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MOMENTS | raven mischief - Printable Version

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MOMENTS | raven mischief - gael - 03-11-2021

In the free time the vulpine allowed himself -- between management and patrols -- he painted.  The artistic hobby had been his passion for thousands of years.  Therefore he appreciated the paints his daughter often hand-made, and never turned down a gift of canvases or brushes.

A mischievous raven was none of those things.  The Ardent could do without a raven in his house in general.  The particular avian in question had flown into the treehouse through an open window, discovered Gael within the studio, and promptly found the paint he was currently using.  The vulpine watched in irritation as the bird drenched his talons (and the floor and working canvas) in blue.

Gael heaved a frustrated breath, hazel gaze narrowed; ushering the meddling bird away with a fierce gust of wind.  Determined to see the menace out, the vulpine ushered him straight out the door and down the steps.  An irritated sigh left his chest as splatters of blue paint flew everywhere in the bird's less-than cooperative-wake.

Only a faint recognition of the bird kept Gael from more aggressive action -- certain this was the same raven, from many moons before, that his daughter nursed to health.  Suvi's raven -- a fact the faerie suspected but did not know for sure.  "If you wanted to visit Aine, you should've checked the temple," he dictated, matching the raven's beady glare with his own.

// Mobile post + got permission from misty to use Fiachra for some mischief!
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: MOMENTS | raven mischief - aine. - 03-14-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Softly hooves trotted in the direction of home.  A thought of perhaps reading in mind.  Only to watch her father, and a blur of black feathers rush down the steps.  Leaving them... Blue?  Stars.  The petite deer-fox nearly choked on air, hazel hues squinting in confusion.  Too far away for the picture to be clear.

A raven?  Aine bounded over, blinking as she wondered... It certainly... Felt like the same raven.  But it had been moons.  "Da?  Why is he- why is he blue?" She inquired, barely hiding a laugh when she noticed the intense looks her father and the bird were exchanging.  They both mean business.

She shuffled her feathers, glancing at her own raven-like wings.  Unable to contain the amusement forever.  Snorting quietly. "He-hey... Buddy," she murmured, ears flicking back sheepishly when the avian turned his sharp gaze to her.  "Maybe we should find some water...? Wash that off?" Really.  He seemed proud to her.  What a mischievous bird.  "Je suis désolée, da."