Beasts of Beyond
i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - Printable Version

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i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - teef - 03-17-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 swaying from side to side, head aching as if she had drunk one too many bottles, the world spinning about as if she were upon a deck of a galley far out at sea. groaning faintly, she found that she couldn't touch the ground, the numb coldness of her body making her shiver as she blinked sluggishly, ears picking up sounds around her. slowly she began to realize that she was moving, not by herself but by another's will, jaws pressing around the scruff of her neck. groaning faintly as the motion of the being carrying her walking made her stomach roll and ache all over again, breathing a suddenly difficult chore when it had once been so easy. smacking her lips together, the molly closed her eyes once again, allowing herself to remain limp as she let the world and darkness sweep over her again. when she awakened the second time, she noticed the chill in the air, her brows furrowing - was she with atbash? were they visiting snowbound? but why would the savnnah be carrying her when they were the same size? blinking slowly as her jaw went slack, the turned woman would drink in scents with a feeble croak, "at ... bash?", before being met with silence and an absolutely masculine scent. her ears switched back, a sense of fear striking her as she felt cold liquid drying on her fur, one paw flailing as she began to struggle in his jaws. she was brought back to the lake mentally, back to when she had become turned, when they had made that deal with her, the entity that she had sold her soul to for immortality. feelings choking up her throat, she tried to reach for her sword before finding it missing. frantic inside of herself, she searched for Amalthia with a strangled yowl, trying to free herself from the brute that had captured her.

Paw making contact with dark fur, her chest heaving with breath she could barely keep, eyes of sage flashing in the light as she desperately swallowed and coughed, choking on her own tongue. Feeling eyes upon her pelt, cruel and curious in their own rights, her own eyes peeling open to stare back furiously. She felt horrible, everything hurt and she wanted it all to stop, but with the memories of the battle flooding back to her, she knew what had happened. She'd been captured by the panther and she could only assume he was taking her back to where he was living.

??? ?? ?????????  《》 please wait for [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member] / [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] to post before posting!

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Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - Romulus - 03-25-2021

//tracking for now!!

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - teef - 03-26-2021

now open to replies Wink //

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-26-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Honestly, Aphra wasn't quite sure how she felt about Jormungand making moves against the other groups while being here. On one hand, she did agree with Romulus that the panther was only a visitor and not an official member, but on the other hand, technically he was, since he had temporarily joined just to be with their cubs. But Aphra was slowly getting tired of the Italian-accented male and their cubs that were running about. "Weren't we supposed to stay away from Tanglewood?" The she-cat commented as she approached Jormungand and his capture, her nose wrinkling for a moment as she caught a whiff of the swamp's scent.

Her tone wasn't accusing, just curious. She was mostly curious as to how this would all play out.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - Romulus - 03-28-2021

The smell of The Pitt and Jormungand's stank reeked through the area. Romulus couldn't help but wonder what was next in his tirade, but he had never expected this. A blatant disregard for their neutral. Sojourn said to leave Tanglewood alone and he had warned the Pittian of staying courteous before, but no. Before his paws laid a capture. A girl from Tanglewood, ripped to shreds and her wings amputated partway. Periwinkle hues traced her silhouette and narrowed in frustration. He held empathy for her. They were supposed to remain untouched, but the panther had ruined their peace, just like the wanderer predicted when he slammed his head into the floor. What a disgrace.

His tail flicked harshly in the air. Disregarding Jormungand, but acknowledging Aphra with a nod, the lion brushed past the crowd and towards Merlin. He promised Sojourn he wouldn't intervene anymore, but she was gone and there was no one to take her place. Romulus, knowing his sister would approve, paused in front of Jormungand. Alabaster teeth flashed in his face. "Leave," came his dull demand. "Or your head will be on a pike on The Pitt's border soon." And he meant it. The male wasn't prone to violence and would rather stick to neutrality, but the circumstances before them had led Romulus down a darker path than usual.

Expecting the panther to leave, paws traversed to the female's side. He settled before her. A raised pawpad hovered over the ground, slowly beginning to spawn a few herbs underneath. Soft eyes attempted to lock with hers. "You will not be harmed anymore," he began with. "He is not one of us and should vacate the premises-" His head turned towards Jormungand briefly. "-before things get interesting."

Returning back to her, the herbs underneath his paw had finished. Careful claws picked at the leaves and picked apart what he needed, only to show the other what he held in his palm and look up at her with a sympathetic stare. "Let me help you."

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - Byriath - 03-28-2021

"You are a fucking idiot, panther." The Xeno snarled, approaching the group with his teeth bared. He saw that Romulus was taking care of the damsel and that was enough for Byriath to keep his full attention on the bastard before him. "I knew it was a mistake for you to stay." He hissed. "Were we not clear enough for you? You weren't to hurt anyone from a group we are neutral with. Now, thanks to your stupidity, the swamp-folk will be on our asses." He didn't want to raise his voice but he ended up doing so. "and if you wanT TO KEEP YOUR HEAD, YOU'D BEST LEAVE AS SOON AS YOU CAN."

Then he heaved a sigh. "Unless you'd like to be here to apologize to their leader, whoever that is, for being so unbelievably stupid."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - angelembrace - 03-28-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── What was this? The scent of Tanglewood was foreign and strong to the cub, and his curiosity got the better of him even if he knew his mother would not approve of him being in public, and...around her. He was self aware Aphra was not a super cuddly woman, so he compensated by sticking next to someone who he was sure wouldn’t be so disgusted by a child in close proximity.

Angel shuffled underneath Byriath, staring directly at Merlin with wide eyes. ”You smell like water.” But...stagnant water. And moss. Not that he knew what either of those smelled like, of course. His gaze traveled from the woman to the large paw of Romulus, holding herbs he just grew to give to her to assist in recovery. Was she injured, then? The cub took a few cautious steps forward, crouched close to the ground as to not raise suspicion that he would do any more harm, he only wanted to get a closer look at Merlin, fascinated by someone who seemed to come from so far away to him, and to make sure she wasn’t dead. [b]”Who are you?”

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-29-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, here came the fun police. Although given how the Coalition was still recovering from the mudslide, Aphra couldn't say she blamed Byriath and Romulus for being mad at Jormungand, especially given how the Coalition wasn't targeting Tanglewood at the moment. The she-cat watched and listened, her tail flicking before she spoke up, completely ignoring Angelembrace's question. "Sojourn did say that if he caused shit here, Gael would be hearing about it. So whatever you do, I suggest letting Gael handle a punishment."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: i hear the cries behind your waking eyes 《》 tangle capture - teef - 03-29-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 tw: summary of injuries in fourth paragraph //

a quiet growl escaped her, everything ached and stung. why in the blazes had she ever fought him? oh right, she'd felt her life at risk and although drunk, she'd wanted to protect everyone back home. feeling the world spin as she growled, her paws shaking on the ground, ears pinning back. oh gods help her everything hurt so bad, she could barely make out romulus' words only able to focus on the periwinkle eyes before her. she'd seen those eyes before, she had a faint memory of him that she couldn't make out at that moment. head pounding as voices raised and words were said, dropping her muzzle to the ground. she had to get up, she had to get up, she had to get up!

weakness kept the woman captive, though it didn't mean she didn't struggle to try to get to her paws. she wasn't safe here, she didn't want to be here, she wanted to be home. a frustrated hiss of pain escaped the molly as she pulled her legs close shakily, voice creaking as she tried to speak, "my name's merlin, member of tanglewood", she coughed as she managed to push herself upright with her front paws, legs shivering and trembling violently as the world spun. closing her eyes with a groan, all of her senses screwed, the scent of herbs making her stomach roll. she heard the words, something about not being harmed, her hackles raising the slightest as her fur bushed out, hearing a child's voice. tremors ran through her body as she lurched forward with the last of her strength, hind legs barely keeping her weight aloft, "'m going home ...", she didn't want help even though she knew she needed it. she couldn't give in, her pride wouldn't let her.

pride along could not keep non-existant strength, and her body slowly folded on itself with a gasp of pained air escaping her as she slid back to the ground. she couldn't get up - how was she going to get out of here? fighting the panic building in her chest, she opened green eyes to look for those periwinkle ones, her ears laid back to her skull. she didn't know his name but that memory was slowly coming back to her. he had visited tanglewood once, about the library. "bookboy", she croaked, resting her chin on the ground, knowing the word might be a strange nickname, but she remembered about the library and that was the only memory she had to connect to him. he wanted to help her. well, anyone who liked books could only be good, right? "...alright", she breathed as she picked up on angelembrace's scent as the child crept closer.

peering at the child with a turn of her head, trying to understand. she smelt like water, of course she did. tanglewood had plenty of water. clearing her throat with a groan, closing her eyes, "i'm merlin. who're you?", a child didn't need to be fearful even of the enemy though she was now a pitiful capture. painful were her tattered dragonfly wings draped against her back and the ground, her life-blood slowly making it's way from her body. take that lear, you damn bastard. injuries made themselves known in smarting from above her left eye and upon both of her cheeks from claws much larger than her own - hopefully the fur would grow back in. her right foreleg ached and screamed in tandem with her lower jaw where the ground had ravaged her in the fighting, the back of her neck aching from being carried and being held underwater. was she still drenched? she didn't know. each breath hurt like hell, she was sure she'd cracked some ribs and bruised the remnants of her ribcage, though she didn't feel like she was drowning so that counted for something. her stomach and back were probably the worst of the pain she felt, her stomach mostly hurt from the gravitational push from the weight of her body onto tender wounds. her back remained the messiest, marks stretching from shoulder to hip where the panther's claws had made their mark alongside her wings, tattered as they lay about her in useless shreds. had she been attached to them particularly? no, they felt more decoration than for flight but she used to be able to maneuver them. an exhausted breath would leave her as she tried to find some comfort in the fact that she was alive to feel the pain - that was some bull if she'd ever heard any.

??? ?? ?????????  《》

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