Beasts of Beyond
SUFFOCATE EVERYTHING // injury - Printable Version

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everything's just come together at last !
TRIGGER WARNING: small descriptions of gore from the end of the third paragraph onwards!

There were warnings plastered all over about how the crater and even her clanmates spoke so fearfully of the area, but this only made Atbash more curious as to what the big deal about this area was. So Atbash traveled to the deeper parts of Tanglewood's territory, with the undergrowth slowly growing more and more wild, before abruptly dying off. A sign she was nearby the crater, if not already on the grounds of it.

"This isn't so bad." Atbash murmured to herself as she travelled along, her body relaxing. The fog and creepy aura here certainly gave off bad vibes, but for the moment, the savannah didn't feel like she was in danger. It seemed as if most of the rumors surrounding the crater were mostly stories to keep children away from it, though once again, Atbash couldn't deny the feeling of dread that was hanging over her like a thread. She almost felt a kinship here, with the crater being made from something that was presumably from outer space - that was her own personal belief of course, but it still made her more comfortable here then she probably should have been. Eventually the Shaderunner found herself by the mausoleum that was built long before she joined Tanglewood, and she sat herself down in front of it. She bowed her head, preparing to whisper her respects to the dead. Not that she knew anyone personally of course, but this was mostly out of respect for those who have perished.

But the sound of rustling caught her attention. Atbash immediately jolted to her paws, flattening her ears. "Hello?" She called out, her voice quiet at first, but not threatening towards whomever might be there. She opened her mouth a little to try and draw in a scent of whatever was nearby, but she wasn't able to catch anything. Maybe I imagined it? That would make sense, given how slightly uneasy she was, even if it was subconscious uneasiness. But then, the rustling happened again, but this time it sounded as if it came from the opposite of her. "I-I know someone is there, show yourself!" Atbash called, whipping around to face the direction where the sounds appeared to be coming from. "Come on guys, this isn't funny!" Maybe she had a right to be pranked, giving how she didn't listen to her clanmates' warnings, but this was too far.

Atbash opened her mouth to call out again, only to be tackled by a flash of bright neon fur - the obvious sign that it was her only remaining brother. Vigenere had a bright pelt, but he wouldn't be trying to dig his claws into her shoulder. "God damnit, Caesar! Leave me alone!" The savannah spat, flailing about until she threw Caesar off and scrambled to her paws. Her younger brother crouched and lashed his tail, glaring at her and a sickening grin on his face.
"Sorry, Atbash. No hard feelings." Caesar spoke in a dark voice. "I just need you out of the picture." As soon as he finished his words, Caesar leapt at Atbash quickly, before she had any time to react. His teeth sank into her throat, pain searing across her body and a hot, panic flash pulsating through her. Atbash clawed at Caesar, trying to push him off as she fought to stay conscious as her brother tightened his grip. His teeth were tearing into her throat, suffocating her and causing her to feel immense pain; the only thing Atbash could do was cry from her good eye, tears streaking down the side of her face.

Eventually the Shaderunner fell limp to the ground as Caesar pulled back, tearing skin and fur along with him. Atbash was still conscious at this point - barely, but still conscious - and she couldn't do anything as her brother pinned her head down, a triumphant laugh escaping him as he took his claws and started to carve something into her forehad - as to what it was, however... Atbash didn't know. Caesar quickly took off without another word, leaving Atbash on the ground to bleed out, her black blood spilling and sputtering out on the ground in front of her.

The short-tailed savannah was slowly losing consciousness, but she was fighting hard to keep herself awake right now. If she had the energy, she would have called out telepathically to her clanmates but... all of her energy was being spent trying to not pass out.

TL;DR - Atbash went to visit the Crater because of the rumors she heard, only to end up being attacked by Caesar!
Injuries: deep gash in her throat (still quickly losing blood), an eye carved into her forehead
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: SUFFOCATE EVERYTHING // injury - arrow - 03-16-2021

More injury. Of course, it was getting too quiet around here. Arrow thought for a moment she would have to fill in. Joking, of course, they didn't have the team manpower to constantly deal with whatever back to back shit she could have provided, but it was naïve to assume that just because she was staying out of trouble, there wouldn't be any crazy nonsense afoot. This place hated it's residents it seemed, she couldn't explain why.

Arrow's ears perked up when she heard something in the distance, moment of angsty monologuing interrupted by whatever fight was breaking out beyond the trees. The fog swirled at her paws as she took the chance and approached closer to where she thought she heard it, a frown taking the place of her usual neutral expression. She'd be the first to say that she hated the lack of foliage the closer she got to the crater, and even the thing itself made her uncomfortable. Bad omen, almost. After all, it only took so much time hearing the stories and warnings to stay away to combine with feelings already there for her to downright hate it.

"Atbash?" Arrow called out, the vile scent of blood overwhelming, stronger than any of the scents of the surrounding area, not even the swamp itself could compete with something like that. Obviously she sped up the pace, the lack of sound didn't paint a pretty picture, and she knew the gut feeling of an injury when she felt it. Pretty recognizable, almost nostalgic. Pretty funny almost, being blindsided and almost murdered just by a mausoleum, huh? "Atbash!" Voice raising, almost like barking an order, bounding the last few feet to cover her distance quickly. She didn't want to be right, never did, but always was. The savannah was certainly injured, maybe that was an understatement though, blood splattered around her bright body, black blood at that. Somehow that was more morbid.

Her lips curled over her teeth, a low rumbling growl in her throat from aggression and guilt, willing to pull each limb off the attacker that she had missed, one by one, but that still wasn't enough to make up for somehow letting someone else get injured under her watch. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Mother of God, what did they do to you?" The cheetah muttered, feeling numb as her own thoughts raced too fast to grab a good one to solve the problem. Arrow looked around, trying to find anything that might even resemble something to shove in a wound, but found nothing. She was too far to sit pretty and wait for help, there wasn't time. "If you die on me, Cipher, I'll kill you." Arrow growled, attempting to push down slightly on the neck wound, trying to hold off the bleeding even somewhat, without choking the Shaderunner out, of course.

[b]"Someone who can help me better be out here, I swear to fuck-"

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Re: SUFFOCATE EVERYTHING // injury - SirDio - 03-16-2021

The stench of blood was what brought the demoness to the scene, a grin being fought back. Instead she huffed a growl, scanning the area while her spider limbs worked off her newly acquired black cape. It would have been a shame, if she wasn't so bent on helping stop the blood spill. As soon as it was loose and in the grasps of her limbs she bounded over, "Move your paws." She spoke, moving to press the cape against Atbash's neck, trying to wrap it gently around her neck as well.

The crater held death, she knew that much. As vicious as the demonic husky was, she never would have tried to attack someone within the confines of death's cradle. She wanted to bite something, and if she found out who caused the injuries, she would assist in tearing them a new chest cavity.

Re: SUFFOCATE EVERYTHING // injury - rhosmari - 03-17-2021

She was hoping for things to settle. They needed the peace after all. Just a few moments to rest and to recuperate. She had not yet even gotten over Aurum and Siborno's deaths. Hadn't even bothered to tell the other groups about it. She felt this was Tanglewood's grief and something they had to deal with. Personally she was not too close nor too fond of the other groups. Three that they interacted with had harmed them in different ways and the other that they were allied with she knew nothing about save for where they lived. Every seemed to have some type of connection to them and though that should set her at ease. It didn't. Many thoughts raced through her head as she wandered the swamp, taking time for herself and trying to figure things out when she heard the sudden cries. The shouts that made her blood curdle. Not someone else too.

Her paws suddenly moved of their own volition. Picking up pace as she raced across the sodden soil. She had no choice. She had no reason to trust. Fire flared behind her running paws and she skidded to a stop in the area, staring with wide blue eyes. Atbash laid there on the ground bleeding profusely. Arrow and Love there trying to something, anything to stop the bleeding that was going to take her away from them. "Arrow! Run as fast as she can and get Moth! This one with Love will make sure she doesn't lose too much blood." She spoke quickly as she moved around the area, looking for something anything really. Had she learned anything about medical knowledge? Some things and when she found a batch of cobwebs she grabbed them and quickly aimed to place them on Atbash's wound and applying pressure.

Re: SUFFOCATE EVERYTHING // injury - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-18-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Thank the stars someone had been nearby. Although Atbash could hardly hear Arrow's words from underneath the haze, fuzziness, and blood rushing in her ears, she was grateful for the very least that someone was here. It meant that others would be here soon, either by their own or being called by Arrow - whichever came first. Atbash barely felt Arrow trying to stop her blood from rushing out of the wound on her neck, soon followed by Elsweyr with cobwebs and LoveLockdown with a cape wrapping around the wound. It was enough to stop the blood from rushing out of her system so quickly, but Atbash still had no strength yet. Her breathing was recovering though, a sign she was going to be okay from this.

Physically speaking, that is. Mentally or emotionally, however.... Not even she could answer that right now.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi