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Living Island - O; Bone statues - Printable Version

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Living Island - O; Bone statues - SirDio - 03-15-2021

LORELEI ARGENTIA - Female - Red Fox - The Golden Eye
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The undead fox hummed to herself as she walked, leather pouch close to her chest that held a slow-beating heart. It had a few bones but not enough, no skulls or sternums or femurs or even vertebrae. And she needed those, you just have to wait to see why. Soon enough, within the further reaches of the territory, and by the rivers, she spotted a half decaying body of a cougar. When some might've been disgusted, this was a true delight for Lorelei. With some elbow grease and dead body grime she had gotten the vertebrae, the femurs, and the skull from the cougar body, leaving the rest to be eaten by birds.

When she arrived at her house within the cave - which was really a few smaller caverns that didn't go far with a large cave at the center, she splayed the bones out as well as various other materials like twine and cloth. Humming a particularly loud and cheery tune, she started making something odd - bones being tied together to suggest a skeleton, tied with twine and decorated with cloth. She would keep going, humming loud enough to be heard from the main camp.

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - aesior - 03-16-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Quiet came steps of tabby fur, mute mercenary making his way within the confines of the caverns of the camp, the sound of humming and click-clacking of bones drawing the male over. Eyes of gray landed upon her activities with a turn of head, his brows lifting as he watched for a time before coming closer. The bones laid out before her resonated within him, his eyes sliding over the skull of the cougar she had found, the large feline skull calling to him. Padding forward, he would trail a paw down the cougar's skull, sprigs of tarragon popping up upon his limbs, myrtle soon joining as he put his paw in the center of the skull.

Turning his head to Lorelei, he settled a distance away to observe, his book out if she should ask him anything. He was curious about what she was doing but he didn't need to get that across, most anyone would be curious to see such a craft being completed. Though he had wished the dead creature luck upon its soul, he knew that the dead wandered this land far too long to find any rest.

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 03-18-2021

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - SirDio - 03-28-2021

LORELEI ARGENTIA - Female - Red Fox - The Golden Eye
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
If it weren't for Cleopatra's comment, Lorelei would've probably went on with her work. But she turned to see not one, but two people watching her. If she wasn't undead herself, she would have jumped. But she just grinned. "I should, shouldn't I. But I- oh hello." She found herself distracted by something, someone the other two couldn't see without clairvoyance. A little ghost, a small cat who waltzed around a smaller statue. "I make these sort of things to help give some souls peace - they're not perfect but sometimes ghosts will choose one to represent them and I'll do something to release the ghost from this world - burning the statue, burying it, that sort of thing."

She shrugged. "if I can't leave yet, might as well help the souls that haven't got a body nor a home to hold. Like that little one." She gestured to the ghost that was waltzing around, but they couldn't see that, so it seemed like she was gesturing to nothing.

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 03-31-2021

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - Grimm - 03-31-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Few the days passed within the company of those who found suitable the jutting ridge of crowning peaks, further minimised those spent in the confinement of cavernous space carved from unyielding stone. He alone bore the reasoning for such, a burden among many though lesser the weight it held, reasoning a mere droplet among the sea of concerns that time had steadily accumulated. To share it to break, reveal that which plagued, thus only choice was to swallow the festering worry that plagued, gently tugged at the edge of his thoughts as though their unravelling may bring his own.

Easy the ascent, smooth and warm the stone ledge upon which he perched, few those visible through the veil of shadow that lay heavy across the cavern. Notion almost abandoned, other pursuits prove more appealing, his turn halted before it may be completed. Distance stole some volume from the continuous hum, reverberations further marred the tune until it became only a disjointed noise. Little interest did he hold where concern such arts, his own voice never pleasing and those of singers well practiced grating in a manner that ignited only annoyance and not awe. Different this, though that may be attributed to how it pulled at memories awash in the lingering notes of a funeral dirge.

Languid his pace as once more motion began, numerous the wrong turns made, the melody more apparent yet still the rock took it and further its reach, warped those notes that echoed with a second voice. Too soon it died, fell away into a silence that left him disoriented. A trick of the mind, cruel as it was expected, his disappointment bitter in the back of his throat. For only a moment it lingered, dispersed as voices arose, a poor replacement though an adequate guide. Hesitation brief met the notion of continuing his search, labelled now as futile, brushed aside for wished an end with some level of satisfaction for his curiosity.

The scene into which he was an intruder unexpected, his first desire to protect, decree the sacrilege as he deemed it. His timing was rather fortunate and the idea was surpressed, the explanation Lorelei put forth for her strange behaviour good enough though still unsightly this practice. It was her mention, a remark and gesture, wide as it was empty, that curbed any further thoughts. Too well did Vincent know of hauntings, bore the weight of his own that cared not for tally, always too many those tied to him for their demise had been his doing.

The words were there, as was the desire, yet his tongue was caught to the roof of his mouth. Different the words he put forth, those he did not wish to speak but seemed only capable of formulating, rough tone laced with something rather akin to distaste. "I hope this does not mean you took a body from its grave." The sight of the vixen seemed to pair well with the idea, though she seemed an escapee from her own burial, the clotted flesh and earth speaking of things he found disfavourable, insubstantial his hope that she would prove it wrong.

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - SirDio - 03-31-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt;"] Lorelei smiled. She glanced across the area, spotting smaller spirits, those who couldn't bring themselves a form and thus were only small spots of light. Then she settled her eyes on Cleo."That means quite a bit, to both me and the spirits. I do this every two weeks or so, or if I see an influx of spirits. I'll let you know if I need help."

Then her eyes settled on Vincent. His words made her twitch a bit but she shook her head. [color=gold]"Goodness, no. I look for carcasses at the edges of the territory. I'm not a grave robber, that's just wrong."

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - aesior - 03-31-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The mention and feeling of spirits wasn't a new thing for the grim, he was used to them - too used to them if you asked him. closing his eyes for a moment as the two spoke of the dead and the respect for them before a third voice joined the fray. opening his eyes as vincent came to join the grouping of bodies, flicking an ear in greeting to the tom. if she had or hadn't raided a grave mattered little to him, he was interested in her ways of releasing the souls. maybe he could stick around her? he could feel the pressure of the spirits that haunted him at his sides at all times, they made it difficult for him to sleep most nights. maybe he could ask her help in asking them to leave him alone.

being a grim, or even one who had cheated death, often meant a closer bond to the dead, to the spirits and souls of those who had lost what they managed to keep. the reaper he had served had been a kind reaper in what they did, they had been a swift and able reaper but a grim was a magnet - souls could not escape a grim in it's harvest. he hadn't harvested souls in any amount of time but they still sought him out to stick to him like burrs, and without a soothsayer or reaper, he was stuck with them even past his own expiration.

Re: Living Island - O; Bone statues - Grimm - 04-09-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
The hast of his judgement proven to have no basis. Known that he should bear a sense of relief, the manner within which she reacted enough to deem the words she spoke as truth. Why was it he could not accept it, scrutinised her words, the tone with which they were put forth. Some flaw sought, artificial or otherwise, anything to give due cause for his poor impression. There was none he may find, nor create, still lacking the satisfaction he wished to garner.

Fault lay only with him, expectations placed in such a way she may never ascend to them, clung to this false idea of correctness.

A light hum bypassed his pursed lips as he disregarded the answer, best it be left rather than he continue a pursuit that would bring about only disfavourable results no matter his findings. "I apologise for being so… forward. It was wrong of me to think you would do such." How may he not when too many times he had seen such desecration performed, caught within the act hands grown claws to which dark soil clung. So, too, had he bore witness to the aftermath, a destruction that turned his stomach. Different the laws that governed this place, the rites of the dead different than that which prevailed over that from which he came.