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Casually coming back from my disappearance - Printable Version

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Casually coming back from my disappearance - Casphian - 03-17-2021

Hello there! I've been needing to come back to this site and try again but never actually got the energy to do it until recently and even then I procrastinated, cause that's just what I do best apparently. Ack I'm so not good at making these things but here we are, I used to go by Casphian/Caspian on here but alas one identity crisis later I now go by Finnick or Finn but please feel free to still call me Cas if that's what you're used to as I still use it as a nickname. ^^ I'll be working on a character storage thread as soon as I can get myself to sit down and do stuff, but if you'd be interested in plotting or anything of the sorts or just chatting my dms are open!

Re: Casually coming back from my disappearance - Orion - 03-17-2021

Ah! Welcome back. <33 If you need a summary of things that have happened during your time gone or need help acclimating back into the community, let me know. I can gladly help out.

Re: Casually coming back from my disappearance - Casphian - 03-17-2021

Ahh a summary would be lovely, well if I could even remember what was going on the last time I was here. Thank you for the offers!! <333

Re: Casually coming back from my disappearance - MysteriouslyMaple - 03-17-2021

Hihi Finn, welcome back!!! I think you and I may have briefly met but?? I cannot recall, but regardless I go by Mysteriously Maple but more often I just get called Maple haha

My characters are always open to plots if you ever wanna plot with any of them ^^

EXIT: shhhh we ignore the fact my phone autocorrected to Finnegan

Re: Casually coming back from my disappearance - Casphian - 03-17-2021

Hello and thank you Maple!! And honestly we could have I have the worst memory and don’t remember pfft.

And I’ll keep definitely keep that in mind!!