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JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN || BEACH PARTY - rhosmari - 03-10-2021

As the days continued to move forward the woman had been preparing something special. All of her people needed a good pick me up and she had decided to also invite one of their prominent allies. At least the only real ally that they had. She figured that it would help greatly to get their heads off of recent events and to be able to have some fun. So she had been cleaning up their beach. The shore of black sand and pebbles impressive to her. She hardly ever got to see the ocean back when she had been home and well here the clear waters and teeming fish life was interesting. Flicking her tail she hummed as a fire pit was put in pale with a large cast iron bowl. Cooking during the festivities was essential and she looked over the cleaned area before she turned to her helpers. Already they were pitching the tarps for cooling areas as the temperatures began to rise. There were beach balls and buckets with little shovels. Those weird foam noodles too. The wind blew and she breathed it in. Nervous. She had never held an event before.

Near the fire pit there was a large table, holding many different drinks from alcohol to juices for kids. Her paws moved as she began to make her way back along a path she had decorated with wind flags and streamers in the trees. The path led all the way back to town, soft music from the beach permeating the air along with the sudden smell of cooking meat. As she entered the town her tail would wave back and forth vigorously,  a smile blossoming on her maw. "Everyone! Come and enjoy the beach. There are drinks and food to feed everyone!" With that said she turned and disappeared into the brush, on her way to get the Typhoon.


everything's just come together at last !
As calming as the beach was, Atbash wasn't too sure about how she felt about having a beach party. Though maybe it was because of all the sad news lately, what with Aurum and Siborno's passing, as well as her Ambassadorship with The Palm Glades being revoked. The savannah tried not to let those things bother her, namely the whole Ambassadorship thing; after all, the Glades had, according to Moth, stolen Tanglewood's prey and forced them to starve. She shouldn't want to continue to be friendly with them, but she felt as if there was some sort of miscommunication between the two groups. They hadn't done anything to her, personally, therefore Atbash didn't realize how bad the group had been.

In regards to Aurum and Siborno's death, however, that was harder to shake off. Although Atbash hadn't really known or spoken to Siborno, she knew that he was Aurum's significant other. To what extent, she wasn't sure, but they were obviously very close. Atbash felt a strange kinship with Aurum, mostly due to her brother being so fond of the angelic lion, and he was the only reason she even came to Tanglewood. Not that Atbash would admit that by itself, of course; she'd likely argue that she had many friends here now and thus, had no reason to leave the group.

Atbash watched as Elsweyr went off, a small frown on her maw. She's probably off to invite The Typhoon. The whole reason Atbash was uncomfortable with them was, ironically, because of Goldenluxury. She didn't like how the tigress had decided to hate her over what Atbash believed was a small mistake and ever since then, she had been uncomfortable with the pirates. Given the fact that Goldie no longer had her memories, Atbash should feel more comfortable around them and in a way, she did - but on the other, the demoness couldn't shake her unease. Sighing to herself, Atbash decided to relax a bit in the ocean, letting the small waves crash over her legs.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN || BEACH PARTY - arrow - 03-12-2021

The beach...the beach. Arrow didn't spend much time there, she was more suited to the actual swamp itself if she wanted to play in the water. Even though it was grimy and darker than the sea was, significant time among the trees sort of made her eyes a little sensitive to the bright sunlight. And the sea was much saltier than the swamp water was, getting any in her mouth always made her gag. Not that she had to go swimming, but she always ended up testing the waters. Haha, pun.

"Oh, wow." Arrow looked around at the beach party setup, unsurprisingly noticing the alcohol first, but taking in the sight of everything else with just as much interest. Look at Elsweyr go, hosting an event all by herself. She was proud, this was all done up so nicely, too. Lord have mercy on those who turned down the invite, or simply failed to show up. "She's really outdone herself here."
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN || BEACH PARTY - SirDio - 03-14-2021

Ana hobbled up next to Arrow, eyes looking around though her mind was fuzzy. Lack of sleep and general shock from the deaths of Aurum and Siborno still hung in her mind, along with the whole 'death itself seems so familiar it's scary' thing she suddenly got hit with. Still, she forced a smile. "Yeah.. yeah it's really nice of her." She spoke quietly, moving past Arrow and finding herself a spot in the shallow of the ocean. Soon as she stepped on wet sand her throat closed up, forcing her to back up. That was strange.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN || BEACH PARTY - Keona. - 03-14-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Despite being one of the heads of Typhoon's commune division, the tiny wildcat had never truly entered their ally's swamp.  The border... Once.  Where everything proceeded to go wrong.  It was difficult to shake the memory off, even as she found herself padding onto sand.

The muddy swamp was not easy to traverse.  She preferred the beach immediately, nearly beelining for the water.  Feeling its call.  The gentle sound of the ocean's breathing.  The dealer lingered however, intent on being polite before being too antisocial.

"Aloha," she called out softly, sightless hues still set towards the sound of the sea.  "'an mahalo.  We appreciate the invite."
