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a stone [★] raven - Printable Version

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a stone [★] raven - Keona. - 03-17-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Independent.  The tiny wildcat was a quiet and solitary soul.  Kept to herself in-between work.  Rarely raised her voice.  Rarely sought out her friends (if they wanted to hang out, they could approach her).  Didn't mind spending time with others but... Liked her space.

Unsurprisingly, Keona had no companions.  No pets. Didn't feel fully comfortable with the concept.  Didn't want to share her space like that.  Preferred the solitude of her room.  Unshared; except by Salem, on nights they discussed books.

That may be her way, but her cousin, Suvi, did have a companion.  A very stubborn and independent raven.  Fiachra.  Who had a habit of following Suvi's family on occasion.  Simply out of curiosity... Or of mischievous intent... It was hard to tell at times.  He roamed freely.  He tormented just as freely.

Following a recent bout of entertainment in the Pitt, Fiachra had discovered the messy property of paint.  Found more.  Covered his talons in the liquid once again.  Dripping blue down from the sky and right onto an unsuspecting dealer.

Keona's sightless hues flashed.  Confused.  Had been listening to the waves before the raven's sudden drive-by.  Ears perking.  Irritation hidden by pure bewilderment.  "Fiachra?" Where did you get paint?

The raven cawed in response.  Seemingly proud of his sneaky assault.  Still covered in blue paint.  Dripping onto the sand as he landed.

Re: a stone [★] raven - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Not everyone in The Typhoon had a pet, or wanted to have one, but Vayne was definitely happy that she now had a companion. Someone she could talk to, even if Silv didn't respond. It was just nice to have someone or a pet that would just listen to her frustrations. "Keona?" If it wasn't for the size of the blue blob, the girl wouldn't have known it was the blind dealer underneath all of that paint. There was a light-hearted tone to Vayne's voice as she came over, looking around and eventually catching a bird flying off in the distance. "Are you okay?" Her next question came out in a small giggle.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: a stone [★] raven - daniel - 03-17-2021

"Bird..." Was the only response from Danny, having been a moment too late to warn poor Keona about the upcoming danger. He flicked an ear at the victorious cawing from the criminal in question, shaking his head in what appeared to be disappointment in the drive-by. Where did that paint come from, that was a good question. To his knowledge, no one around here just carried around paint, or maybe they did, he didn't actually know for sure. It was apparently a terrible idea if they did, considering at any time a mischievous raven could cause mayhem, brought to you by the color blue.

Although, it was kinda funny, seeing the dealer covered in paint and Fiachra being a little devil, and Danny bit his tongue to try and stop whatever laughter began to rise in his chest. Here was the thing, though, he was absolutely terrible at hiding his emotions, at least whenever there was something beyond general anxiety and nervousness. First there was a quiet snickering, then actual, real laughter preceded by a loud snort as he broke, face screwed up as he totally lost his normally quiet and mild composure. The first break in his misery and all it took was Keona getting paint bombed by a bird. "S-Sorry, you need help, getting that, y'know, off?"

Re: a stone [★] raven - roan ; - 03-18-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Much like Keona, Roan enjoyed his solitude, and his alone time. Unlike Keona, though, he didn't tend to actually get a ton of alone time. It was mainly a side effect of his work, considering he constantly had at least one of his students around him – usually Goldie – or some kind of patient. Additionally, though, he also had Galaga to keep him company. Despite having never been much of a pet person, the siamese had been entirely unwilling to reject the gift of a crocodile egg from his mama. And eventually, Galaga had sprung forth, beeping and ready to take on the world. Initially Roan had been annoyed with the other's constant noises, but he had become used to it, and considered the hatchling to be a valuable companion. Someone that he could turn to in his times of need, when he didn't feel comfortable enough talking to someone who would talk back.

Then again, Galaga had never really been as mischievous as Fiachra evidently was. Roan was vaguely aware of who Fiachra was, and who he belonged to, which was fairly funny, considering he hadn't even met Suvi. Rather, he simply knew of the raven – and his owner – through family ties. It was because of this that he couldn't help the faintly curious look on his face as he approached, tail twitching behind him. Surprisingly, Fiachra didn't even seem to smell much of Tanglewood at this point. Rather, he smelled of... The Pitt? Curiosity growing, the soothsayer soon found himself muttering to Keona, "Well, he certainly seems pleased with himself... do you think Suvi knows that he's here?" He would've offered his half-sister some help in cleaning herself up, but... Vayne and Danny seemingly already were, and Roan saw no reason to overwhelm her.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: a stone [★] raven - Grimm - 03-19-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11.5px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]The very idea of keeping another creature, to which may be ascribed a somewhat lesser level of sentience, was rather absurd. It felt akin to deeming a peer to be of a lowered status, reduced simply for an inability they were not at fault for, hypocrite would he be if such was spoken aloud. In that moment Harland deemed no creature as anything upon the line of a pet or companion, the tavern seemed unfit and the hurdle of understanding the practice must be overcome first. Evident this was more than a run of the mill bird, though such a guess for some simply were like that.

Well and truly closed the frame of time that may allow adequate warning, the addressal of the aftermath that which caught his attention. Momentary his pause as assessment was staged, the turned backs obscuring the central figure of the incident. The perpetrator was not, however. Had he been questioned prior to that moment Harland would have though avians incapable of a wide range of facial expressions, wrong proven this assumption. Apparent, even with the disadvantage that came from having a beak, the pride over a well accomplished misdemeanour.

Around the spectators he was slow to move, grown rather confused as to what may illicit amusement and offers of assistance, questions gathering at the tip of his tongue. The chance to put any forth passed when his sight settled on the paint covered dealer, answer given in unexpected fashion. Momentary confusion rose and dwindled, mouth opening, concern there in words swallowed as registered the others present. Almost expected the amusement lightly present about an offer of assistance Vayne put forth, that mirrored by Danny not.

And yet here he  was, amusement genuine. The situation was rather averse to such, though he bore an understanding of how it may be perceived as amusing to the pair, reprimand dying upon his tongue. In place arose a sound he tried to swallow, futile though continued the attempt. Broken and hastily stifled the short burst of laughter that broke through, paws pressing against his muzzle, beneath still clear his shame mixing among the remnants of mirth.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Words difficult to decipher between the hoarse tone of his quiet voice and the slight part of paws to permit him the chance to speak, eyes turning away, anywhere better than looking directly at Keona.

Re: a stone [★] raven - Keona. - 03-19-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Her ears move on a swivel.  Flicking at the sound of voices.  Brief burning sensation before simply shaking her head.  Had little energy for frustration.  Unused to the weight of paint on her fur.  Conceding that... Vayne was young.  It was good to hear Danny laugh.  Harland was polite about it.  "'s okay."

She had to stop from the instinct of simply shaking her fur off.  Didn't want to spray paint on everyone else.  "Mahalo," she murmured softly.  Dismissing aid to step closer to the water, reaching out to the steady push and pull.  "You might want to step back." A polite forewarning.

Of course, unseeing, she could only guess.  Urging the water to raise up behind her.  Only about a foot high.  Then let it drop.  Leaving her drenched in water (and potentially splashing anyone who didn't step far enough away) but... It was fairly effective.  She preferred water to paint.

With a thoughtful crease in her brow, Keona tilted her head.  Musing over Roan's question.  Fiachra certainly didn't carry Tanglewood on him at the moment.  But then... Well.  "I think I know where he got the paint idea from." Bet that went well.  "Fiachra sort of wanders where he wants to.  But he always goes back to Suvi.  They're friends."

Troublesome as he was, she did hear he was a good assistant when he wanted to be.  Capable of helping her cousin carry supplies.  Keona's tail flicked.  He seemed to like causing trouble for anyone and everyone else but... He did save her once.  Led the way home when the Coalition ambushed.

Keona sighed, ears snapping back when Fiachra cawed again, shaking water off his feathers.  Looked like she splashed him on accident.  Hah.  "I think that's fair, Fia."

Re: a stone [★] raven - Grimm - 03-30-2021

stella amator
member of the typhoon
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #74657c; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]ALL THE STARS ARE FIXED UP IN THE SKY
Quiet the words against the slight part, lips minute in their shift. Had not been for so simple a dismissal, away waved their indiscretion, taken instead the brief shake of her head as something else. Too short the existence of that worry to further blossom, however, swallowed as her murmur broke the silence. Something else was there within its wake, still heavy and prominent the shame that burnt, touched a gentle heat to his cheeks.

Deserved, and rather expected, a reprimand of some shape, accepted in which ever was chosen most applicable. To be given no such satisfaction — it was strange to think of it in that term but it was fitting all the same — disheartening. Of course, he had no reason to speak against it, allowed it to pass, offered only a brief note from between pursed lips.

Momentary the break, Keona once more the source of sound, though lost the exact word, unknown as it was. Curious had he grown over her knowledge of languages, those instances she greeted another enough to incite a curiosity he would not satiate by simply coming forth and asking, exactly why an unknown. There was easy guessed as to why, there always was, but maybe best left unspoken the truth of it. That she next put forth reached a volume that made apparent it was meant for them to hear, a warning he would not heed, unfortunately. By no means was this because he mistrusted her, more he simply grew confused, about his gaze wandering as though an answer to an unvoiced query may be found.

He found it in a rather unpleasant manner mere moments later.

No stranger was Harland to sizable bodies of water or being wet, though he preferred dry land when given a choice, his shock evident in a sudden gasp. Against his skin was pressed his rather short coat, that along his belly dragged down by gravity and the water that streamed from him, teeth coming together in a grimace. Saving grace was the temperature, warm even now as spring was only truly settling in, though too well did he know a chill would settle in. Unlike Keona he did not bother to suppress his urge to rid himself of the excess moisture, rough the shake he gave himself, uncaring if another was too close and would thus be subjected to a similar treatment.

"It wasn't a very good one." Her words not meant for him, a response to Roan to the query only he may pose, yet the words were out of his mouth before he was capable of stopping them. Quick the change of course, quickened his pace as he tried to once more brush off his blunder. "Who is Suvi? " There was little need in requesting the information on the identity of the one supposedly bonded to the mischievous bird, it was the only thing that came to his mind that moment, however, and thus was put forth.