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spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - Printable Version

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spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - merlin - 03-11-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 wading through waters that made their way up to her shoulders, head held above the salty brine water, her green eyes sweeping the areas surrounding her, a sigh on her lips. it had been some time since she had arrived at the swamp, and though she had found a dry place to sleep, she had yet to seek out a proper home, but that would come soon. first - she wanted to recover her sword, the white and golden blade amalthia. growl of frustration lifting off of her lips, the calico padded out further until she was forced to paddle to keep her head above the water. she had lost her sword when she had arrived, now only finding the time to return to the swath of beach she had crawled out onto in the beginning.

taking a deep breath into stinging lungs, she would paddle in place before diving down in an attempt to search the ocean floor for her beloved sword, the one thing that had been constant and accompanied her on all of her journeys and adventures. re-surfacing with a hiss of frustration, she would continue to tread water as the calico continued her search, making several diving trips below the surface before finally coming across something hard buried in the sands. kicking to the surface, she would paddle in place with a sense of desperation welling in her chest, diving another time in an attempt to wrap her paws around the golden hilt of her sword, tugging with all of her might before having to resurface for air once more, her lungs burning by this time. i might have to ask for help to get her out ... how embarrassing.

??? ?? ?????????  《》

?????? & ???????? & ????????? ????????

Re: spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-11-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Atbash liked having Merlin around; the woman seemed like she was a calm sort, sweet and curious. Atbash liked those that shared a personality with her, though if once she learned of Merlin's sword, she might even admire the she-cat. She was wondering how the brown-and-cream she-cat was faring. After asking around, a few NPCs mentioned that they saw her heading towards the beach and after thanking them, the savannah went off for Merlin.

Honestly, Atbash was worried that Merlin was thinking about leaving, coming back from wherever she had been prior. Fortunately though, that didn't seem like the case, with Merlin resurfacing from the ocean and walking back to shore. "Merlin!" Atbash called out to her, trotting over. "Whatcha doing here?"
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - merlin - 03-11-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 Lifting her gaze from where she put her paws, water soaking and streamlining the calico's coat, droplets making their presence known as they slid down to plop into the water with their brethren. Hearing her name called out, her ears would come to stand up as her eyes sought out the yellow and nearly black savannah upon the shore. Putting on a smile as she stopped in the shallows of the water to shake herself as best as she could, her undercoat ruffling against the topcoat, causing the molly to look puffed out before she shook herself again to try and settle the unruly locks of fur.

Giving up on her fruitless attempts, the tangler would trot over to Atbash with a warm smile, "Divin! I lost somethin' of mine when I came to shore the first time and I ought to look for 'er. Would you mind helping me?", she asked rather shyly, voice climbing in pitch at the end, embarrassed to ask for aid. Licking down her chest fur, the female would offer a sheepish smile, "I lost my sword when I came awash on the shore - she was strapped to my suitcase but the waves tore her free. I think I've found 'er but she's wedged deep in the sand, too much for me to get her free alone.", she admitted, purring as she spoke of her sword, "although, I think you'll like her when you see her. She's pretty, nimble and I'm so used to her weight on my hip it feels strange without her there. My pride and joy, even named her Amalthia, been at my side since I can remember my biggest adventure beginning.", perhaps her words were garbled, excitement and pride spinning her words together, sodden whiskers twitching as she looked back over her shoulder to the salty deep.

??? ?? ?????????  《》 just a little lady excited to show off her sword

?????? & ???????? & ????????? ????????

Re: spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - arrow - 03-11-2021

"No fucking way, you've got a sword?"

Unlike Atbash, Arrow hadn't been tracking down Merlin, she was just in the area. Patrolling, doin' her rounds, that sort of thing. She had to be vigilant, between Seven, Aurum and Siborno's murders, anything could still be lurking around waiting for a new victim to grab and add to the recent body count. Admittedly, because of that fact, Merlin being by herself in the water sort of made her a little nervous, even though she didn't really know the woman, it would have been tragic to lose another Tangler to god knows what. She'd just been fucked up by one of the many threats lurking in the deep water, Merlin or even Atbash would have been a simple snack. But this was still Arrow, so she was immediately distracted by the mention of a sword. Good job, bodyguard.

She looked between the two felines before her, shaking off some loose branches collected from crawling through the undergrowth. "Maybe I could help ya grab her?"
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Re: spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-12-2021

everything's just come together at last !
A sword? Not very people wielded swords around here, though Atbash remembered how Vigenere used to say how much he liked using them as a weapon. The Shaderunner's eye widened at the mention of a sword, before she turned around quickly at the sound of Arrow's voice - startled, mostly, but relieved she wasn't the only one here to offer help. Considering her... experiences with almost drowning, Atbash wasn't too keen on diving. "I can, um. Manipulate some of the ocean, if need be?" She offered, trying to avoid the subject of diving herself.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: spirit of the wild 《》 sword-searching - merlin - 03-12-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 Arrow's voice cutting through the air, she turned her head to see the other coming through the underbrush before giving her a vibrant smile, "aye! She's my treasure.", the story behind why the sword was so precious would bring it's own telling. By all means, swords were bloody amazing and how better than to showcase her own? She couldn't help but remember the children that had showed joy in seeing the sword upon her hip before she had arrived here, and the disgruntled looks that men wore when they held her in regard. A thrill running down her spine, she grinned, "I would much appreciate it, this body is a wee bit too small to have the strength to free her when she's so wrapped up.", she admitted openly.

Her sword was nearly as big as she was now, though the sword was usually light for her, she had yet to fully develop the needed muscles to wield it in this body. If she was as tall as Atbash or Arrow, it would surely be a better fit, she just had to practice when Amalthia was recovered. Turning her head as Atbash offered to manipulate part of the ocean, her eyes sparkle and she couldn't help the comment of, "like moses! Or something like that.", she chuckled as she played with the mental image of the water splitting. "I can swim back out to the area I felt her hilt.", she spoke as she turned back towards the water almost eagerly. The prospect of reclaiming her sword heavily outweighed any cobs of what may lay in wait in the waters.

??? ?? ?????????  《》

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