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broken dreams - injury - Printable Version

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broken dreams - injury - ASVINI - 03-09-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
/ tw for blood! deldrach lost an eye

Fuck that piss colored bastard.

That was the only thing she could think of, limping out of the forest, her front paws seared from flames, her eye socket empty as she held her eyelid (what was left of it, at least) down, blood dripping from her face. She had to say, however, he knew where to hit the hardest. The mark of royalty wouldn't be present, at least in this body, she considered. Deldrach's paws dragged in the sand, grimacing as the heat from the sun had baked it already by this point of the day.

Her breathing was starting to get a bit ragged. While it wasn't a terribly bad injury- compared to having an artery cut open- it was still something that wouldn't stop bleeding. She grit her teeth as she continued to carry herself towards the huts, trying to head straight for her own. She could fix it on her own- she didn't need anyone to help her. This was something she could do herself. Her head was swimming with woozy thoughts, and she was swaying with each paw step.

Re: broken dreams - injury - roan ; - 03-09-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
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The stench of blood on the air was what first alerted Roan that something was wrong. The soothsayer had been scouring the edge of the shore, looking for valuable herbs that grew near the edge of the water. However, his task was abandoned when the sharp scent of blood reached him, and he spotted Deldrach moving slowly by in the distance. He shifted the satchel that laid around his waist, a heavy sigh leaving him as he moved off in her direction. Given her determined personality, he had to imagine that she would end up protesting his help. Such was his job as a medic, however, and the siamese wasn't one to give up easily.

There was a determined expression on Roan's face as he drew closer, but he couldn't help the way he paused once Deldrach's injuries became clear. Her eye... it was gone. Grtting his teeth briefly, the smaller feline stepped out in front of Del, his voice authoritative, "Deldrach... sit. Let me treat your eye. This isn't the kind of injury you can just patch up on your own." He didn't wait for any sort of response from her, instead turning and beginning to dig around in his satchel. As he grasped at the herbs and bandages that he would need, he found himself questioning, "Who... who the hell did this to you? Nobody just loses an eye on accident." Whoever had done it, he had no doubt that they would be punished severely. His mama wasn't one to take slights lightly, especially not one that ended up injuring a member so severely.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: broken dreams - injury - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne knew of her relation to Caesar, considering that her mother was very fond of her father and looked up to him. Despite that, though, the girl had never met her grandfather and honestly, she was quite thankful for it, based off everyone's description of him. He sounded like a worse version of Aphra and Vayne knew she couldn't handle it.

"Oh god..." Vayne murmured as she came closer, lured over by the sharp tang of blood in the air. Deldrach was swaying and this was one of the times that Vayne wished she could shapeshift or possess other bodies like her mother could; she wanted to lend Deldrach a shoulder, but considering how small she was, it probably wouldn't help. "D-do you need some water? I can fetch some real quick," The orange-spotted feline offered, trying to keep her distance so Roan had some room to do his work.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: broken dreams - injury - daniel - 03-09-2021

He hadn't meant to stumble across Deldrach, Roan and Vayne, it was just an accident. Danny wouldn't have investigated the scene at the scent of blood, rest assured. No, what he had been doing was chasing potential prey that bolted out of his reach back into the treeline, just a little too fast for him. Or maybe he could have caught it, if he hadn't been immediately taken aback by the overwhelming metallic scent and color red in the corner of his eye.

Skidding across the sand until he came to a stop close by, the wolf's ears stood straight up, alert, like he was on edge. He was, you see, the first coherent thought was that whatever gouged out the Jaglioness's eye out could still be around, lurking. The chances were slim, it would have been stupid of anyone to grow closer to a populated, even guarded, area, where being outnumbered was inevitable. Still, this was Danny, and he was afraid. He would have bolted, but then he would have looked like a coward, and that was somehow worse than whatever was strangling his weak sense of courage. Not to mention, it would be just his luck to have rolled in to a gorey situation already discovered by someone who he'd made a big show about being tough and kicking ass for. He could be tough, honest.

Danny didn't say a word, not one, but instead stood beside Vayne, shoulders squared for the first time in his anxiety ridden life, brown eyes locked on the trees that Deldrach emerged from half-wrecked. Listening closely would reveal a quiet growl, less threatening and more threatened.

Re: broken dreams - injury - bubblegum - 03-15-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

*retro injury/power discovery

Stepping onto the beach, she had not expected to find this along the way. The tigress had scented the blood, however, and knew that was never a good sign. She hoped whatever it came from wasn't fatal, and that it wasn't a child, or someone in her family, most of all. Was that selfish? She didn't think so. They were most important to her, after all. Unfortunately, Deldrach, while she didn't recall it, had been considered like family to her for a long time. The female was nothing more than a familiar presence now. A face she could trust. One she's certain she had plenty of history with, but hadn't brought herself to ask about. It seemed like whatever it was, it was painful. And both of them seemed to enjoy staying on the brighter side of things regardless. Her pace would quicken, stepping up just behind Roan. She wanted to help however she could as well - it was her job.

What exactly she was supposed to do now seemed to escape her head, though. She pauses for a moment, simply watching, surveying the female's missing eye. She doesn't say anything at first, only clears her throat slowly when Vayne speaks up. "G-Good idea," she answers towards the younger feline, glancing to her, before looking to Roan. "What do you need me t' do? I can go grab more supplies if you need." The female asks softly, wishing to be more useful than to simply stand there. The treatments she listed off the top of her head were likely already about to be done by Roan, and she didn't want to get in his way.

Re: broken dreams - injury - ASVINI - 03-15-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
Roan, first. Then came three others, causing her head to swing. Blood continued to dribble from her face, the golden-brown fur stained a deep red. A grimace came from her, wobbling for a moment as her head swam with pain. A soft growl left her for a long moment. But, she slowly settled her haunches down, sitting to let Roan get to her face. She wasn't dumb, after all- she knew when it was bad. Her jaw slowly worked as he started to speak, her ears twitching and rotating to keep her aware of her surroundings.

Her speech was gently slurred when she did speak, however, indicating the blood loss was serious. "Caeser. He was coming for.." She fell silent as she realized Vayne and Goldie were nearby- and at length, another, one she hadn't met yet. Or, at least couldn't remember. She grimaced as she saw her- well. They didn't have any technical relations, married, blood, or other. But they were family. Her stomach wrench in pain, wishing none of that came from her, before she forced her mind away from it.

Primus was dead, after all.

She cleared her throat, swallowing for a long moment. "Goldie. I beat him off. I'.. cost me a bit." She managed to mumble out, lowering her head so that Roan and the others could reach her face.

Re: broken dreams - injury - ROXANNE R. - 03-16-2021

The smell of blood made the cannibals nose twitched and the roof of her mouth water ever so slightly, man, she tried to kill old habits but none of it was working frankly as she made her way over with a concerned expression on her face. It seems that Eyestrain Mcfuckin Gee couldn't stay the fuck away from somewhere he was exiled, a low growl leaving her as she nodded slowly over to Roan then glanced over at Deldrach hearing the reason why her eye was gone. To protect Goldenluxury Roux from Caesar,  a frown forming on her maw as she let out a low breath "Is the piece of shit still lurking bout or is he completely gone? Either way, I'll watch out for that shitass." She brushed up against Goldie in a form of comfort only to lock her mismatched gaze onto Deldrach once again.

She'd offer something else but really everyone else had already offered to get Deldrach something and the captain didn't wish to overwhelm her injured crewmate instead deciding to offer a sympathetic smile. Roxie didn't know how it felt like to lose an eye but she was certain that it hurt a fucking lot, maybe she'd give Deldrach one of her many eye patches that she liked to collect for whatever fucking reason.

Re: broken dreams - injury - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar? As in, her grandfather? Vayne knew that Aphra looked up to Caesar and that in of itself was concerning, considering how Aphra acted herself, but other than that, she knew nothing about her grandfather. And, well... this wasn't turning out to be a great first impression. Vayne blinked at Deldrach's words upon the woman revealing Caesar attacked her, before Goldenluxury's response finally clicked. "I-I'll go get some water." She declared quickly, turning around and half-stumbling in a run to go and grab a class of water from her home.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: broken dreams - injury - roan ; - 03-17-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Caesar. The name alone was enough to cause Roan's jaw to clench unpleasantly, although he didn't say anything in response. It was no surprise that the bastard was still causing trouble, much as it made the soothsayer's blood boil. Instead, he focused his attention on Goldie, and how she had asked to help. With a brief glance towards the supplies he had with him, the medic quickly muttered, "Can you go and get me some raspberry leaves from the back of the temple? Marigold will help to stop the bleeding and prevent infections, but I think raspberry leaves will be more effective... and more bandages, of we have them." He wanted to ensure that the wound be well covered, knowing that such a gaping wound could easily get infected. With a sigh, Roan grabbed a clean rag from his satchel, reaching up to try and wipe away some of the blood from Deldrach's face, and the area directly surrounding her eye.

Pulling his paw back shortly afterwards, the siamese placed the rag back down, his attention turning to the marigold he had with him. He carefully began to crush it, mixing a poultice that he could use while Goldie grabbed the raspberry leaves. He paid little mind to Vayne's departure, although he hoped she wouldn't take Caesar's actions too hard. After all, it wasn't her fault he was a prick. Shoving that from his mind for the moment, Roan then spoke in a vaguely apologetic manner as he leaned towards Deldrach, "Sorry, but this is going to sting quite a bit... it'll help make sure nothing gets infected, though." He then aimed to carefully apply the poultice around her eye socket and the surrounding scratching. He wouldn't use any of his bandages just yet, wanting to wait and see if he could get the raspberry leaves applied first.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: broken dreams - injury - rhosmari - 03-17-2021


She personally had never been good with blood. Just something about it set her on edge and any scene with it made her heart pound faster. Really she hadn't meant to stumble upon the group that was all gathered around Deldrach, her nose primarily to the ground as if she was trying to hunt something. But well imagine her surprise coming upon the scene and the thick smell of blood and herbs. Her eyes widened as she looked at Del'a face, feeling queasy. She had never seen anyone without an eye before and she just stared. Her face began to scrunch up repeatedly as she watched, stepping back before she forced her face to stay still. None of that. Shaking her head a bit she would try to understand the circumstances. Someone named Caesar had done this. Had tore out her eye. A creeping feeling of fear struck her and she move away with ears pressed flat against her skull.

She wanted to ask who this guy was. But she felt time this was not the best situation to ask. Roxanne seemed to know and from the words he had been around for a while and causing trouble. The beta sat down knowing she was no help in this situation and she was really trying to keep her lunch down. Stomach flipping here and there as she glanced up to look at Danny and then away again to Vayne who was trying to help.