how readily destruction was wrought his home not the only one forgotten.

Continued the words around him, finally registering, towards Vayne eyes turned. She was a Cipher, this much a fact indisputable, but such did not press against her shoulders the weight of history written in spilt blood. A place by her side did he slowly move, head lowering until he may lightly press chin to her head, removing it after only a moment. Too many the thoughts that crowd his mind, tongue tied behind locked teeth and so silent was his offering of reassurance, weak the smile arising to his lips. Was he not as those supposed naysayers that Vayne deemed to harbour a hatred simply for her lineage, allowed his own misgivings to grow entangled in an opinion unearned. For now the thought was put aside, time enough would be present for such ponderance at later date, finally his eyes meeting that suspended in the viscous fluid.

Well, that was a pleasant sight. His stomach churned and too quick the grimace to arise before it was snuffed out, away his eyes skittering, his paws and the soil he cut grooves into with the flex of his claws all he could focus on as he tried to hold down the nausea such sight caused.

Re: EVIL EYE ☆ "trophy" - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-25-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
It was hard to ignore the rumors and words that was said about the Cipher family, especially when others seemed to hate you or be wary of you solely because of your surname. Vayne was no stranger to these rumors, although she had dealt with some different rumors than say, someone like Lumia, dealt with, since she was the daughter of Aphra, not Caesar. This didn't mean Vayne didn't hear the things Caesar did, though; she absolutely did, but only because her mother seemed to idolize him. That probably should have been the first sign that Aphra wasn't a good person, but of course a child didn't want to or could believe that their parent was an awful being. The rumors Vayne had heard between NPCs though, was the whispers of her turning out to be like her mother: stuck up, dismissive, abusive, a whore. Things that shouldn't be said to or near a child, but eventually those words started to fade as Vayne proved herself that she wasn't like Aphra.

"Thanks," Vayne mewed, thanking both Keona and Roan for their words, as well as Roan helping her out with the thorn. She was faintly aware of Harland in the background, though she didn't say anything to him at first. "I guess you guys are right." She was disheartened by Roan's speech initially, thinking that he was just going to go on about how he despised her family, but in the end he did eventually explain that she wasn't like them. It was reassuring to hear that, really, even if he did just berate the rest of her family. "I just don't want anyone hurt." Not even Caesar.

She was just a naïve child. Perhaps one day she would learn.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]