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Plot with the one and only Caesar Cipher! - Printable Version

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Plot with the one and only Caesar Cipher! - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-16-2021

Since Caesar is exiled from all official groups, I thought it would be easier to make a little thread to plot with and keep track of characters he's harmed Smile
If you don't want to post here, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message on Discord: Mysteriously Maple#1338

So, Maple, what's Caesar open for?
- Attacking/maiming/murdering your character(s)
- Scarring/branding (his signature brands are a triangle on the shoulder and/or an eye brand on the forehead, but any sort of brand would be fine)
- One-night stands/litters
- Being attacked/earning scars
- Manipulating your character via mental manipulation/wiping their memories/etc
(More may be added if asked about a certain plot)

Caesar is semi-open to:
- Being killed; this is mostly due to the fact that possession takes a lot out of him so it would be hard for him to keep possessing bodies. Feel free to ask about a plot with this though!

Caesar is closed to:
- Long-term/short-term relationships
- Being captured/tortured
- R//pe litters
(More may be added if asked about a certain plot)

Temporarily, Caesar will not be attacking any Typhooners

Current list of events:
Ripped out one of Deldrach's eyes - February 19, 2021
Attacked Goldenluxury Roux & manipulated her memories - March 14, 2021
Attacked Atbash Cipher - March 16, 2021
Injured Mariana - March 19, 2021
Roan rips out Caesar's eye - March 20, 2021
Attacking Danny - March 25, 2021
Attacked by Roxanne - March 29, 2021

Re: Plot with the one and only Caesar Cipher! - tikki - 03-30-2021


Re: Plot with the one and only Caesar Cipher! - Orion - 03-30-2021

How does Caesar feel about The Typhoon or Pitt? :eyes:

Re: Plot with the one and only Caesar Cipher! - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-31-2021

(03-30-2021, 04:52 PM)Orion link Wrote:
How does Caesar feel about The Typhoon or Pitt? :eyes:

He hates both of em!! Although with the plot I have with @/BossTaurus, he's going to temporarily not be attacking Typhooners.