Beasts of Beyond
TUMULT FUN — private - Printable Version

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TUMULT FUN — private - PINCHER - 05-19-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
It had been quite some time since he had caused trouble especially in the way he was doing it now. He usually was one to focus on avoiding trouble that involved other lives that he cared for like his clanmates but he knew this was the risk of leading a group. Pincher had been the second in command when his pathetic excuse of a father had lead the crew part of the Typhoon. He remembered not having to dwell so much into decisions since his father held a more tyrannical grip on power, his duties being rather limited to the point that his father hardly allowed him to speak in meetings or voting sessions. It had been frustrating but had given him time to focus on other things though now it seemed like quite the opposite. Instead Pincher now focused more on a clan wide option with his mind shifting from politics, training, promotions/demotions, and ensuring he was able to be a decent leader. Part of him desired to settle down and just go with the flow of the world’s changes but he wanted more, no matter how much he received, he always wanted more. Was it selfish that he wanted to strike back? In a way but at the same time he wanted to show that the Typhoon was not done with Tanglewood.

The male’s head felt another jab of pain as he pushed the water’s currents to push the small boat through the ocean, his attentive cool blue gaze locked forward with his thin coal black pupils hardly visible due to the concentration he was using. The sun was beginning to set nearby, the connected constellations beginning to show. At first the head pirate had wanted to go out under the cloak of the dark night but he didn't want to risk stumbling into dangerous parts where Tanglewood had so visibility was key for his crewmates and himself. The doberman glanced over his broad shoulder towards the others that were sitting on the boat, his fictional eyebrows furrowed as he ordered quietly “Keep a lookout.” And right as he said that, he noticed movement in the water and managed to catch the scales of the gators that roamed the water, creating an icicle to impale the gator before it submerged, pinning it down to the bottom so it wouldn't make any noise. He already felt tired due to the use of his elemental power but Pincher was ready to get the show started as he felt the bow of the board press against solid ground and meaning they had reached land. The tall canine glanced around before hopping out, his velvety pointed ears pricked as he made a motion of his head that meant his crewmates were to follow. He didn't know much of the territory but his heightened senses allowed him to catch something that he had been craving for a while. Chicken.

He began trekking carefully through the swamp like mud, wrinkling his dark nose at the foul scent but remained dead silent, focusing on avoiding any traps that were set since he knew could be located throughout Tanglewood’s territory. The obsidian colored male allowed a faint smirk to trace his jaws as the scent grew closer and he caught sight of the run down barn, his ears catching the various sounds that were coming from the relaxing wildlife there. No one seemed to be around and deciding this was the best chance to take some shit, Pincher stalked forward, his tar black pelt flecked with gold dust but not bright enough to attract attention. He heard faint clucking and caught a flash of ivory white, causing the pirate to part his jaws and sink them down onto the chicken that had attempted to flee past. He was quick to not make noise, piercing his shark-like canines into the windpipe of the bird. It panicked and flapped it’s wings viciously, protesting and attempting to cling to life but Pincher was hungry and had been craving chicken for quite a while. Once it finally stopped moving, he rested softly on the ground and turned to the others, arctic blue gaze locking onto his crewmates as he whispered ”Get as much livestock as you can and do it quietly...” He knew that sooner or latter, someone would come stumbling in their direction and he decided to simply hold back from going on his own searching, knowing that he should become the lookout in case things went south. So he allowed his invisibility to envelop him as he stood in the middle of the farm, eyeing every direction. Part of him wanted to see shit hit the fan but for now, he stayed focused on getting out with a decent score.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: TUMULT FUN — private - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-27-2018

Causing trouble was Caesar's specialty. To him, causing trouble was a way of getting noticed and being noticed was a good thing. It's how the Shaman spotted him in the first place and he ended up getting his family exiled. He did like the attention it caused, and he started to crave it. So Caesar was excited when he heard that they were going to fuck up Tanglewood, even if he didn't know a damn thing about the other group. The point was, they were fucking up some other group.

Caesar was slightly alarmed at the movement in the water and watched as Pincher killed a gator with an icicle. The demon narrowed his eyes slightly at that, recalling how his two siblings had once had elemental powers. Travelling to this Dimension had stripped them of that ability, but seeing as he was slowly gaining his powers back... Surely they were too? Then again, that was even assuming they were here. Caesar had no idea if Atbash or Vigenere followed him to Earth and frankly, he didn't give a shit.

Pincher's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and Caesar blinked a couple of times to focus on the Captain. Just as he did, however, the doberman disappeared. Oh, are you fucking kidding me? The demon cursed to himself. Fuck his powers being stripped from him, this fucking sucked ass. He did take note of the Captain's orders, however, and tried to move as quietly out off the swamp as he could and into the trees.