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another council - open; tanglewood - Printable Version

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another council - open; tanglewood - rhosmari - 03-07-2021

She had prayed that she wouldn't have to come here again. But there was unfinished business and she was here to work out peace officially. She cared little that Dante was injured and suffering because of what was mandated. His suffering was not what she wanted. Initially she had but he was not the main issue. From the bloodied past that the groups held between one another she wanted silence. No contact for a good long while so that everyone could grow from mistakes past before reaching out again. This was the purpose of her's. But she was also not afraid to declare war either. But the first step while everyone was recovering after Aurum's death was to hold the peace. She had not come alone though. After the last time she had no faith, no trust in the Pitt. Especially when it came to their own.

The lioness walked forth with her normal adornments, black and red paint sculpted over her figure. Crocodile skull worn over her head and hiding her expression from view. Her two confidantes had come with her. Both Moth and Arrow at her side. She felt more confident to have them here. More at ease with her moon with her. She glanced to the king cheetah before she paused within the desert, tail swaying back and forth. She supposed she should say something. The flames along her back and tail cracked and brightened with her unease of standing here. "Gael! He has guests at his border!" She roared out before she waited there.

@— arrow

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - trojan g. - 03-07-2021

Moth knew what she was potentially getting herself into by coming to the Pitt once more. The last two times she had been here had been more than friendly for herself, but she knew that friendliness couldn’t always last. Moth knew the Pitt the most out of the three of them, having stayed with them for a short amount of time when she had come back from the dead, but it didn’t mean that things didn’t change. If they had she could only hope for the better.

Stopping at the border to the desert dwelling group the jaguar would sit and wait, watching to see if anyone would come.

[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - arrow - 03-07-2021

Head up, spirit up. That’s how she was gonna approach this situation, especially since she wasn’t sure how the Pitt would respond to a second Tanglewood visit, for all they knew this could have still been about Elsweyr’s attack, considering she was here in all her powerful flaming glory. Hopefully there would be no more ass kicking, or any petty spats like when Aurum grabbed the gang and knocked on the desert door with less than friendly intentions. The Pitt had moved into an era of wanting to be left alone it seemed, which was fine, but that couldn’t have mixed will with the swamp neighbors barging in. However, she thought the trio was a good mix. Els was professional, Moth wasn’t exactly intimidating, and she had her kid wandering around here somewhere, and as for Arrow herself...y’know, emotional support. And hopefully killer of tensions, that always sparked an issue.

”Not gonna lie, being here as a ghost was much easier. I forgot how much I hate the sun.” Arrow stuck her tongue out playfully, squinting at the bright light of day with no large malformed trees to keep her eyes safe. ”We come in peace, earthlings.”
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - Kold - 03-07-2021

The air seemed alive with electricity, even before the caw of an eagle could be heard from above, answering Els's roar wordlessly before the electrified griffin landed before the three. The electricity in the air seemed to weaken as the griffin turned to look at them. "Dante is dealing with his injuries. I've recently shocked him by accident. What more do you tanglers want?" She questioned, tilting her head. Kold was starting to think that these Tanglers wanted to start shit, knocking on the doors of the Pitt almost every month.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - gael - 03-07-2021

The vulpine found his brows creasing, hazel gaze smoothly identifying each Tangler with genuine curiosity.  Arrow's presence was expected and Moth was considered welcome in his view, but the duo, along with Elsweyr raised his interest, and his suspicions.

Gael tilted his head as he halted besides Kold.  While his Marauder spoke of the hybrid, the vulpine found himself doubting that Dante was the entire cause of another Tanglewood visit.  Odds were they had something else on their mind as well.

"And what do these guests want?" Gael inquired, his neutral words and gaze directed on Elsweyr.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - Atticus Roux - 03-07-2021

The smell of muck and junk had always strangled reminded him of home. After all, Tanglewood was where he resided as a child and partially as an adult, but that affair had ended soon after the war between the Coalition of the Condemned and them. Even so, Atticus couldn't help but feel sympathetic. As he arrived, his yellow hues traced their silhouettes, recognizing a few from the crowd. Luckily, he held no grudge with any. Aurum and Atbash, on the other hand, would be a problem. He was thankful only these three decided to show. With that in mind, he didn't choose to stop at Gael's side and instead traversed past the border, crossing into the neutral lands.

Atticus attempted to brush his muzzle against his mother's chin in greeting. "Mom," he muttered. "I didn't expect a visit so soon." He hadn't exactly told her where he'd run off to either, but if it wasn't obvious to her, then the canine would be surprised. Aurum had falsely banished him, after all. The Pittian tried to push away from the subject though, instead focusing on his greeting and whatever business they had to attend to. "It's good to see you."

Pulling away, his focus moved to Elsweyr. The shadow regent's visit wasn't unexpected, especially after their previous negotiations, but he didn't expect anyone else besides Arrow to punish Dante. Before he could spit out his own questions, Gael had already beat him to the punch. "A pleasure seeing you both also," he directed towards the couple. "Why are you all here?" Especially Moth. He didn't need her hurt... again.

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - rhosmari - 03-09-2021

The woman refused to get into another argument or even unnecessary aggression. So she chose to ignore the first one that approached. If they had forgotten the terms that had been set down then that was not her fault. So instead she waited for the leader, nervous energy rippling through her as she finally allowed her eyes to rest upon the Ardent. Slowly, carefully, she gave him a nod of greeting before she looked at the two women at her sides. This should be fine but as Atticus came forward she was reminded of what she had been told the former meeting had went down and she breathed out in a rush. The same question had been asked of her from both and so she merely went with this. "She is here to visit and have Arrow make sure that Dante's puminshment is sufficient. This was what she was told was the deal when Aurum had visited here last. But she is also here to offer the Pitt a true neutrality, not just a truce.  She believes if we are to maintain it then she wishes for these terms to be accepted. No Pittian unless of dire strait may come to Tanglewood's borders and vice versa. The only exception she is willing to have is Atticus as he has risked more for Tanglewood than any Pittian has."

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - arrow - 03-11-2021

”Yeah...sorry about not checking in. Things on the homefront took precedence. Besides, I’m sure I trust you to bring the hammer down on your own, Gael, sir.” Arrow shrugged with a friendly enough smile with a returned look of neutrality, having no reason to come off as hostile. This was the most civilized conversation with the Pitt she’d ever had, it still felt weird. Not to mention, standing beside Elsweyr as she addressed them only solidified her realization that she was in charge, and Aurum was dead. Strange. ”The desert’s a cruel mistress, bet she’d whip Dante back in shape more than I ever could.” She was joking of course, but there was a little bit of truth in there too. Cleaning sand out of open wounds? Yikes.

She looked over to Atticus when she heard his voice, waving a little paw in response. Ah, man, she felt bad. She should’ve said something instead of just laying down like a dog and letting Atticus take the hits for a mistake that wasn’t his own. Arrow glanced back at Elsweyr, wondering if she could or should say anything that crossed into personal territory, but she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to get another chance. ”Hey, Atticus! Glad you made it back here safely and shit, the road gets wild. Or maybe I just always find the bad ones. Anyway, Elsweyr’s right, some...incidents that happened weren’t fair for you, like, at all. You’re free to go back and forth all damn day, I promise we don’t all want you gone. I’m sure Mama don’t.” Arrow’s tail curled over the Luminary’s back, arching down to point at Moth to prove her point. ”I’m sorry, man. And to Gael, we should’ve knocked last time before entering, eh?”

[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - aine. - 03-14-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The petite deer-fox flicked her ears.  Uneasy as she trotted forward, quietly catching up to her father and Kold.  Simply staying close to the two.  Hazel hues shifting to Moth for a moment.  Offering something of a brief, although still shy, smile.  Hard to protest about a mother who brought books...

Even if she still didn't particularly like Elsweyr.  Though not truly for her attitude no... Like Aurum the lioness carried fire with her.  The dangerous element seemed apart of her.  Aine chewed the inside of her cheek, eyes staying distinctly away.  Ignoring the tightness in her chest.

She listened in silence.  Satisfied with the prospect on the table.  Firmly against any more unnecessary bloodshed.  Certainly didn't mind staying out of the swamp... Or not seeing anymore flaming lions in her home. 

The fleshweaver felt confident her father would agree to it all too, though she frowned lightly.  "... An- and... Sweeny?" She inquired softly.  After all, the girl had yet to return to them.  The least the Tanglers could do was give an update about her.

Re: another council - open; tanglewood - rhosmari - 03-15-2021

Of course he had no idea what was happening here. After all he was just a common visitor. Someone who was just as fleeting as the passing day. But he could say that he was intrigued about what was going on here. Seemed there was some unwarranted tensions between these groups and frankly he couldn't understand why. Group politics had never been his thing and the pink hued serval would rather be able to walk freely and he with him he wanted and choose to be with. Though some groups to his knowledge restricted things like that. Maybe that was why he never pledged himself to one group or another. They just seemed backwards to him. And yet here he was now, claiming he was just a separate entity.

He doubted that they would say anything to him anyway. With a soft hum the male walked forward with his eyes wide as he looked up these Tanglewood members. Smelling the scent of swamp and mud upon their bodies. It wasn't bad but be preferred the floral smells of the world. "You all seem oddly stressed. Relax a little..." He offered his advice as he sat down and waited to see just what all of this was about.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]