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FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR ; weekly task, flower crowns - Printable Version

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FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR ; weekly task, flower crowns - Beatrice - 05-19-2018

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When she was a human, she had made flower crowns on more than one occasion. Her younger sisters often took her by the hand, leading her out of their cottage toward the field of wild flowers that grew thirty feet from their home. They had giggling and skipped the whole way, begging Beatrice to show them how to weave the pretty florets and buds into a crown to sit atop their ginger-colored hair. Time and time again, the older girl would sit cross legged in the field, twisting and turning flowers into a band to wear like a crown. Her sisters grinned and walked around like the princesses from the stories their father told them before bed once they donned their floral crowns.

Those were good memories.

But these were different times.

No longer a human, the red heeler had a bit of trouble weaving flower crowns now. However, she had learned easily. It wasn't too terribly different from when she was a human, and after practicing for a few hours, her crowns were beautiful. A smile graced her lips. She still had it.

Several crowns of multicolored flowers sat in front of her. There were more than enough for a large handful of people, should they want any. A light blue flower crown nested on her head, a stark contrast from her ginger fur. Gently tossing an all yellow flower crown onto the pile, she called, [b]"Anyone want a flower crown?"

Re: FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR ; weekly task, flower crowns - tristitia - 05-19-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Flower crowns? A  bittersweet smile encroached onto Sekai's face. Now, she would never know what it was like to be a human, but she did a link to flower crowns. Her brother, Valemon. Seeing Beatrice make them, it warmed her heart, reminding her of how her brother used to do the same. Well, they were in a different place now, and though he was safe, she wished to see him more.

Sekai moved. She'd probably like one made by Val better, yet Beatrice was a nice person as well. It wouldn't hurt to try one. She moved through the crowd and nodded, “Sure. What kinda flower crowns do you have?”
© madi

Re: FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR ; weekly task, flower crowns - guts - 05-19-2018

Greed was one human himself. Well, not human, exactly. An artificial human, rather--a vessel of sorts. He had been created to carry out an old man's plots, and was then destroyed when he refused. It had taken him long enough. He had disobeyed for centuries, focused on his own goals, his own path of life. His father's schemes didn't interest him. He had better things to do.

The panther tilts his head as he pads over, curious as to what these flower crowns were. They were just as the name implied, it seemed. He'd never seen such things before, and while he wasn't too intrigued by the prospect, he wanted to have it anyways. It was a thing to own, after all. "I'll take one," he says with a grin. He looks down at the pile through his shades, already picking out what he wanted.


Re: FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR ; weekly task, flower crowns - Beatrice - 05-20-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
Sekai was the first arrival, and Beatrice offered the girl a nod in greeting. The red heeler noted the girl's smile: equal parts anguish and solace. Bittersweet feelings were nothing knew to Bea, and she couldn't help but wonder what was causing the lioness to feel this way. As she didn't know Sekai all too well, she didn't exactly care. No, but she was full of wonder at the younger femme's emotions.

[b]"All kinds," was her answer as she began selecting new flowers for her next crown. She picked up a few yellow daffodils (she was still shocked she had managed to find these, for she thought they were all be dead) and began to slowly and easily weave them together. After this, she grabbed a couple of pieces of purple larkspur and added it in. "Why don't you take the one made of morning glory? It's that pale blue one right there," she added, nodding to the crown she had spoken of.

Greed arrived next, and she was most pleased to see him there. She let a smile fall onto her features as she spoke. Greed always seemed to tough what with his toothy grins and dark sunglasses. To see him ruffling through her crowns of flowers was amusing and, admittedly, a nice change of pace.

"Greed, show me which one'll choose," she asked, not removing her dark honey eyes from her work. She hoped he would take the crown of violets. The dark purple would show up nicely against his coal-black fur. It would be a very pleasing color combination, just like Sekai's brown fur and her pale blue crown.