Beasts of Beyond
SINK OR SWIM | thaw - Printable Version

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SINK OR SWIM | thaw - gael - 03-18-2021

Since bouts of rain began gracing the jungle, the vulpine suspected the temperature would begin to rise -- quicker in the desert than the jungle, with more abundant shade.  Although a sharp chill still permeated the air, the faerie felt more proven right with each passing day.  It would take time for everything to regulate, he supposed.

More concerningly, Gael studied the ground below; entirely oversaturated from rain and melted snow.  Brows creasing in thought, the Ardent trotted down the steps of his treehouse, conducting a straight beeline for the 'throne'.  It would be best to issue a word of caution before any daily business.

"Pittians!" The vulpine raised his voice, standing above the steps.  "This is a warning about the recent weather.  Everything is beginning to warm up -- while that is cause for celebration, I would urge everyone to be cautious about where they walk.  The jungle will be especially muddy, and there may be flooding in some places."

"Stay clear of the crimson nile's edge, if possible.  I do not want to risk anyone falling in unsafe waters." He had never heard of anyone falling in before, thankfully, but he did not want anyone new or unfamiliar with the water's deadly properties to be in for a surprise.

"For those who are able and willing, I would like extra scouting patrols -- to map out unsafe portions of the jungle."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: SINK OR SWIM | thaw - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
The rain was definitely a relief to Dante, in more ways than one. Mostly, it meant that the cold weather was going away and as such, he would be a bit more willing to help out - provided that he wasn't so intoxicated that he couldn't do anything. As such, it meant the hybrid was out-and-about more often, mostly to let the rain ease the scratchiness of the gills on his neck. Hearing Gael's call made him grunt and get up from his resting spot, walking over to where the Ardent was making his announcements.

At the mention of a little patrol to the jungle, Dante's ears perked up. "I'll go." He stated.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SINK OR SWIM | thaw - aine. - 03-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The petite druid perked her ears.  Hooves quickly trotting over, her hazel hues bright at the mention of the warming weather.  She knew it would take time for everything to go back to normal but... It was relieving.  Winter was finally easing away.

She could repair her garden.  The one tucked away in the jungle.  Aine beamed.  She missed tending to it.  Maybe they could check on it while patrolling.  "I- I'll go too."

But what if her pond had overflowed? Aine chewed the inside of her cheek.  It'd be too wet to re-plant anything...  Still need to know. And the water would recede eventually... She had chosen a place where the canopy let sunlight through after all.

It'd be fine.

[ Mobile ]

Re: SINK OR SWIM | thaw - rhosmari - 03-22-2021

While most certainly he was not a Pittian the pink hued male was there all the same. Not like he had anything to do at the current moment and he was also in the business of looking for a house. Unless Dante was happy to wake up beside him every morning. A small chuckle left his slender maw as the serval approached and he allowed his gaze to roam over the area. It appeared that there was warming in the air, and it was the time for it. But from what this guy was saying, whoever he was, it was dangerous because of the water and snow melt. Though as daring as he could be the serval was not stupid. With careful steps he moved to stand beside Dante and he tilted his head a bit. Patrols. Whatever that meant. He was just a solitary figure for company. Maybe...maybe he should go? "I'll tag along for support."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: SINK OR SWIM | thaw - Atticus Roux - 03-26-2021

At Gael's familiar call, the canine began to trail over. He ended at Aine's side, offering the other two that had arrived with a firm nod promptly after. Haunches lowered to the floor to sit and Atticus craned his head in interest. He had missed quite a lot. Snow within The Pitt was unheard of. There was always time for change though and they had to adapt, especially with the pungent blood nile on the rise. Furrowing his brow in concern, he let out a soft huff. 'Seems like we're gonna need to do some dirty work,' he thought lowly.

"I'll lead a patrol," came his prompt offer. "I'll scout near the Ashen City's remains first and circle back around." If anyone wanted to join him, that would be fine. He was fine working along too though.

// Atti's patrol to the Ashen City

Re: SINK OR SWIM | thaw - gael - 03-27-2021

The Ardent inclined his head, making a quick mental count of those arriving before Atticus spoke.  He offered the boy an affirming nod, pleased to see the youth both feeling fit for work and taking initiative.

"Good." He praised.  "I will lead a patrol along the nile to mark the water levels." With steady and simultaneous effort, more ground would be covered.

// River patrol
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent