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my childhood spat back out the monster that you see ♕ private - Printable Version

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my childhood spat back out the monster that you see ♕ private - lilyspoise - 05-19-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Of all places to find herself, the Typhoon was definitely one of the better options. However, despite this, being in the Typhoon with nothing on her save her scissors and their holders and fresh wounds across her body was definitely not one of the better options.
It was stupid, really, but Lil needed to go out and find a cemetery she'd heard about. It wasn't the one found in the clan's main territory -- she had been there already, and didn't yield any results she desired -- but another one. It was mindless to bank the hopes of her twin-souls locations being every random cemetery she'd passed by, but it had become habit at this point. It originated in her trying to find anything around, any spirit that could possibly point her in the direction of her sisters, but she only ever came up empty handed.

Well, today, she technically didn't.

It wasn't as if she gained her twin-souls back, but she did realize that the reach of her past life still managed to spread to this area; to her home and new life. It was impossible to keep it from the Typhoon forever, but that certainly didn't stop Lil from trying. Any time she could keep the truth from her crew mates was time she was worth investing in. A rationale mind said that none of the crew mates would judge her, because nobody joined a warbound, pirating clan with the expectation that everyone inside of it was pure of heart, but she still couldn't help but worry. Worry that if she lost the Typhoon, she would have nowhere to go. She was already walking on thin ice with Pincher, and she didn't want to risk lighting the powder keg that would send her away for good.

Coming back with fresh, untreated wounds would definitely draw eyes though. If they were treated then she could avoid the draw that bright red colorant and the metallic scent that ichor often attracted others with, but she'd been stupid. She didn't bring her herbs with her because she was in a rush, in a rush to pursue false hopes and all she had found was someone who referred to her as Crowborough and that's when she knew she had messed up greatly.

So that left Lilyspoise to gather herbs from outside the main camp. She was lucky in the sense that it wasn't anything more than some deep cuts on her flank, and a surface level scratch leading down from her neck to her chest (thank the gods that the wound hadn't been deeper, because then she'd be in particularly hot water) so simple marigold, water, and bandaging would work just fine. The medic often found herself grateful that marigold was a weed that was found in practically every area, but she was especially so on this day.

Lil was plucking some of the flowers by the stem when she heard just the slightest of movements. It was really something she shouldn't have picked up on, but her paranoia kept her on guard almost always. It was probably only the rustle of wind, but that didn't stop the girl from arming herself with a bloodied scissor. Now, she was on the lookout for a potential threat, mangled ears perked and alert and lilac eyes somehow savage despite their bright coloring.
Lilyspoise would not be caught off guard-- not again, at least.

Re: my childhood spat back out the monster that you see ♕ private - ARGUS - 05-19-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus did not visit grave yards often. Knowing that it wasn't the dead that haunted her as much as it were the memories of their living. The precious people that she held dear to herself were few and far in between each other, met in congregations within the chaos of her mind. Maybe if argus was being sensible, she would note that none of what they screamed at her now was ever something they said. Would realize that her loved ones were her psyche's last defense to building a conscious that argus wouldn't do the opposite out of spite.

Still, within the graveyards of the clan there was a memorial that argus had made. A large bolder with engravings of names. Each one in elegant scrawl that did not falter in size, elegance of spacing with each variation and row. Such care in each word as if writing them down would silence the screaming inside her head. All four sides filled with names where there were little room for more. If one looked close enough they might find and engraving of someone living still. Someone who was lost and still alive.

Today was not a day like that.

No, today argus found herself fit enough to stretch her wings. Days of stuck to the ground had weakened the heavy muscle within her wings. Even if she never really used them much for transportation within the borders she still used them in combat, and to have a powerful punch enough to send someone her size with a broken rib- they were at the strength complicity at most knock the wind out of someone: If there was something she was, it was always battle ready, and having such a glaring weakness that her wings posed she would not tolerate them being anything but sharpened into a weapon.

So she was stuck on the remedial task of branching like a fledgling until Argus' wings didn't tremble with every near silent glide. Sharpened iron claws creating dents within the wood as she landed on each branch. Wing cushioning the landing that would break nearly every branch she landed on if not for. Instead swaying as she landed, creating the soft sound of a trea's trembling in the wind. when the scent of blood wafted in the air.

Wine red eyes narrowed in the direction as she made her way closer. Sticking to the tree's as she made her way closer. Lilypoise was hurt, even with minor cuts it was enough to catch the Officer from a good distance away. Watching the other stiffening as if sensing her presence- she didn't bother to announce herself. Merely jumping off off the tree branch she was on, hitting the floor with a near thud. A light chuckle bouncing through her maw as she offered the other an amused grin, relief in her eyes.

"Glad to know I'm not the only reckless one." And she was, really. But argus was not really saying only that either. She had never been good with expressing herself nor her emotions, and the barely concealed glad you're okay was hidden behind those words. As if she expected to tumble upon a body when she came here and well...

"Need some help there? I got some herbs on me." And she didn't. That much was obvious, but as she came closer her eyes flashed an electric blue and gauze and marigold settled at the witch doctor's feet. Her eyes going back to the illusive cover of red that argus preferred.

Argus did not ask what happened. Just taking into consideration the guarded look on the witch doctor. Caught off guard by the help of the usual aloof officer? Or maybe guarded from a previous experience. If she only needed herbs argus would leave then. But the way lilypoise seemed within the branches of the canopy before. She could not banish the sight of how lonely she looked. Could not find a way to reassure the voodoo-master to-be and herself as easily as it would to merely extend a hand in helping. So she chapped slowly

She garbed the marigold without prompting. The summoned flower crushed between teeth as the bitter taste of it flavored her tongue. She moved to gently apply it on one of the scratches lightly. Making her movements slow and easy for the other to dodge if she did not want the help.