Beasts of Beyond
gimme your character relations - Printable Version

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gimme your character relations - tikki - 03-13-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]give me character relations, I'm going to be making a whole site family tree in my free time

I already have the Roux family tree, Kingmaker family tree, and Pendragon family tree made, I will be making a new one to connect them all

Re: gimme your character relations - stilly. - 03-13-2021

bops in here
all my other characters are p much covered but im gonna whack u with michael
he's the head of the townley and phillips families and he's the adopted brother of roxanne roux
his kids are midas, clyde, franklin, and butch townley-phillips
u can find his full relations here

Re: gimme your character relations - tikki - 03-13-2021


Re: gimme your character relations - MysteriouslyMaple - 03-13-2021

here’s the Cipher family tree

Re: gimme your character relations - tikki - 03-13-2021
