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WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - Printable Version

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WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-07-2021

After having made his trips to the groups with his news of becoming the new legate of Palm Glades, well, he was exhausted to say the least and his paws were horribly sore. A tired smile on his maw as he shuffled his paws through the sand only to notice that there was a full moon out tonight, perhaps he would do something special for all of those living within the group even if he felt a bit uneasy about his own idea. Winterhymns Pendragon did not like fire in the slightest, in fact, it was something he had grown scared of but he was already gathering bits of dead wood and scattered twigs into a pile. For bigger pieces of wood or logs, he would shapeshift into his polar bear form dragging it closer to the pile until he had a decent sized one. He shrunk back into his birth body staring at what was in front of him deciding that he'd start the fire... The traditional way seeing as he didn't really seem to possess fire elementals of any sort. He was unsure if anyone within Palm Glades possessed it as he watched the flicker and eventually the fire lapping at the wood eagerly.

He took some steps back feeling his pupils start to widen and not even realizing it, his entire body began to shake. Memories that he wished not to remember would resurface at the mere sight of the dancing flames but the sound of someone's voice broke him out of it, a NPC... Winnie took a deep breath only to say with a smile "I must be a bit cold is all, I'm fine." He grabbed a small blanket wrapping it around himself before pushing forward marshmallows, chocolates, and graham crackers. He found some lovely coconuts to use as beverages placing them all out before finishing it all off by putting blankets and pillows around the bonfire. A night for them to all relax and enjoy one another's company, that was what he wished for... Even if the fire brought him unease.

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - rowena. - 03-07-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
Fire.  The tiny kitten had little to no experience with it.  Flames were kept small on board her mother's ship.  Controlled.  It never crackled and danced.  Never like what sat in front of her.  Reflecting within large seagreen hues.  A wild light.

Webbed paws crept a little closer.  Before edging back.  Snow white fur raising slightly.  It certainly got hot up close.  And a coconut soon captured her brief attention.  Nosing it slightly and giggling at the liquid swishing inside.  Rounded ears perked idly.  Caught Winterhymns dismissive voice.  Unaware of his plight but... Sensing a lie.

Adults rarely meant it when they said 'I'm fine'.  But she didn't like to push.  Didn't see anything amiss.  So maybe he really was.  She didn't know.  But she did know he was the one who made the big fire.  So that was cool.

"[abbr=hello/god to you]Dia dhuit!" Best to be polite and say hello, even if she was rocking on her paws, focus seeming to flicker from Winterhymns to the flames, and back again. 

"How did you make the big fire?" Rowena asked brightly, head falling to one side.  Eyes rapt in attention (for the moment).  After all, she'd never seen wood just... Light up.  He must've done something to it.  There didn't seem to be a candle anywhere either...

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - SÉAMUS - 03-07-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
"Careful, Rowa," the Irishman called, quickly following his daughter to the flames.  It was no surprise to him the curious girl wanted to get close, but he felt relieved to see she had the sense of mind to back into a safe distance.  Séamus breathed quietly, shaking his head to himself.

"Dia dhuit.  The fire looks good.  How're ya, lad?" A prince and former captain, the faerie knew a thing or two about leadership -- it could be a burden, especially when it came abruptly.  Winterhymns seemed a good-natured lad from word around, so the wildcat felt confident he'd do well.  He knows how to throw a good bonfire.

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-08-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
"What does that mean?" Drayden asked Séamus as he came over, referring to the greeting that the Irishman and his daughter spoke. "Rowena's said it to me before." He explained, not wanting it to seem like it was his first time hearing the words. It was only his second time, actually, but now he was curious. Of course, Séamus speaking a strange language isn't what brought the snow leopard over, it was the bonfire.

"S-sorry, I don't think we've met." Drayden caught himself, still looking at Séamus as he spoke. "I'm Drayden Cipher." He took a seat next to the Irishman, wrapping his long tail around his paws. Even though he was built for the cold, it was still rather nice to be near the fire. Looking over at Winterhymns, though, he could tell the Legate was a little nervous over something - though he shrugged it off as the guy being nervous over taking over and not something else. "Hi, Winter." He greeted.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-09-2021

He had been distracted by his own thought process and looking away from the fire not realizing that someone had approached. Her voice made his ears twitched as he returned to his senses to see her, a soft smile forming itself onto his maw realizing that the little one was speaking Gaelic... Something he was familiar with but for different reasons, he took a deep breath as he returned the greeting in a polite manner "Dia dhuit!" A gentle smile on his maw then she inquired how he had made the big fire, his smile faltering in that moment as he glanced over to the dancing flames feeling his skin crawl at the mere sight of it. "Well, that is a very good question. I gathered plenty of wood only to use some flint and steel to start it... It is very warm but you must be careful, fire should never be played with." His gaze lingered as he added in a slightly distant voice "It's dangerous..."

The sound of someone else's voice caused him to turn away from the fire and he would smile at Séamus "Why hello there." His tail flicked slightly to the sides listening to the other speak before responding with a curt nod "Ah, I'm glad that the fire is good. I just hope my small setup is as well. I am doing rather well, I'm still adjusting to the sudden changes but I know it'll be fine. What about you?" There was a pause realizing that he had never introduced himself to Séamus or met the other until now, he proceeded to do so with a friendly nod "Ah, pardon me. I don't believe that we have properly met. I am Winterhymns Pendragon though feel free to call me Win or Winnie. Whatever suits your fancy," A soft chuckle left his maw with a tilt of his head though upon the arrival of Drayden his attention shifted.

He was inquiring what da dhuit meant and Winter couldn't help but reply with a low purr "It means hello in Gaelic, I believe." He recalled how his ex husband had used it several times whenever greeting or speaking to an ally, he was usually uneasy at the mere memory but having people like Rowena and Séamus there to potentially be associated with Gaelic was relieving to the legate. He preferred them a lot more than the other association and he could only be relieved that the other was... Well, dead. He broke away from these thoughts of his as Drayden greeted him and he'd chirp back in response "Hello Drayden." The presence of his clanmates were comforting him despite his unease towards the fire, he would try to ignore it and enjoy the night.

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - SÉAMUS - 03-09-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The faerie continued to grin, happy to relax and talk -- the side gain of information was valuable as well, but he truly enjoyed being social when opportunities arose, listening to Winterhymns with rapt attention.  "Recovering," he chuckled lightheartedly.  "The journey 'ere was a little rough.

Pleased to introduce himself properly, the wildcat bowed his head, taking note of Winterhymns full name and Drayden's, with particular interest.  Not everyday you're happy to run into the Cipher name.  "Séamus Ó Faoláin -- my girl 'ere, is Rowena.  I call 'er Rowa for short.  Rhinestonestar found us after we crashed ashore." Quite literally, his eyes gleamed.

"Dia dhuit is hello, in Irish -- or Gaelic, if you like to call it that.  If you're interested in a direct translation, it means 'god to you'." The phrase felt a great deal more formal in that context, to the pirate, but he had been using it for years.

Neatly resting his tail over his paws, the faerie allowed his head to fall to the side in a questioning manner.  Now seemed a decent time to present the inquiry resting on his mind since their sailboat crashed.  "If I may ask; I am curious if the Palm Glades 'as any neighbors.  I'll admit this shore was not my planned destination, and I'd like to know if I 'it close to my mark or not.Keona wouldn't like to hear I'm half-way across the sea.

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, it was Irish. Or... Gaelic, as Séamus and Winterhymns called it. "Is there a difference between Irish and Gaelic?" Drayden asked, curious now. "Dia dhuit." The snow leopard echoed, trying to say the strange words and his tongue becoming rather... twisted. Metaphorically speaking, of course. The boy's nose wrinkled at his pronunciation, not entirely satisfied with how it sounded. Maybe he could try it more often to become more familar with it.

At Séamus's question, though, Drayden looked over at Winter as he replied, "The Typhoon are our neighbors." He knew they were allies and that they weren't that far from the Glades's territory, considering Drayden ended up stumbling here himself from there.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER ☆ bonfire - rowena. - 03-10-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
Flint and steel.  Flint and steel made fire.  The energetic kitten nodded, gaze locking on the flames once more.  It didn't seem too dangerous to her... A little hot though.  The way it flickered... It seemed kind of playful...  Maybe it played too much sometimes.  And got into trouble.

At the sound of her father's voice, Rowena's mink-esque body did a full turn.  Grinning happily.  "Dia is Muire duit, da!" Proper response.  She giggled.

Rolling over, pawing at a coconut again, she continued to... Mostly... Listen.  Partially invested in the swish-swooshof liquid every time her paw touched the cup.  "Irish is Gaelic.  But it's not the only Gaelic!" She announced.  A little... Vague.  But made sense to her.  Of course, she only knew Irish.  Didn't know much about Scottish.  Her father probably did.  He was much older.  Smarter.

But before it occurred to her to explain better, Drayden said the Typhoon.  Rowena jumped to her paws.  "That's where da wanted to go! They're his crew!"