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take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner GE - Printable Version

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take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner GE - aesior - 03-11-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
the silence pressing in against eardrums, paws moving over scrubby grass, head up to the sky, scars rippling down across his throat, a cigarette clenched between scarred lips, clouds of smoke following the tabby as he went along his path, a dagger attached to his hip. it was nothing serious, it never was, no. not the bodies he left behind, his children with his sister, the one he was charged to guard. shivers running the length of his body, the former mercenary shed his concerns once again with a deep inhale from his cigarette, gray-tan ticked tabby pelt blending almost too well with the terrain.

scenting a borderline would he come to a stop, upon his shoulders blooming begonia and borage, small blooms of pink camelias pushing through the clusters of other plants and flowers, gray eyes fixed off in the distance as he sat down at the border, tail swishing over his paws as he watched a bloom appear on his right foreleg, eyes blank as the tarragon bloomed into full maturity, his eyes sliding closed as he sat still and patiently for the first patrol or individual to come by, a notebook sitting beside his paws.

Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - SirDio - 03-11-2021

LORELEI ARGENTIA - Female - Red Fox - The Golden Eye
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Lorelei was a zombie - that much was clear. No scars but missing fur skin and muscle from the left side of her face and slowly decaying muscle on her hind legs that no one ever saw. She reveled in her looks and had adorned herself with golden hoops around her empty eye socket, occasionally painting the revealed section of skull just to add to the spook.

Her single blue eye settled on the stranger at the border, eyeing his scars before calling out, "well aren't you just an interesting individual - lots of scars! My, I haven't seen that many." She grinned, walking up to him. Her paws were stained a strange grimy black, as was her neck. "What'd'ya need, stranger?"

Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - ARLO M. - 03-11-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Perhaps it was the cloud of smoke that drew him, or the sound of Lorelei's voice. Arlo's paws hardly touched the ground these days, soaring high overhead and keeping a careful eye out on the territory. He couldn't get that word out of his head- responsibility- so it was best he not forget it either. Embrace what you can't leave behind, right?

Arlo's eyes shifted over the pair, however, and spotting the rapidly growing flowers made him pause. His wings beat twice, before he descended and landed, folding his wings upon his side. He gave Lorelei a simple nod, but didn't speak until Lorelei's questions were answered.


Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - aesior - 03-12-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Came the approach of a fox, the scent upon her pelt turning his thoughts to the mortuary he worked within once, long ago. Eyes narrowing slightly as he looked over - she should be dead or at the very least in pain. Gray eyes fixed on the blue one, a puff of smoke leaving her for a moment before he plucked the blooms of tarragon from his foreleg with his other paw and set it on the ground before tapping his notebook, an un-sheathed claw pointing to the written word of tarragon with the wording of curiosity beside it, his eyes narrowing slightly before touching the scars on his throat and lips.

Turning his gaze at the sound of wings, gray eyes taking in the draconic tom with a degree of interest before tapping the book again and repeating his gesture. It was no proper way to communicate but the tabby tom had no other way, his paws were not fit to make sign language with. Pausing in his movements as he took a draw from his cigarette to feel the acrid air flowing through his lungs, nicotine staining his tongue, he would lift his paw to ppint to all of the terrain around the trio of them, tilting his head with a prick of his ears. Looking down at his book with a slight frown, he tapped his chin, brows furrowed before flipping through the pages to another word, daffodil. As he tapped the wording beside the flower's title, he felt a stirring upon his leg, the bloom in question growing upon his fur which he plucked before once again motioning over the terrain, tapping the wording curiously. Written where he tapped were the words of What is this? Where is this? I have questions.

Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 03-12-2021

Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - ARLO M. - 03-15-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
The scent of flowers greatly offset that of the cigarette burning between his lips. Arlo's stomach almost turned at the clashing, his head raising and turning away for a long moment. Red eyes swept back towards the writing, his ears twitching and pricking. The words didn't make much sense to him apart- but as Cleo arrived, his eyes shifting towards her, it made more sense, building and stacking upon eachother.

He looked forward towards Aesior, clearing his throat for a moment. "Did you need our help? What's your name?" Arlo questioned, his wings shifting and fluttering for a moment. Well, this was certainly interesting. He hadn't had to deal with this kind of thing before.


Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - aesior - 03-16-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
flick of ears, eyes turning to the new face. ah, how strange this place was. not that he had any other place to go. looking down at his notebook as he thought before shaking his head slightly at cleo's question of if he could speak, raising his paw once more to his throat, letting his claws unsheathe to demonstrate the injury that he had obtained. tapping where his voicebox would reside, he made a motion in the air of slicing, trying to indicate his vocal chords had been cut through. by all odds, he had survived and healed what surely should have been a fatal wound so long ago. ears flicking back, thinking to the one he had served under, a flash of darkness falling across his eyes as he shuddered slightly. damn, he missed them, his silence only seemed to influence the flowers and greenery upon his shoulders which produced various small blooms of pink camelia, his gaze wandering before quickly returning to the situation at hand. if they were here, he could speak through them, they could explain for him.

tail curling about his paws, he snuffed out his cigarette, knowing not everyone would appreciate the acrid scent. for him, it was a comfort, the smoke covering the scent of death that he could swear clung to him, the scent of flowers too strong and too weak to hide the sickly sweet scent of rot that clung to the dead and those who dealt with them. lifting his head to look at arlo, tail tapping over his own paws, looking at the book for a split second before reaching for it with his paw, picking up the pencil that resided within its spine and scrawling onto the paper in a script he hadn't used in years, imparting with his information. Written upon the paper, laid the words, my name is aesior. i am here to join your group. i apologize for not speaking, i became mute as a child. i do not like writing, but i will if it is easier for everyone here.

Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 03-17-2021

Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - ARLO M. - 03-17-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo sat quietly as the male shifted about, tapping his throat, making indications. Blooming more flowers, snuffing the cancer stick out. Arlo's ears twitched and rotated as Cleo read the words first, before exhaling gently as he read them as well. Red eyes closed for a moment, his wings fluttering gently, before looking towards Cleo. He was a little surprised to see that she had relayed the decision to him- considering that she had such a first foot forward personality.

Arlo cleared his throat, looking back towards Aes. "Yes, you are welcome to join. Welcome, Aesior. I'm Arlo, Vanguard of the Golden Eye. Do we need to show you to camp?" He questioned, lifting an eyebrow as he looked towards the cigarette-stenched male.


Re: take me out i beg you ⚘ joiner - aesior - 03-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
listening to the two of them, his ears flicking as he listened to the completely different voices, eyes sparking slightly before he would shake his head. he didn't need to be shown the way to camp, he could follow after them. he was grateful to them for letting him join them - though he would have to learn all of the rules here. there were the dead and lost that he could not recover, but he could honor them in their own ways, and he would like to learn more of these areas, and the lore that surrounded such things.

gaze darting around as he got to his paws, scenting the air to draw in the scents of those who had come to greet him. He didn't know the names of the two females, but he now knew that the draconic feline was named Arlo. Interesting - though much of this was interesting to him.

sorry its short //