Beasts of Beyond
SMELLIN' LIKE THAT MARY-J // another punishment thread - Printable Version

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SMELLIN' LIKE THAT MARY-J // another punishment thread - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
The glares and murmurs from NPCs had slowly subsided as the days went on and Dante felt a little more comfortable in coming out and interacting with his clanmates. Not that he particularly wanted to, but he liked having the freedom of being able to go up to someone and fuck around with them, and not get brashed or glared for it. After the whole deal with Elsweyr, it had been hard to go through town without getting glares or whispers being said about him, but Dante shrugged them off. He didn't care what they were saying, it just pissed him off that they clearly didn't have the balls to say it to his face.

Thankfully though, as the days went on, the whispers and looks slowly went away. Dante passed by town without a second thought, on a mission to get himself some food, because clearly he was still being punished for... whatever reason. I've suffered enough. He believed, but according to Gael, it 'wasn't his decision to make'. The hybrid snorted at the memory of Gael saying that, his lips peeling back in a snarl for a brief moment. Fuckin' cunt. But whatever, he supposed; it at least meant he didn't have to interact with people if he didn't want to.


Dante had off into the jungle in search for something to hunt and eventually, the sharkcat came back half-carrying, half-dragging a deer carcass. Settling himself down in town, Dante placed a paw protectively over his meal, growling at a few young NPCs as they came by to see if they could have a piece, before starting to dig into his meal. This was his dinner, thank you very much.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]