Beasts of Beyond
FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - Printable Version

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FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - Suiteheart - 05-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
It was with a heavy heart that Suiteheart traveled toward the Typhoon's territory. The news at the meeting had broken her heart, and she unfortunately had a job to do. Misery rested on her snowy features all her travel, for this is not what she wanted to do. She had never wanted her first meeting with Typhoon members (besides Lil since she had known her) to be this.

But her leader's words was final. She was loyal. She had to follow it or face repercussions. So she swallowed her dejection and guilt as she came to a halt at the border. The female polar bear would not allow them to see anything but a cool exterior. She had grown to be excellent at hiding her true emotions.

The Ascendant took a breath before calling, "My name is Suiteheart. I am a Cosmic General of the Ascendants, and I've come to speak with you all. I have news." Her gaze was hardened. She truly did not like this. [color=#73B1B7][b]"Pincher is preferred to hear this message, but the more who know, the better. You can tell your leader just as well as I could."

Re: FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - lilyspoise - 05-19-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lil was not as skilled at masking emotions. Her neutral appearance was less of a mask and more of an apathy to the world, to the things that happened and a lack of caring to how things could go wrong. The tabby did not fear the worst case scenario, because she knew she would be able to deal with it. It wasn't like there was any other choice, so time and time and time again she simply pulled through. It was what she had to do.
"Lilyspoise of the Typhoon here." The medic introduced softly, as if this was the first time they met. As if the two didn't have a complicated history that Lil only knew the barest bones of. This reintroduction was less of a dismissal of their previous encounter but a note of which name she went by here. Her crew mates didn't know her as Crowborough, and she preferred to keep it that way. "I can pass the message along, or we can wait for Pincher or others to arrive. Whatever works best for you."

Re: FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - Ilijas - 05-20-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
Ilijas could not help but feel strangely as he gazed upon both Lilyspoise and Suiteheart, face reflecting the sudden disorientation that had all but swamped him. He had met Lilyspoise before yes, but it took the arrival of another to cause what he could only assume were his memories to strain against their bonds. Did he.. did he know this pair? No, that was silly. If he had known Lil before this moment, the same thing would have occurred with just she and him alone. It wouldn't take the presence of Suiteheart to trigger anything... right? Right?

He'd blink a few times dismissively, expression once again resembling something politely detached. Now was far from the time to try to understand this peculiar situation. Besides, the Ascendant that stood before him seemed to be saddened by something. [b][color=gray]"My name is Ilijas, it's a pleasure Suiteheart," He greeted quietly in that uniquely accented voice of his. He had taken to wondering why exactly he spoke with an accent, unaware that such originated in the family he assumed were dead. Oh well, like the unfamiliar tug of a memory, he chose to ignore that as well. What mattered was this female and the news she had to share.

Re: FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - Suiteheart - 05-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Lil... Oh, God, why did it have to be Lil? Sadness bathed Suiteheart in its cruel waves, but she smiled through it regardless. Lil obviously chose not to know her despite their recent run-in, so there was no real need in pretending. It bruised her heart, but she would not allow this to show. She had a job to complete, and a rather cruel one at that given the circumstances. "I would prefer to tell Pinch myself, but if he's unavailable at the the moment, I think you'd do well to carry the message to him, Lilyspoise."

She opened her mouth to explain her reasons for her presence at the border, but before she could speak, her attention was stolen by Ilijas. She watched as a confused look appeared upon his gray features, and she could not help but wonder why. It was not normal bewilderment, no, this was much more advanced. "Nice to meet you, Ilijas," she returned, her voice soft because an idea had come to her: he spoke just like Margaery with that little accent of his. Curiosity glittered in her dark eyes, and she prayed this was not a simple coincidence. She made a mental note to visit him later, alliance or not.

Turning her gaze again to Lilyspoise, she delivered the news: [color=#73B1B7][b]"Our leader, Starrynight, has chosen to break off the alliance we have with the Typhoon. He wishes to still remain friends, but regardless of that fact, we're neutrals again.

"Should Pincher have any questions, he is free to travel to the Ascendants to ask them. We ask for no trouble though."

Re: FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - lilyspoise - 05-23-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
// sorry for the delay, art show prep has me hounded right now!!

Lil sighed as the news was delivered, not making a huge deal over it, but clearly expressing discontent at the situation. She knew where the line was drawn for sharing opinions and she hadn't crossed it. Stating an opinion was fine, she wasn't having a hissy fit or anything.
"Understood, I will pass the message along to Pincher." She said, smiling softly towards the other. "Is there anything else you require?" Lil almost instinctively offered, but she reminded herself that that probably would need to be cleared with a high position now that they were neutrals. Or something like that, at least. "By the way, it's good to see you, Suiteheart." A small nod towards what she hoped could be a friendship, even if it had to be a small one.

Re: FIRE ALARMS AND LOSING YOU ; open, ascendants announcement, hps needed - Suiteheart - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
"Thank you," she said, offering the other a nod alongside her words. She appreciated the act, especially in the wake of everything that had transpired between the pair. "And no, I think that's it." She wracked her brain for something, anything, else that she might need to speak upon, but she was coming up short. She had accomplished what she needed. She had delivered her unfortunate news and that was that. She opened her mouth to say goodbye when Lilyspoise spoke once more.

Her mouth hung slightly agape for a few ticks before it closed and formed a gentle smile. "It's good to see you too, kiddo," Suiteheart rumbled, a wistful look buried deep within her dark eyes. "I'll see you around?" Her words lifting up at the end, forming a question as she turned to leave. She hoped she would see her daughter again. It would break her heart otherwise.