Beasts of Beyond
Enough with it - 'joining' + A ghosty-goo - Printable Version

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Enough with it - 'joining' + A ghosty-goo - SirDio - 03-16-2021

The heat, though unbearable to some, was moderate for the snow bengal. Having been dead for years now, coming into the physical realm in a desert was not expected but not bad. What was definitely unexpected was a red river. Was that there last she was alive? Considering it's been a hundred some odd years since she last saw the physical, living realm, she was going to go with 'no'.

She placed a paw into the water, feeling it run around her paw as if to see if it felt like blood. Oddly enough, it didn't. It just felt like water. She swished her paw around in it, looking at the staining every now and then. Unbeknownst to her, a Pittian patrol was headed toward her from the other side of the river. With a shout of "who are you!" The Bengal gasped, didn't look to see who was there, and simply flickered out of visibility. She completely forgot that people had the ability to live in severe heat - or mild temperatures, considering the desert was uncharacteristically mild.

Re: Enough with it - 'joining' + A ghosty-goo - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
//tw: brief mention of hallucinogens in third paragraph; nothing explicit tho

It was rather ironic that Dante made his home in The Pitt, given how his part was more in-tune with the ocean. His body craved to be around some sort of body of water, though he was smart enough to know that maybe a blood-red river wasn't safe for jumping around in. The sand and heat made his gills itchy and dry, but it was something he could put up with for a week or two.

"I could ask ya the same question, ghostie." Dante called back to the figure that had been at the other side of the river, though the fact that she flickered out of existence came as a shock to him. Had he imagined someone there? It definitely wouldn't be completely out of the ordinary for him, especially with the use of hallucinogens that he got on every so often. He could have swore he actually saw and heard something though, and it wasn't an imagination. Actually... did he even take any sort of hallucinogen today? He didn't think so.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Enough with it - 'joining' + A ghosty-goo - aine. - 03-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The crimson nile was not the druid's favorite location.  The water was dangerous.  Red as blood and deadly to drink.  But she followed the course of the river sometimes.  Out of familiarity.  Ease.  Confused to hear an unfamiliar voice.  Followed by Dante's.

Ghostie?  The fleshweaver frowned, trotting forward to catch up with Dante.  Wary of the river.  Ears perked.  Hazel hues flashing around for any sign of the first voice.  Aine could not recall someone entirely... Disappearing.  Had seen noncorporeal individuals.  Had met her cousin, who suffered from strange glitches... Disappearing... But only in pieces.  A leg.  An ear.

"I... I thought there- I heard someone." She was sure she did.  Saw?  Perhaps not but... She had always suffered from poor vision.  Nearsighted. "Salut?"

Re: Enough with it - 'joining' + A ghosty-goo - SirDio - 03-21-2021

The invisible figure blinked, paw still in the water, withdrawing her paw and shaking the liquid away. She raised her head, looking at Dante with a look of confusion. Suddenly her eyes snapped to Aine, squinting at the word she spoke. Was it a greeting? It... sounded like it. Slowly her form flickered back into view, snow bengal body low against the ground. "Hello..?" She looked from across the river, looking back at them. "Is... can I cross here somewhere..?"

Re: Enough with it - 'joining' + A ghosty-goo - rhosmari - 03-22-2021

A petite muzzle scrunched up, eyes narrowing as he looked at the scene before him. He knew he did not like this nile or whatever they called it. And the fact that they kept to something that was useless was silly. They couldn't use it for drinking so what good was it? Did food live in it? Frankly he would rather not eat anything that was living in the waters if he couldn't drink from it. That was ridiculous. Still as he lifted his soft blue eyes up to look at the ghost he was perplexed. When the hell had he been able to see those? Tilting his horned skull he would glanced toward Dante and then Aine before he looked up and down the shoreline. "Well, I'm not sure. I'm not acustom to this place like they might be. Who are you anyway?" He asked with a small but inviting smile pulling across his small maw as he sat down.
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