Beasts of Beyond
the world is just unfair - Printable Version

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the world is just unfair - DAMION MAVERICK - 03-14-2021


snarling, spitting, tumbling and growling was heard from both the beast and the attacker alike. venom, poison, spat from his mouth as claws sunk deep into his ribs, drawing flesh, blood, liquid and skin and the animal screamed before jaws locked into his spine and shook him around like a ragdoll, teeth like needles attacking his spine, his body, drilling holes into his bones. screech left his enemy as his claws lashed out, talons raining down like the acid he spits from his mouth to land into the thick fur, digging into the skin and through the flesh. exposing gashes of wounds as he dragged his paws down towards him, fur sticking in the grooves.

black exploded in his vision before his eyes glowed green, lemon colors inside blasting open. nose grooves came alive and filled with venom, illuminating his features twisting and shifting as his gaze locked down on his target- biting scratching beating at his chest ribcage thudding with each hit and vision blurring as he felt like throwing up but nothing more than venom came slobbering and spilling from a wounded jaw. the enemy shouted in pain as one of damion's talons snapped his bones and it fell with a groan of agony but more came.

many more. there was no way he could get out alive, the fur on the back of his neck standing up straight and causing his body to disproportion in size, his tail hardening as he spared his sister a glance. she was lying on the floor, crimson liquid pooling from a lashing in her side. weak. she could not fight, had to rely on everyone to do everything for her. the perfect child. his brother was away, the perfect male raised by their father to take over the business eventually. a snarl as another shadow locked jaws with his bleeding hindquarter the scar on his face stinging as drops of acid pooled from his nose to drip onto the floor.

they had come for her so why was he here defending her? he didn't know, maybe because he was ordered to. he could not remember, the command came in a long time ago. rain began pouring down, dropping on his skin and burning into sparks that fizzled out upon contact with the liquid. he snorted, noise coming dull, low only to mix with the pitter-patter of the fresh rainfall. nothing he could do save kill her. he spun, bursting out from the group with a shout and managing to get rid of the beast on his leg but a force knocked him offcourse as the side of his ribs were struck hard making him cough up acid and blood. he rose to his paws, rain stinging his eyes and charged again pushing them out of his way until he approached her to watch her stare back at him a frightened look on her face, eyes wide and shimmering with tears. he knew his father was going to hate him for this he was supposed to protect her not get rid of her but he did not care. it was dog eat dog. he wanted to survive and there was no way he could if she was still alive.

she looked up as a form descended on her, he watched through cold eyes before leaping and snapping her ribcage his claws digging through the skull of the male on top of her with his teeth gripping at her eyes. he fell, dead. damion knelt down next to his sister and with one clean snip he watched her life leave her. somewhere he heard a scream, but it didn't matter. he stood up, drooling acid and venom and poison and turned and threw himself back into the fight, teeth gritted against constant pain and agony screaming for his muscles to stop. but he would not stop. he could not stop until his bloodlust was fulfilled. he had just broken what little trust his father had given him by killing his sister, the woman he was told to protect, but that did not matter.


dnp, also trying out a new writing style!