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heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - Printable Version

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heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - rhosmari - 03-11-2021

What a trip and most certainly what a night. Truthfully speaking he had not been expecting to travel all the way to some miserable desert and then to a lovely jungle oasis at the same time. It was definitely something else and his partner even more so. The night had certainly been rather fruitful and enjoyable. The pink hued serval arched his back as he woke up, stretching his limbs here and there before he allowed his grey blue gaze to travel around the home. Dante Northwest. Dante...Dante. What a fellow. A soft hum left his muzzle as he finally pushed himself up from where he sat and instead he left Dante's house, squinting in the daylight. His tail quivered as his long legged from waltzed through the camp. Almost unnervingly like he belong and to him he did. Right near Dante of course. He knew of his hardships here and he just wanted the guy to feel better.

After all that was what he excelled in. Experience. Helping. That sort of thing with a little more night wandering. A soft chuckle left his throat as he looked about the denizens who gave him questioning looks, waving his paw in greeting. Some even eyeing him. He was considered full of himself at times. He wanted them to look. Almost craved it but he kept things calm and contained. Right now he was going to try and find some water to drink or maybe some wine. That was always good for the morning. Pausing near someone he lightly tapped their shoulder with his tail. "Excuse me, do you happen to know where I can find a river or maybe some red wine?"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - Kold - 03-11-2021

She didn't care who Dante slept with as long as they didn't pull off some stupid shit when they woke up. She didn't care who anyone did with anyone else, wasn't her job or her business. Feeling someone tap on her shoulder Kold turned to see a rather fruity looking Serval. Blinking, she looked around. "Well... The crimson nile is nearby but it's neither water nor wine, I don't think." The white-and-cream wolf shrugged.

"What's your name, stranger?"
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Lovebite was certainly an experience, that's for sure - though to say Dante didn't mind that the guy had already up and left his home by morning was an understatement. He was hoping that Lovebite had left The Pitt as a whole, but that was mostly due to the fact he was already in deep shit with Gael and the rest of his clanmates for the whole stunt with Elsweyr. Passing by Kold and realizing that Lovebite was there, Dante nearly choked on his cigarette. "You're still here?" His question was, obviously, directed towards Lovebite, given the context - but just to make sure Kold didn't think it was at her, the hybrid was looking at The Pitt's guest.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - aine. - 03-14-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Quiet as she was, often lost in her own head, the petite deer-fox may have wandered past the oddly colored serval.  If her ears hadn't caught the mention of water.  Water.  Kold certainly had the right idea warning about the nile.  Whatever was in that water...

The fleshweaver shook her head, hazel hues only narrowing when she glanced at Dante.  Sniffing softly.  Great.  A friend of his or something?  Hopefully nothing alike.

The druid chewed the inside of her cheek.  "Sa-salut..." Water.  Greetings were nice and all, but he asked for water.  Aine quickly ran through her satchel, until she caught the handle of a small canteen with her teeth and pulled it out.  The sound of fresh water gently swishing inside.  "I have.. Have a canteen, here."

Re: heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - rhosmari - 03-15-2021

His brow furrowed on the answer he was given. A slight bit of annoyance shimmering in pale blue eyes as he looked away from the woman that had spoken. Truth be told he didn't understand the reasoning for her answer. After all she didn't answer his actual question and instead just kind of said something he felt was unimportant to the want he had for water. A soft sigh parted his smooth lips before he shook his head. "Thanks I guess. Although that doesn't particularly help me." Sure it gave him information of what not to drink should he come across it. The pink colored feline would turn his head up slightly, a spark of glee in his gaze as the attention was fully put on him. "Well, I'm Lovebite but if you want you can call me Love for short." He didn't ask for her name, didn't think it would be all too important for him to have.

A large ear swiveled as he heard approaching footsteps and the smell of cigarette  smoke invaded his nostrils. With a quick turn his expression lit up despite the question that was asked of him. After all he was still quite thrilled to have found Dante. At least for the moment. "Of course I still am. I didn't have plans to scuttle off somewhere else." Unless he was done with him and that would just be painful. Switching gears he turned as someone else approached and he took in her appearance. Weird. But then again so was he. "Cute..." He spoke lightly as he smiled and accepted the canteen of water. Frankly he was also a little cold but that was something he could deal with. "Thank you, doll. I appreciate the water. So what is this place all about?"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - Kold - 03-15-2021

It might've just been her agitation or annoyance with a stranger within Pittian lands, but the way Lovebite acted made her want to clack her teeth in anger. Wrap her jaws around his throat and simply stay there, showing who she was. But no, not unless he was outright disrespectful. And not in front of Aine. Dante she couldn't care less. Of course, Lovebite didn't know who she was - he would know soon enough if he stepped out of line.

"Hardship and brotherhood - looking out for one another." She spoke from experience, heated body slowly cooling as she thought and reminded herself. Hardship and brotherhood. Loyalty.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: heart and soul - open; introduction + stranger - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante wouldn't object if Lovebite wanted to stay some more with him, maybe have a drink or two, but as of this moment, the hybrid wasn't going to offer anything. But if Lovebite asked, or implied he wanted to stay, maybe he would bring up the offer. "For once, I agree with Kold." He added in a light-hearted tone, mostly joking around, but there was truth to his words.

He said nothing in regards to Aine being here, though he wasn't entirely surprised that she had water on her. Medics tended to have things ready at a moment's notice, didn't they?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]