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HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
Drayden was at The Tiger's Boardwalk, on the dark pier that was closer to the ocean. The snow leopard was perched over the pier, watching the ocean below him and his long tail twitching behind him. His ears were flattened, showing his concentration on the water beneath him. Drayden was clearly fishing, though he didn't really know how to, but he was trying his best with what his instincts were telling him. Of course, it was really hard to be half-laying on his twisted paw and using his good paw as his fishing paw and he was practically off-balance, but he had to manage somehow, right? You can't keep letting your paw define you. He kept telling himself this, but he couldn't help blaming his insecurities on the one thing that seemed to always be the root of his problems.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-14-2021

Winterhymns had stepped out of his home with a yawn leaving his maw, he shook himself out for a moment only to flick his tail to the sides only to notice that Drayden was on the boardwalk hovering above the waters with a concentrated face. Stretching out his front paws, the legate dug his claws into the dark pier momentarily before lifting his back legs to stretch those out ever so slightly. Once he had done so, he stood up straight with a relaxed posture beginning to make his way over in the direction of the snow leopard cub both of his folded ears twitching as the sound of a crying seagull that had flew above had passed by.

He tilted his head to the side only to greet in a quieter voice not wishing to startle the gladiator or possibly scare off the fish "I see that the brave knight is taking to his sea legs, hm?" A gentle smile present on his maw as he sat back, Win had to admit that he wasn't the best at fishing in the slightest. The last time he had attempted to do such, well, he had fallen into the water and his brother had ended up laughing at him. The memory made a soft snort leave him as he added with a slow nod "Make sure your shadow isn't over the water or the fish will know that you're there." That's all the wisdom he could possibly offer since, once again, fishing was not his strongest suit.

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - rowena. - 03-14-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
Tiny as she was, Rowena was meant for fishing.  With mink-like webbed paws and a tail built for the water.  The little hybrid kitten knew it, though she had yet to try it.  For she was still... Well.  Tiny.

But the ocean still called her.  The reason she felt so happy on the boardwalk.  The proximity to the water familiar.  Reminding her of her mother's ship.  Of course it had much more space... More freedom of movement, to run about and explore.  Though she did her best to stay in view of an adult... Most of the time.

Drayden and Winterhymns certainly counted.  And the petite tirone was curious.  Sea-green hues locked on Drayden as he leaned over the water.  Catching the legate's hushed voice, she kept quiet too, creeping over with her belly close to the pier.  Until she sat next to the two.  Peering into the water with large, inquisitive eyes.  Too far down for her to stretch a paw out like Drayden.

A thought about jumping in occurred.  She had a feeling Winterhymns and Drayden might not appreciate that... But still.

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
Someone coming over was partially expected, though Drayden wasn't necessarily dreading it. He knew that being here by himself could cause someone to come over, whether it would be to help teach him, make some sort of comment about his paw (though not very many people did, just a couple of mean NPCs here and there), or just to vibe like Rowena was. "Trying to." Drayden replied to Winterhymn's question, looking over at the Legate as he spoke, tilting his head. Make sure your shadow isn't over the water. That would make sense, wouldn't it?

"Are you able to reach down, Rowena?" Drayden asked, not sure what the little girl was planning. Was she wanting to fish too, or was she just here to vibe? Probably the latter, given how small she was - but hey, Drayden knew not to judge someone based on their physical features.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - SÉAMUS - 03-19-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
In a form other than his current, the Irishman found fishing an interesting activity.  As it were, rusty spotted cats were not exactly built for water.  Unless of course, one had some mink in them -- such as his daughter.

The faerie bit the inside of his cheek, relieved to spot said child besides someone else.  She certainly didn't like sitting still.  Séamus was the same way.  Catching onto Drayden's current stance, the wildcat moved over the pier quietly, cautious of his own shadow.

"Careful, Rowa," he urged gently.  Despite her webbed paws and more mink-like tail, he was not certain she was big enough to make a direct swimming attempt yet -- wary of the way she leaned so close to the edge.

Of course, the Irishman wanted to encourage the endeavor, brows creasing as he also looked into the water's depths.  "See anythin'? Maybe you can spot for Drayden?"

"When you do see one close to the surface, lad, you want to be quick -- scoop it out o' the water, then kill it."

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-19-2021

The sight of Rowena was enough to make a smile appear on his maw noticing how she was close to the edge but before he could say anything that's when the small girls father decided to show up and tell her to be careful. He held his tongue for a moment only to say in a soft voice not wishing to potentially startle away any of the fish "Hello there, Séamus." His gaze shifted away concentrating onto Drayden once more listening to his response to his playful inquiry, Winterhymns was rather happy in seeing the boy try his paw at other things. Perhaps the inspirational speech had been enough to stir some needed confidence. Regardless, the legate rose to his paws carefully making sure that his shadow did not go over the water to scare the fish.

Winnie listened closely to what Séamus said about scooping up the fish when it showed up at the surface and killing it. It seemed simple enough but the Pendragon was certain that he would probably be rather clumsy and end up falling in the water if he was not careful enough. The thought itself made an amused snort leave him but his tail flicked to the sides nodding slowly to the gladiator, it was all up to Drayden. 

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
Drayden didn't look back as Séamus approached, but his ears flicked to signal he heard the fae's words. He was focused back on the water beneath him, watching for any flickers that would show a fish underneath. He held his breath, as if that would help, gazing unblinkingly below him. As soon as he spotted a small flicker that was a signal of a fish below, the snow leopard quickly lashed his good paw out, his hind claws digging into the boardwalk to make sure he didn't fall in.

Drayden felt claws sink into flesh and he wriggled backwards a bit and twirled around, praying to the gods that he didn't smack Win, Séamus - or, worse case, accidentally smack Rowena into the water with his long tail. The fish flopped onto the boardwalk as the Cipher boy moved his body and he would quickly place his paw down on it, biting into the back of its neck. He looked back at Winterhymns and Séamus, his eyes shining.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - SirDio - 03-20-2021

The maned wolf stepped onto the boardwalk, oddly cautious around the waters. As she approached the group, there was a smile on her face, which was a little hidden behind her hood. [color=#ff6684]"Nice catch, kid." She sat down a little ways from the group, trying to be as close to the center of the walk as possible. [color=#ff6684]"I'm pre'y garbage at fi'shin', despite me trainin'."


Re: HEART POUNDING IN MY HEAD // fishing - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-21-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !。+゚.[/glow]
Even if he wasn't particularly close to Bernadette or knew the other well, their words still made Drayden happy. The cub's long tail swished back-and-forth with pride, grinning up at Bernadette as she offered her congratulations. "Thank you!"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]