Beasts of Beyond
lying in wait ; wings - Printable Version

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lying in wait ; wings - WYVERNKIT - 03-17-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
// blood tw in the last few paragraphs!

A walk. That's what she needed, and that's what she was going to get. None of her brother's whining calls stopped her, nor the threatening look from that raven by the door- who had been haunting her, as of recent. A frown had crossed her muzzle, shooting it a nasty look as she scampered out of the doorway. Her paws drummed against the sand, and the feeling of wind cascading down her body caused her head to lift and a deep inhale to riddle her lungs.

It felt good to be getting out, getting around. She had no clue why she was letting herself stay inside- rather, no, forcing herself to stay inside. But it was good out here. Warming up, the sun staying up longer. The kit found herself stretching and rolling about in the sand by the water. She rolled onto her stomach, and with a gentle sigh, laid her head down and decided to take a snooze. It wasn't long before the gentle rolling and cascading of the waves rocked her off into a nap.

But it was dark by the time she woke. The tide was touching her paws, bitterly cold in the early season of the island. And there came a haunting call. The raven sat next to her. Her eyes slowly slid towards it, and she froze up. It's head tilted, and quietly it spoke to her. It froze Wyvern to her core, and her eyes were wide open as it spoke. I am not what I appear to be. You cannot afford to slow down. It's words were almost.. soothing. But the visage itself terrified her to her core.

Wyvernkit realized it's pause was time for her to respond. Her jaw shivered, and she stuttered with words. "W.. What do you mean? I don't.." The raven turned it's head towards her, and with a glimmering eye, stared at her. Into her soul, burning through her irises and causing her fur to stand on end. It's beak opened, and spoke again. Echoing in her head. You cannot wait for anyone, or anything. Protect yourself. The raven beat it's wings, picking itself up, and up, and up.

Wyvernkit looked back forward, before another raven's cry sharply called out. She looked up, and the raven was diving at her. It showed no sign of stopping, but Wyvernkit looked up too late. She screamed as the Raven collided with her, before disappearing into the skin of her body. Her back twisted, and-


Wyvernkit woke up. She was drenched in cold sweat, having let loose a scream in the house. But she was at home, the sun just peaking up over the waves on the beach proved she hadn't gone anywhere just yet. But as she tried to pick her paw up to rub at her eyes, excruciating pain tore through her. Wyv's head turned, looking down at her bed. Blood, deep red blood, dripped and sloshed around her. Her eye's widened, and ignoring the pain that she caused herself by continuing to turn her head, she looked at her back.

Tiny nubs were peaking out. Unlike her brother, who had almost a full pair upon receiving them, hers looked either strangely malformed, or they were to grow in yet. Wyv looked back forward, letting out a low wail in pain. "Papa..."


Re: lying in wait ; wings - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-19-2021

Winterhymns had gotten early that morning as he sat on his porch with only his thoughts keeping him company, a soft breath leaving his maw slowly. The Pendragon was thinking a few things and trying to decide yet these thoughts were interrupted when the sound of a low wail brushed against his ears making him immediately rise from where he had been sitting down, he made inside the house with a frown on his maw and it only grew when the smell of blood made the fur on his spine begin to rise. He immediately grabbed his satchel that was in the hallway picking up the pace and seeing that it was Wyvernkit who had let out the wail. "I'm coming, my darling." It had not neccesarily been a call for him but he was uncertain of where Magnum had gone.

The Pendragon slipped into the room nudging the door open, his tail lashing to the sides as he leapt forward with a tilt of his head "Here let me see, my love." He said with a gentle murmured reaching into his satchel pulling out a few poppy seeds for his daughter to have before he nodded slowly "Here, this will sting a little." After chewing up the marigold into a poultice did he begin to gently place it near the others cuts where the wings were trying to grow from, it was rather worrying but he hoped that she wouldn't continue going through this pain. His gaze gentle the entire time as he stayed close to her pressing his nose to her forehead.

Re: lying in wait ; wings - WYVERNKIT - 03-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Her eyes had searched her back quickly, and without a hesitation she knew was it was. Something accursed, something that would keep her inhibited for a long time. Wyvern looked back forward as she heard Winter speak- and yes, it was Win that she called for. She knew that her Mapa would be able to take care of it. Quicker then Dad ever could, and with a much steadier hand. She might have lost a lot of blood already, but it wasn't to the point she lost her head.

She looked ashamed, ears flat against her head as Win stepped in. She lowered her gaze, trying not to meet his eyes. As he came in, examining her back and passing her seeds, she slowly chewed on them. Her eyes were stinging with tears- whether it was from shame, embarrassment, or pain, she couldn't tell herself. She leaned back against him, unspeaking for a long few minutes as Win worked. Finally, she opened her mouth, shakily asking a strange question-

"Does.. this mean I'll have wings? I.. I don't want to fly if it's like.. Like Maze." She had been referring to the day that her brother leapt from the cliff, her eyes staring towards the open door, her mouth tugged back in fear.


Re: lying in wait ; wings - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-24-2021

He frowned noticing that she appeared to be ashamed yet he couldn't imagine why she felt that way, she had done nothing wrong but his worry only grew when he noticed the tears that were forming in her eyes and he felt a gentle smile form itself on his maw as he brought her closer to him with a gentle move of his tail as he murmured gently "I'm here... You're alright now... I'll take care of you." His nose close to her head as he closed his eyes before they reopened as he attempted to gently wipe away the tears from her eyes. He was about to say something else to her until she interrupted his thoughts with her inquiry, he felt his breath hold for a few moments. By the looks of what was protruding from her back he could only assume that they were wings... Unless, they were the beginning of horns but that would be painful.

He noticed the fear that seemed to grip onto her but he only scooted closer to her until their pelts touched with one another, he would speak in a gentle, comforting tone "We'll just have to wait and see, my love. But if they are wings then you needn't fly... I've met plenty of winged individuals and they often prefer to walk over flying." There was a pause before he added with a slow nod "Besides... I'll always be there to catch you, I will not let anymore harm come to you. I promise."