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COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - Printable Version

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COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-08-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


tw: gore
Solo continuing from this thread
IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Seeing the brutality Sojourn had brought back had woken a sort of lust in the panther, a hungry grin carving his lips and twisting the scars on his mouth. The blood and positioning of the lioness had called forth a memory of what both he and his father had done, and he flicked his tail. Didn't matter anymore. He was hungry, he wanted to feed- no, kill.
He wanted to destroy something to feed the character that had snapped his ties to sanity, a manic gleam forming in his optics. Ignoring anything else and seeing only red, he turned and bounded away, away from the sane people, away from the outer commotion. Irrelevant little shits. They didn't matter.
He liked bloodlusts, they prevented him from thinking straight and only give him the thought of hunting. Kind of like a high.
A chuckle, sinister, slipped from between his maw and before he even knew it he found himself in enemy territory, the Typhoon. Wet little fuckers, they were. Who the fuck cared? He was on a high, the blood was rushing through his system and he opened his maw a little, letting strings of saliva slip from between rubbery gums as he tasted the air.
Ah, prey.
Let the hunt begin.

Fear hung in the air as the couple tried to run from an unknown presence, him, lurking, just out of reach. Tiny little things, he could almost squash them with a paw.
He examined their fur from afar, brightly colored, like a parrot. Would make a pretty gift, or he could dye it black or something. He'd have to be artistic first, which he was, but not with like painting or whatever.
Killing was an art, especially when you're experiencing it tenfold. He let the grin widen, pleased at the reaction he was getting before severing one's neck, watching the blood coat the other and it freeze, eyes widening and pupils dilating. He laughed, loud, causing the last one to whimper and shake in its place, unable to move.
"Maiming, it is then." He decided with a honeyed purr, his Italian accent coming in thick to coat his words smoothly, paralysing, hypnotising. The sun was going down, glowing the eyes of both him and it before he slowly made his way over, coat dripping with water, and nearly dragged a line from neck to underbelly, watching steaming hot guts roll out, a hungry gleam in his eyes. The animal was still alive but did he care?
Why would he?
He preferred fresh food after all.
Gently picking up the spilt guts and throwing them to the side caused the other's knees to buckle and it thud to the floor, much to his delight. "You are truly wonderful." A rumble of delight, and the panther began feasting, the screams of the animal like music accompanying his meal. The flesh was gamey, so what? Not like he minded. Food was food, no matter what the state.
He was making such a mess that he lost track of the point the animal died and instead carried on tearing into its flesh, his claws cutting through its skin like scissors would paper.
And oh yeah blood got on him.
Hell yeah it did.
He grinned, more to himself than anyone else. "Father, are you proud of me?" A warning mumble, the scars on his muzzle twitched and he hoisted both animals up, flinging them onto his back and  beginning to make his way home.
Adrenaline was still pumping, but the panther, now full, was slowly coming off the drunkness, feeling stuffed, a lazy grin on his face.
He chose to enter camp slightly away from the group, maybe find somebody artistic.
But most likely they'd look at him weird.
His muscles were visible, painted with crimson colors of different hues, but so what?
He found a spot and called out, "Anybody good with artsy stuff?"

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-09-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Although not nearly as bloodthirsty as her father, Aphra did enjoy the thrill of killing someone. Of course, she preferred to do it with poisons, especially the poison from a foxglove, so she didn't get her fur dirty. Blood got everywhere, you know? In her main body, she wanted to keep her pure white fur sparkling and well-kept, so slaughtering and getting blood all over her fur was a no-go. Besides, although The Typhoon identified as a warbound group, they weren't really known for their captures, tortures, or murders, so Aphra never really got the chance to show her true colors.

Not that she minded, of course. Unlike Caesar, Aphra wasn't too keen on killing random people unless they've done something to wrong her personally but for those who enjoyed killing just for the fun of it, she wouldn't judge. She had no reason to. Funnily enough, if she had been able to hear Jormungand's thought on his 'new clanmates' (not that he was gonna be a Wanderer for very long, she imagined), she probably would have laughed. The Coalition's leader was Sojourn, for fuck's sake. There's no way he would've gotten judgement for it.

"You know, Sojourn seems like the type to be artsy in that field." Aphra cooed to Jormungand, looking down at the catches he caught and letting out a rumble in her throat similar to a purr.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - Byriath - 03-09-2021

"Depends on what you want that would require someone that's 'artsy'." The kodiak bear rumbled, approaching the two. His snake-cat skin was slung over his neck and was a contrast of yellows compared to his dark fur. The skull of Xhocoatl hung from a necklace and was visible to all, bright yellow dye plastered over some of it. Byriath had yet to kill another since his execution of Xhocoatl and was unlikely to do it again for a while unless he desperately needed it. He had yet to really prove his mettle against a true opponent. But the war god did, in fact, enjoy violence and malicious intent.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-09-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Aphra came up and started purring at him, and due to the fact he wasn't completely off he wondered to himself what the bitch was trying to do. Surely not at his kill, he nearly scoffed. Nor was he planning on impregnating her again, so why was she trying to coo at him? He turned his gaze as Byriath approached slowly, questioning his reason for artsy people. "Well, you see, I'm trying to find something to do with this, since I think it looks kinda pretty or something." He shrugged, unsure what the bloodlust really wanted. Probably to skin the things and hang it up so he could wake up to the scent of blood?

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - Romulus - 03-09-2021

The tinge of blood in the air had never brought any pleasure. Nor would it ever bring good. Salt in the air and sly words in the distance had always brought demise, death, and disdain. Romulus, knowing his own parents and the group he was in, had never enforced such a narrative and kept to himself. Occasionally though, he had a run in or two. Today, to his distaste, was one of those days. With the scent lingering in his nostrils and his gaze narrowed on the soaked snow in the distance, the lion began to traverse over. His dull expression soured instantly.

Unlike Aphra's assumption, his judgement would show. As he grew closer, his gaze locked onto the crowd that had gathered. Aphra. Bryiath. Jormungand, a notable guest. A growl began to rumble from deep within. Pent up frustrations lashed out at Jormungand and he shot forward. His jagged claws attempted to grab at the other male's throat and push him to the floor, pinning him down by the throat. "Get rid of the body," he snapped. "You are a guest to the Coalition of the Condemned. This is not a free pass to kill-" A dramatic gesture of his free paw signaled out towards the colorful, stained body. "-our enemies."

For a moment, his periwinkle hues turned back towards his fellow wanderers. He lingered on Aphra mainly, only to whip back around. Sharp claws attempted to dig into further into his skin. "Keep your business off our territory," he viciously snapped. Any bloodshed that came from this would be Jormungand's fault.

Whether or not the panther agreed, he'd eventually pull away with a huff. Romulus doubted that his sister would agree with her brother's actions, given her deranged mindset, but he knew that this was the right choice... even if it was partially fueled by his own.

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-09-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
"For the time being, he is a Wanderer." Aphra shot back at Romulus, but made no attempt to try and stop the lion from trying to attack Jormungand. Not really out of respect for her own body per say, mostly because she knew that she wouldn't want to get into a fight with Romulus, of all people here. Byriath was also a notable mention. Sojourn too, probably. "He can do what he pleases here, I should think." Of course that wasn't her decision to make, but did she even consider that? Of course not.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - Romulus - 03-09-2021

The eyes of the lion redirected towards Aphra. Inferno wasn't raised right and it was clear as to why with her ignorance and selfish attitude. He hadn't known her for long, but given the situation, he knew that there was no getting through her thick skull. Slitted hues narrowed. His arguement came anyways. "He is no wanderer," Romulus managed to shoot back. "If he spills blood on our land and gets us in a predicament, then his actions will fall on us."

He shifted in his spot. His blunt demeanor and tall stature hovered over her with periwinkle hues looking down at her in disgust. "He can run back to The Pitt and choose not to live through the consequences of his bloodshed anytime." Romulus' stature tensed.  "But we will." He would find a way to manage if trouble came, but he couldn't say the same for the rest of the wanderers. In a hypothetical situation such as this, the lion couldn't say that he would necessarily care, but he would at least fight.

A final growl exited him. "I do not care who you copulate with, but do not support the actions of a man who has no sympathy for the land on which he stands." Especially one that would endanger them. He would think she would care, considering her pregnancy, but considering that Inferno 'wasn't raised right,' he knew her selfish nature wouldn't see the travesty in Jormungand's actions.

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - Byriath - 03-10-2021

Romulus' arrival made the Kodiak bear lean forward in interest. His actions made him recoil but grin, body shifting back into his base Xenosmilus. "He is only visiting. As the group he's visiting with, we should lay some base rules. There's no reason to cause more bloodshed." he chided, the grin wide on his scarred face. For once, he sided with Romulus on the basis that he would rather kill for the group as a whole and not himself.

The words turned into a laugh, then fizzled into a growl. "Even I know when is the right time to commit murder. And I thrive off it." he rumbled, sitting down and tugging at the snake cat skin.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-10-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
"I see no reason why he shouldn't go off on a murder-spree, if that's what he wants." Aphra replied, flattening her ears as Romulus looked over at her with what seemed to be irritation. Honestly, she couldn't believe that she was defending a Pittian herself, even if he was only staying with the Coalition for the time being. For the time that he was here, she felt, he should be considered a Wanderer. Considering that he came here on his own accord; Aphra didn't particularly want him here despite what it looked like. "Especially considering Sojourn went and did it herself." The first one, actually. The one who probably sparked the idea within Jormungand's head.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: COMING OFF A HIGH // o, bloodlust (tw; gore) - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-10-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Sure he was expecting outbursts but not such a big one from Romulus, but he didn't react as the brute pinned him down, digging his claws into his skin. A chuckle came out of his parted jaws, choked down by him pressing down harder until the panther felt blood. Who cares? He gave the lion a smirk, touching his paws with his own black ones and watching the other let him loose. He stood up, shaking his fur, and began stroking the injured area with a rough tongue. He then brought up some boring shit about "our enemy", so if the Typhoon were their enemy why did he have such a big problem helping them kill their enemy? He shook his head, slightly confused but said nothing and instead watched the exchange of words between him and Aphra.
Not like he knew any of the rules here, because nobody bothered to tell him any, but oh well. Sojourn had actually spurred him on with her killing "our enemy", but hey, he wasn't complaining.
The bear spoke up, laying down the most basic rule. No reason to commit bloodshed.
Nor Jor decided he liked the bear and didn't like Romulus. Byriath he could respect as he seemed peaceful enough and didn't attack Jor on sight.
"Alright, thanks for the clarification." He completely ignored Romulus and addressed the bear-now-xenosmilus cat thing. Aphra started defending him, and he looked at her in interest. She seemed to despise Romulus as much as he does, and that made a smile form on his lips.
"Anything you'd like to dish out against her, take it out on me." He warned, a growl slowly forming. "Harm my kits and my blood won't be the only one spilt." Sure he had no romantic attraction to Aphra, but she was still the mother of his children and he was protective of the unborn.