Beasts of Beyond
the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Printable Version

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the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - teef - 03-10-2021

tempered steps crossing boundaries and skipping across rotten planks of wood, haring down rope and wooden pathways to reach his hut, breath short and aching in his lungs. damn it all, he'd gotten too relaxed and comfortable since he had come back. it had come to his attention that there were a plethora of ashfoots and a few corps members and knights without their wings - wings that they had long ago earned. these names were left to him in a letter left behind by baalal when the zheng had disappeared in search of the lost patrol sent to the glacial altar, of which he was the only known survivor. this needed to be handled immediately, as well as a few other minor announcements.

pushing through the dried grass and moss that functioned as the door to the valereader and sage's hut, exhaling into the lonely and empty air, his eyes sliding closed. son of a bitch, he hated how silent it was in here, when and where the ghosts of the past echoed in his head and brought him to his knees. now was not the time for that. catching his breath as he paced around, the akhlut would set down his bag of fragile items, the bag revealing itself to be a scrap of velvet with different sets of metal wings settled upon it's throne. adjusting the scrap a bit, to make it seem more appealing, he would rush to light the lanterns within the hut before pushing his way back outside to light the lanterns around the hut and along the walkways, looking up to the stars far above. closing his eyes for a moment as he brought himself to breathe and relax, he shook himself out before letting out a long howl, calling the attention of the members of the frostblown, calling them, "all members of the frostblown, gather in the sage's hut for a mandatory meeting!", he would summon before turning back inside, eager to watch the dancing lights so far above if he could finish this meeting quickly enough.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-10-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

"I'm here, I'm here." She muttered, slowly hop-skipping over, her wings slightly dragging. The larger she was growing by the day the heavier and more annoying they got due to the thick feathers, and she couldn't wait until they were light.


Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - SirDio - 03-10-2021

"Yes, yes! Hello." The demon called out, landing at the Sage's Hut. He followed after Jadeire, glancing at her for her peculiar and interesting look just as he had when Auberon had greeted him and allowed him to join. How many more interesting people would he see in this meeting? Only that bitch called 'Fate' knew.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-10-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

A voice, a voice, appeared after her, and she turned around to see a male land, skipping slightly before stopping. He studied her curiously and she looked at him back before shooting him a small smile. "Heya! You're new, right? I don't remember seeing you around before. I'm Jadeire, but you can call me Jade!" Her voice became squeaky as the child got excited.



Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Star Pepper - 03-10-2021

Star Pepper | 14 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Star hearing a call for a meeting, headed for the Sage's hut, hoping his siblings would follow him. Once he got to the Sage's hut he sat down seeing two others were already there. "I'm here." He called before looking at Jadeire and Sebastian. He watched them for a moment, curious as to what was going to be said in the meeting.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Apple Pepper - 03-10-2021

Apple Pepper | 18 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Apple had followed her brother after hearing the call for the meeting. As soon as she was there. she looked at Jadeire. "You seem very happy." She said smiling at her. Apple then looked at Star, knowing that later she was going to bug him, even if he didn't want it. She liked the idea of bugging her brother.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Berry Pepper - 03-10-2021

Berry Pepper | 4 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Berry was going through her plot to bug Star when she heard the call for the meeting. She made her way over and soon spotted Star and Apple there. She walked over and sat next to Star smiling. She didn't say anything especially since she was wanting to bug Star, but she decided that later would be a better chance to bug him.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Bell Pepper - 03-10-2021

Bell Pepper | 8 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Bell had followed Apple. He watched as Berry showed up, but didn't say anything to her. He was been unusually very quiet as he watched the others. He was more curious about what this meeting was about then causing problems for Star like he normally did. He still watched the others as he sat down next to Star and Berry.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-10-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Jesus, this was a lot more people than he had been expecting, quite honestly. Horizon followed the others to the meeting area, his ears pricked at the sight of so many people here. Well, duh. He spoke to himself sarcastically. This is a meeting, dumbass.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - teef - 03-11-2021

[Image: 950139033ea4cceb4ec50052cf40da9e.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]following the other faces quietly, would enter the tired valkyrie, her paws numb from constant patrols leaving her weary in the bones. sitting down, she raised her head as she watched after her daughter, jadeire, watching her quietly as the woman yawned, paw raised to her chest to brush against the rope that held her wedding band, the same rope that had once held her husband's wedding band before she had given it to him when they had reconnected here in the lands of the beyond.

wrapping her tail about her paws, margaret would study horizon with a soft snort, "you seem intimidated. this isn't the full attendance just yet either.", the woman would laugh faintly as she turned her gaze back to auberon. she'd been on patrols when baalal had left on their ill-fated journey but she remembered this scarred-up face, he'd been here in the past when she had come so long ago.